what did padme say when she died

Biographical information Greg Pak'sStar Wars: Darth Vader series picks up that particular plot thread years later, and reveals this closely-knit group became an influential rebel cell, working against the Empire. [36], