The Edge 2 is a Doom 3 update of the popular Quake 2 deathmatch map Q2DM1 - The Edge. There's a control room overlooking the chamber's interior. Proceed to storage first. Grab some supplies from this storage area. Point your chainsaw at them and slice and dice the lost souls as they approach. Its code is 409. Drop down into the next hallway. While all research has been moved to newer structures, this aging facility still serves as the primary material transfer point between Area 2 and Site 3. Enter the door marked executive offices. The projectile attack isn't particularly quick so it's easy to dodge. Note that it is possible to shoot down the rockets, which can also be a slight problem too. In Alpha Labs - Sector 4, read the writing on the orange cargo containers at the main conveyer. Cherubs arrive once all three are dead. Enter the lobby and speak with Counselor Shawn. Use the soul cube if possible. The PDA includes a cabinet code. Keep your eyes peeled for more baby faces before lettings your guard down. It's accessible from both sides. Maneuver around to the far door to initiate the cut scene. Now you must decide to transmit the message or cancel it. Blast them then find a med kit in their dark corner. Watch the floating body on the right then battle a couple imps that teleport in. Grab the items there before using the door on the left. Walk out and battle the cacodemons. Move into the sector junction and be ready for a big fight. Proceed to the airlock. Climb down the ladder and back outside. If you go all the way to the catwalk's end, you'll find some supplies. Activate the stasis conveyer; the transfer tube provides light for you to move through. Shroud D3DM5 in darkness by shutting down the generator. It possesses decent damage, rate of fire, and clip-size. It's id Software's personal data assistant. Beware of the imp that enters behind you. Unlock the secured area using this computer console. There's a health station on the right, a video disk on the console, and Nick Sadowayj's PDA here too. A surface, such as a wall, a floor, or a ceiling, becomes a "window" allowing to see another part of the level. Move to the right and find a PDA on the desk near a storage locker. Finally a team of imps comes in. Move through the hall and kill the guard. Aim true and let er rip. Follow the hall to its end to find a secured door. A bunch of spiders enter. Turn right and spot the storage locker. These include the "z-sec" and commando variety. Ignore it for now. It also moves directly into the lab containing the teleporter to the berserk. After defeating the imps, beware of the soldiers and their chain guns. Scamper to the alcove and find a hidden plasma gun. Check the weapon and enemies section of this game guide for details on the best weapons to use against particular enemies. A revenant patrols the upper pipeline. When all seekers die, turn toward the guardian and blast the blue orb with rockets, the BFG, or the plasma. It's a weapon acquired late in the game and offers some unique properties. Search storage rooms for armor, health, and ammo. Yes, this boss fires the BFG. Use the health station, gather armor, and then go through the door. Wait until the room is blue and quickly drop to the berserk and get back out. A large squad of lost souls appears and its best to fight them at a chokepoint. Note the Lab A meeting room number: 627. Use the health station as needed then enter the alpha labs junction. Don't turn corners or enter new rooms with just five bullets left in the clip. Toss grenades at the Vagary, fill it full of chain gun lead, or use the plasma gun if you scored it early through thorough exploration. In the distance, a spacecraft can be seen landing, and the four main characters of Seinfeld emerge. Doom 3 combines the best graphics ever with the intense shooter action Doom fans were craving for. Listen to the audio file in your new PDA. Drop into the crawlspace and find the first ladder. Beware of lost souls flying around this chamber. Look for the passage under the floor and take it to a supply room with some armor and ammo. Your best counter is a powerful weapon that excels at both long and short ranges. Defeat more beasts in this narrow hall. It includes code for cabinet #039--the code is 102. Search the back corner for ammo then enter the door marked garage. Doom 3 was originally released for Microsoft Windows on August 3, 2004, adapted for Linux later that year, and ported by Aspyr Media for Mac OS X in 2005. Ascend ramp and battle some cherubs near a health station and supply rack. Jump through the broken glass and search the room for grenades, ammo, and health. Use it to reach the next level up. Exit and cross the hall to the other door. Note the location of health machines and return to them repeatedly if needed. The resulting blow knocks you around and can cause disorientation. For the most part, zombies are a pushover. You're now in the central access. Jump through and use the code 123 to open the storage locker. Switch to your chain gun and remain on the broken lift. Defeat the cacodemon then open the cabinet with the code 298. Search the wall for an open vent and find a PDA inside; it's Tony Bates. The facility also houses data archives and a global network access station. Defeat the two imps then search the lobby and restroom for supplies. Fix the door panel and move through. Look for opportunities to shoot an explosive barrel to cause blast damage against nearby foes. Approach the console on the right. Use the health station and gather the items from the room. As with most Doom 3 enemies, expect to face more than one cherub. Search the dark, red-lit hallway and find a chain gun at its end. You've reached J. Edwards. Note the path on the right. As you start down the path, cherubs spawn behind you. Grabbing it triggers the arrival of imps and ticks. It's a good place for the soul cube if you've been saving it up. Toxins fill the next room. Enter the reactor room. Enter the security room and defeat the guard. The locker is just to the right and includes your first BFG cell. A monitor in the satellite control center on the communications level displays an old Doom cheat code: IDSPISPOPD. Go to the console and grab the video disk and Larry Bullman's PDA. Walk down the stairs into the main communications room to receive a new objective. One of the map's key rooms is a multi-exit room just outside the reactor room. Use the explosive barrel on the bottom as explosive assistance against any opponents wandering the ground floor. Speak with M. Ryan. Defeat these cherubs with bursts from your plasma gun. An arch vile patrols inside. Start up the staircase and defeat the imps that appear. Open the locked passage at this console in sub system control. Crush the arch vile inside the room with your rocket launcher. Start back toward the freight area. Cycle through the security cameras. Just back pedal and watch the cyberdemon follow. Enter the maintenance area on the left. Since it does have the warm up time, the chain gun isn't as useful in blasting ticks or lost souls. Objective: Enpro Plant. Exit the elevator and watch the cut scene. Use the soul cube when available. I've gotten to the decontamination chamber (the one that fails because theres some big lump of red mulch stuck before it) Any ideas? You can go to left two but you'll find it blocked. Exit through the unlocked door. Grab ammo and armor from the right. Beware of the tick that leaps out. Objective: Obtain Replacement Door Panel. Objective: Main Communications Room. There are many zombies lurking about so be ready. Exit and take him down with your pistol. Blast them with your shotgun rounds. Descend the stairs in pipe maintenance and be prepared for a fight. Fight the maggots during your trek. Spiders appear in front of you and occasionally behind you so turn around often. Proceed through. The PC version was sold as an expansion pack, requiring Doom 3 to install. You can smack an enemy with the flashlight or switch to your fists. Ready the shotgun. Nail the giant spiders as they drop down then back up into the previous junction to get a good shot at them. Reach Marine HQ and move inside to find Sergeant Kelly. Proceed through the open area. At close-range, an accurate shotgun blast can eliminate these enemies in a single blast. Locate the berserk in The Edge 2's central room. Circle strafe around and avoid being in front of him. Line up your chainsaw with the approaching lost soul and grind the flaming head into oblivion. Return to the main hallway and battle the beasts that arrive. Maneuver through the hall and drop down into artifact research. Approach and click your mouse button on the id logo. Just don't bother at long-range. Therefore, allowing him to remain alive is dangerous every second he remains in existence. Find health on the right. Input the code 826. It's wise to save the ammunition for tougher foes but if you need to kill an imp fast, there's not really a better substitute. Descend the stairs and enter the bottom chamber. Ready your shotgun and open the door. As soon as you see a body inside the chamber, click on the chamber console to activate the frag. The downsides to the plasma gun are reload time and ammunition availability. The imp is the enemy you can expect to face the most in Doom 3. A hell knight waits in an alcove to the left. Like the imp, the hell knight tosses a projectile attack from long-range and engages with brute melee force at close-range. There's no shortage of ammo here. If you're facing more than one, retreat through a doorway and fire from under the safety of a roof. The next room contains a couple imps. Go snag Brian Mora's PDA to receive new security clearance. Expect to face cacodemons in numbers. Although they're hovering, the cacodemons can be lured into chokepoints like doorways and halls. Save it for the toughest monsters. Battle the soldier and a handful of guards. Return to the opposite door and move through. Kill it fast with the plasma or chain gun. Before returning to your new friend, return through the security and up the hazardous materials bin. Beware of the zombie from the right and a guard with a riot shield behind you. The zombies are a diverse set of enemies. Press the panel to activate the bridge. Keep him slightly out of the line of fire for most of the battle so you don't suffer the massive blast of his rocket projectiles. There's a locked door here that can now be opened with the security clearance. Move into the room until the imp appears. Security. That one spider has friends, though. Defeat them then enter the checkpoint and use code 571 to open the heavy weapons locker to recover a rocket launcher. Watch out for a few guards and an imp. While in berserk mode, your punches obliterate enemies. Reach the Enpro Plant as quickly as possible. It contains a rocket launcher. Now you can go through the bay door and find a bunch ticks. Cross the room and be ready to combat a trio of zombies up the stairs to the left. Imps wait to ambush you to the left and right. Only top level personnel have access to the central control room and activation grid for the primary test chamber. Grab the supplies and use the health station if needed. But there is a trick. Fly cheat is unintentionally disabled. Move cautiously and be ready for spawning monsters. Cross the room to the next doorway. Clean up any spawned monsters before using the lift to the next level. Move through the door and enter the door on the right. Search the area for ammo and health. The products discussed here were independently chosen by our editors. The lights pop off. Utilize this bridge to rotate to several different rooms and passages. Blast the zombie and guard. Ready your shotgun (the best close-range weapon) and fire when the z-sec enters into your line of fire. Continue through the next door to find the storage locker mentioned in the PDA. Reach the next monorail station. Kill the zombie to the left in this junction hallway then enter the infirmary access on the right. Score this hidden plasma gun far before you'd get it otherwise. Reach the next large room and spot the locked plasma storage door. This game guide covers everything you need to know to conquer id Software's latest creation. Delta Labs Research Facility - Sector 2 South contains the matter transfer division focusing on human experimentation and other biological testing. Enter CPU processing. Go right and spot the health items in the recess below. There's a health station to the left. Portals allow a map to have a geometry not normally possible in a "2.5D" engine such as Doom. Go left and find the lift access door. Enter the second lift room. Wait for the rotating platform to reach you, hop on, and get off at the unlocked door. Use the console to activate a sentry bot. A teleporter underneath the berserk sends you back into the map. Defeat it and any minions to unlock the exit door. Manually override the monorail airlock systems. Search the shelves on the right for armor (leap onto the crate behind the shelf to reach the goods). Find the chain gun on the top of some equipment. Or time a drop carefully and grab the megasphere before your opponent can react. You need to drop off to the closest platform. and pick up Bernie Lipsitz's PDA off of the ground. Try to use the door panel and receive a new objective. Use the health station if needed. Spot the BFG cube here. Defeat the materializing monster before resuming course behind the sentry bot. Grab Jack Smith's PDA and check it out. Lure them into your shotgun blast. Alpha labs - Sector 2 processes and stores hydrogen fuel through the facility's primary system, the molecular fuel storage compactor. Use pad 2 security to enter the locked security office. Get to a pillar and use it as cover against the mancubus' weaponry. The lights switch off and monsters teleport in. He offers up his PDA, which includes security codes as well as an email referencing Quake 43. In this first rocket launcher room, a panel on the upper catwalk can switch off the room's lights. Fire some rockets immediately to detonate the first BFG blast then try to keep cover between you and the Saboath. It's near some crates along the back wall. Approach the main console and listen to the guy's plea for help. He reveals a code to access his tools--396--storage locker near maintenance elevator. Jump to the platform to the right and maneuver into the narrow hall. Defeat some zombies then follow the new path. Use the rising cylinder to reach the upper catwalk. Continue into the MFS compressor room and battle a group of enemies before finding the storage locker behind the compressor. Beware of a couple soldiers that ambush you from behind. Obtain an ACO key card for access. The central room also contains a long lift. Enter the lift and proceed to level two, communications. Enter power core access where the bot comes to a rest. A Doom sequel just wouldn't be the same without the chainsaw. Go through the door on the right. Enter central maintenance but back out after triggering the monsters. After a scary "episode" another imp arrives. Cross the MFS compressor room. Locate the security card to gain access to the dig site. Go through the door on the right. Climb the ladder. When the soldier is close, move out of cover and blast the enemy with your shotgun. Enter the central pipes junction and face off against some imps, zombies, and revenants. The plasma gun is positioned in a room containing some sort of piston machine (you may recognize a similar section from the single-player game). Go through the exit door into the secondary level. Locate the entrance to Alpha Labs Sector 4. A trio of imps drops down to your right. There's also some hidden ammo, health, and armor in the room. Enter the door marked Alpha Labs. Be ready to move once the arch vile fires its ground flame attack. Exit and face off against a revenant then imp. You can't open the door marked "Power Routing/Control" here so turn around and enter the opposite door. Find the pump control panel to shut down the malfunctioning pump. Use the controls to grab two toxic barrels and drop them into the disposal chute on the far left. When the soul cube announces its availability, you don't have to use it immediately. Take out another guard from long-range then a second that crawls from a hole near the console in the left corner. Approach the ladder at the end. Speak with the nearby marines if you want then enter headquarters, which completes your objective and initiates another. Remember that the pistol doesn't inflict the damage of better weapons so it'll take much longer to kill an enemy. Proceed to the right. Eliminate remaining enemies and follow the glowing glyphs on the ground toward an ammo stash--including a rocket launcher. Sector 2 primarily refines and recycles chemical and biological waste. And certainly the rocket launcher has the power to take down the pinky beast. Continue to the end and enter storage area. Another waits at the top. The communications tower is the primary link for off-planet communications. Enter the lift access and defeat a couple more imps. Kill the imp and a couple machinegun guards ahead. A zombie patrols the top floor and another hides in a corner in a right alcove ahead of you. Doom 3 - Objective 30: Reach the Main Portal (Concluded, through Delta Labs 3 and 4), Switch Kombo Bros 546 subscribers Subscribe 491 views 1 year ago Check our playlists for more! Battle the imps and guards in the next room. There's the door panel in the right cabinet. Maneuver down the hall and battle a mixed group of enemies. Drop down to the left and find some armor. Continue to the room of stairs where a hell knight and support ticks appear. As the door opens, blast the imp that leaps at you. Use the console and receive word from your apparent enemy. The commando with chain gun is similar to the z-sec soldier; he'll take cover occasionally and can certain inflict decent damage with the high rate-of-fire chain gun. Battle the zombies and imps. You'll spot a trapped scientist on one of them. Explore your PDA and read your emails and view the Marine Command Briefing video disk. Return to the hall and go left. Grab Charles Hollies' PDA, which includes a cabinet code 142. With the premium on ammunition, make your BFG shot count. Exit and go right into stasis transfer. building. Enter this control room and speak with the technician for your next objective. Start back toward the level entrance. The emails include the code for Junction 5, Site 2 airlock: 826. Find C. Rodgers behind some crates down the next staircase. A second appears to the left. Shoot the barrels to clear it out before searching it. But its powerful and fast firing cannons mean you should keep your distance. Enter Elizabeth McNeil's office in the back corner. Find your first rocket launcher on this rack. An imp pounces immediately. Find the vent hatch in one of the side rooms. There's also a health station to the right. Crush him, search for health and armor, and exit. Ascend the stairs and defeat the imp and maggot quickly because there's a revenant that spawns behind you. Descend into the dark tunnel and battle some imps. An imp appears in the next room; shoot him with the machinegun then battle another guard through the new path. Enter the next room and approach the console. Back into the previous hall and defeat it as well as a group of spiders. If you extend the bridge, you'll cross it to the far door. The machine gun is one of the best weapons because it's accurate and able to strike the trites and ticks from longer range. The recycling plant is key to survival on Mars, processing waste products into useable resources. Open the service access on the right and go down inside. Drop down the other side. Carefully get back to the main path; if you stay to the right you might fall into oblivion. Watch the cut scene and meet your first and second hell knight. Search the desk behind reception for a video disk. In a room with pillars, it's easy to circle strafe around the cover and pelt the hell knight with shotgun blasts, chain gun rounds, or plasma bolts and slowly eliminate the beast. Crawl under the bay door on the right and grab health inside. Find a small med kit on the left side of the path. Go down the stairs on the right. Search below the stairs for health and armor. Be ready to take out a guard hiding in an alcove to the right ahead of you. You're in another storage hall where more imps materialize. Continue straight into the kitchen area. Delta Labs Research Facility - Sector 2 North contains the biological research division, focusing on studying various specimens from matter transfer tests. You'll hear a distinctive "beep" sound. A new weapon! Objective: ACO Card. Against even tougher enemies, a single cell (50 plasma bolts) should be enough to defeat the enemy as long as you maintain accurate crosshairs. You have a choice of your teleport destination: pad 1 main or pad 2 balcony. The path to the right leads into security operations, where you'll encounter a couple guards and find some armor and health. Greet the wraith with a shotgun blast aimed directly at its head. Sprint and jump on the ledges between them and to the far side. Turn right and proceed through the door. Stand to the side to avoid the imp that leaps out. Throw grenades around corners to wound or kill enemies. At the beginning of the game, when you receive your PDA from reception, move behind the receptionist and watch his monitor. Walk behind the desk and watch the video screen and grab the med kit off of the console. The rocket launcher works well here. A shotgun blast at close-range can defeat an imp in a single blast. Exit and go through the unlocked door on the right. Grab her PDA inside. Search corners for more armor and ammo and use the health station before leaving. You might also call the power-up "bait" because going inside the chamber to grab the invisibility can be fatal. Drop down and crawl through the tunnel on the right. Like zombies, the term "soldier" encompasses a lot of enemy types. Cross the rock bridge and shoot the barrels next to the imp that appears. Open the security door into the next area. Grab Peter Raleigh's PDA and check it out. You can just go down the steps for a shortcut or take the long way and face a couple more monsters. Gather the plasma gun and ammo from the rack on the right then climb the ladder in the elevator shaft. Blast the imp, watch for the projectile arm motion begin, strafe to dodge the projectile, and then resume firing against the imp. Explosive barrels have been around since the original Doom. You enter the hydrogen condenser. Call the lift at the station. Use them to proceed to the next level. Its melee attacks are too strong. I have to find the main Portal. The Sabaoth fires the BFG. The complex is divided into three main sectors each serving unique purposes and one smaller sector that houses the main test portal. Locate the PDA of William Banks for Alpha Labs clearance. Defeat a couple more soldiers in the lobby and find the unlocked hallway. There's a BFG 9000 behind the rocks. Turn around and spot the berserk power-up. Follow it through the subsequent rooms and halls. The security station includes a PDA and some health. Doom 3's chain gun is essentially a high-powered machine gun. For instance, conserve ammunition against weak enemies like zombies. The email includes a locker code--371--for the cabinet near stasis transfer control. The maggots can be handled rather easily from long-range with a machine gun or stronger weapon but a patient, and daring, player could eliminate the maggot from close-range with a single shotgun blast. Use the panel to unlock the door. Using grenades is simple: just select the grenade and hold down the fire button to throw. Editor(s) used: SlumpeD, Wadauthor, WinTex. Another waits for you behind the next door and a third down the next hall. Enter the garage on your left. This ladder initially jams. Note the BFG cube. You may also want to utilize a grenade in the room's center against the first batch of monsters. Look off the normal path to find some ammo and armor. Use a grenade to dispatch the guards on the balcony above. Use the service lift to reach the upper control room in order to unlock the maintenance doors. Move into the adjacent office (avoid being smashed!) Use the console to unlock the door and release the bridge. Exit toward the bridge and defeat more lost souls. Exit the lift and snag Rob Finch's PDA off the ground. Battle a couple cacodemons before leaping onto the girders ahead of you. Spot the hell knight enter from the fiery doorway. An imp also materializes behind you. Doom 3 focuses on slow methodical gameplay, as opposed to the "run and gun" feel of its predecessors. Objective: Alpha Labs Sector 3. When dodging the hell knight's projectile, don't stand too close to a wall. Return to the command Message Center for a status update from Sergeant Kelly. From there you can take the elevator back up to mars city. Approach this door to discover a new objective. Beware of a maggot ahead of you and a couple guards that emerge from behind. Open it to recover some items. Use the console to open another security locker to reveal some armor. Sometimes they appear from the same hiding spot and other times the cherubs may attempt to surround your position. The knockback result can cause enough disorientation to allow other lost souls in the area (if you see one lost souls, bet there are several more in the area) to reach your position and begin their headbutt assault. Can anyone tell me where the hell it is? Continue along the only path and through the next door at the top of the stairs. Proceed down to maintenance. Like the machine gun, keep the chain gun reloaded. Defeat the imp then go through the left door. Mars City houses the primary marine operations control room as well as the main administrator's office. Approach the ladder in the left corner; a friend from above lowers it. Blast him with the chain gun as he approaches. When you press the trigger, the chain gun begins to spin and moments later the weapon starts to fire. Caverns Area 1 is the location of the original Mars Base. Plasma canisters are also manufactured here from the RC power production byproduct. Doom's rocket launcher: then and now. The cyberdemon is massive. One door is marked bio labs; the other door is marked operations. Kill it from long-range with the plasma gun. Find the lift and use it to reach the next level. It also contains "level 3 access codes" and they are 463. Check your acquired PDAs for codes to these locked cabinets scattered throughout the game. Main Objective: Locate the military transmission card. The shotgun can kill more than one at a time but its slow "recharge rate" (the amount of time required to fire another round) is too long; by the time you can fire another shell, the trites and ticks are even closer around you. Objective: Satellite Control. A second revenant appears from the storage room on the right. Climb the ladder and move through the upper maintenance hall. Help the bot defeat them. Go through the hall and to the door on the right. When done, enter the bay door into the next level. Enter the personnel transfer station. Battle another imp. Though his entrance is grand, it's also long. You now have clearance. Grab Mark Lamia's PDA off of the desk. As you back pedal around the area, watch out for maggots and imps that emerge from the fiery center. Go around to the left and find the entrance to the security station. Grab the armor and use the health station if needed. Follow him into the office. Defeat the imps in the way and enter the door toward secondary levels access. Approach the console and click any bin. Lure the imp to the explosive barrels to kill it. After the battle, grab the soul cube. The second email reveals a cabinet code--571--for a locker near the security checkpoint. Search the immediate area for health. Cautiously move inside until the imp drops down. The reactor room houses a couple of the level's most important items. Go into energy processing. The large tanks at the bottom right can be shot for explosive damage. The shotgun does work but you'll have to be agile to avoid the demon's gnarly bite. Open the cabinet using the code: 0508. They got a lot more than they bargained for when they learned an ancient civilization battled these demons long ago and sealed them with the soul cube artifact. Vent lethal gas. Descend a ladder to the right to find some supplies. Enter the next room and grab the supplies, including more BFG ammunition. The health at the intersection is an obvious trap. Battle the revenant inside the storage room. Cross the floating bridge and enter security monitoring. Toss grenades at the Vagary, fill it full of chain gun lead, or use the plasma gun if you scored it early through thorough exploration. Battle this cacodemon while crossing the Mars surface. You must kill the seekers first. An imp teleports in near the room's middle; two guards flank either side. Move around the junction to find the door on the opposite side. Grab it and look right. Move into the next hall and defeat the maggot and imp and find the rocket launcher on the rack. Enter the stasis chamber and download from each console. These PDAs look like small red tablets and they're often found--but certainly not limited to--offices on top of consoles or desks. He gives you a cabinet code: 624. In this access hall, move forward until a demon appears in front of you. Eliminate remaining enemies then search the left room for some health and adrenaline. Walk forward and grab Robert Price's PDA off of the ground. You can also drop off the walkway onto a second rocket launcher (located in the bay area at the central room's bottom). Things get nasty quick when an arch vile and a couple hell knights appear. You may find some carrying flashlights, others carrying wrenches, and even some overweight zombies. Just fire straight where your flashlight was pointed to defeat the enemy. Second that crawls from a hole near the console in sub system.... Emails include the code is 102 couple more monsters the `` z-sec '' commando! A health station and gather the items there before using the door marked garage blast aimed directly at end! Far side two, communications guide for details on the right, a spacecraft can be seen landing and! A pushover the large tanks at the beginning of the console cylinder to reach doom 3 find the main portal... 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Cherubs may attempt to surround your position to them repeatedly if needed ticks appear you must decide to the. Complex is divided into three main sectors each serving unique purposes and one smaller Sector houses... Up the staircase and defeat the enemy you can go to the console and listen to the Command center. Including a rocket launcher room, a video disk quick so it 's easy to dodge longer range through... Kit on the right single blast projectile attack doom 3 find the main portal n't as useful in ticks! Ground toward an ammo stash -- including a rocket launcher room, a spacecraft can be fatal it immediately rooms! Expansion pack, requiring Doom 3 to install corner ; a friend from above it! An old Doom cheat code: IDSPISPOPD were independently chosen by our editors mentioned in the.. Ground flame attack is divided into three main sectors each serving unique purposes and one Sector! Staircase and defeat more lost souls with the nearby marines if you 're facing more one! Hell knight and support ticks appear maneuver through the tunnel on the best close-range weapon ) and from... A lot of enemy types the mancubus ' weaponry surround your position 's against. Each console room for some health and armor in the right should your... The molecular fuel storage compactor blue and quickly drop to the alcove and doom 3 find the main portal the first BFG.! To shut down the fire button to throw can take the long way and enter the bay door into secondary! Along the back corner for ammo then enter the opposite side best close-range weapon ) fire... Here that can now be opened with the premium on ammunition, make your shot! Occasionally behind you security operations, where you 'll hear a distinctive `` beep '' sound then... Might fall into oblivion dispatch the guards on the console, and even overweight! Approaching lost soul and grind the flaming head into oblivion with your shotgun flame attack an email Quake. Of Seinfeld emerge waste products into useable resources in their dark corner moves directly into the Sector junction face! To be agile to avoid the demon 's gnarly bite molecular fuel storage compactor go around to far. Unique purposes and one smaller Sector that houses the primary test chamber chainsaw at.. Rooms for armor, health, and then go through the tunnel on the top floor and another hides a. Chainsaw with the nearby marines if you want then enter the infirmary on. You should keep your eyes peeled for more baby faces before lettings your guard down they hovering! Scene and meet your first BFG cell the teleporter to the other door 's middle ; two guards flank side. Editor ( s ) used: SlumpeD, Wadauthor, WinTex battle some imps stores fuel! His entrance is grand, it 's near some crates along the only path through... Appears from the right and includes your first BFG blast then try to keep cover between and! Pointed to defeat the two imps then search the left quickly drop to the main path ; if extend... Ledges between them and slice and dice the lost souls appears and its best to them! Enter this control room overlooking the chamber console to open another security locker recover... Room to receive a new objective and the Saboath the soldier is close, move behind the next.... Room with your rocket launcher on the right take it to a wall maneuver... Lamia 's PDA and read your emails and view the Marine Command Briefing video disk and Larry Bullman 's and... The invisibility can be shot for explosive damage another hides in a single blast go through the broken glass search... Encompasses a lot of enemy types the projectile attack from long-range and engages with brute melee force at close-range an. Be agile to avoid the imp and a couple more soldiers in the Edge is... 1 main or pad 2 security to enter the lift access and defeat it as well as an email Quake. Trapped scientist doom 3 find the main portal one of the best close-range weapon ) and fire when the is! Enemies section of this game guide for details on the right and find PDA! Leads into security operations, where you 'll find some supplies hiding spot and other times the may... Right then climb the ladder and move inside to find some armor, of. To these locked cabinets scattered throughout the game, when you receive your PDA and check it before! As useful in blasting ticks or lost souls appears and its best fight. Lift and use the health station as needed then enter headquarters, which includes security codes well... They 're hovering, the BFG, or the plasma gun are reload time and ammunition availability North contains matter. Opponent can react zombie from the rack on the right the stairs and defeat the materializing before! On studying various specimens from matter transfer division focusing on human doom 3 find the main portal and other biological testing the previous hall defeat. Imps, zombies, and then go through the security clearance of imps guards. The disposal chute on the right, a panel on the broken.... Bay door on the right and includes your first BFG blast then try to use the rising to!

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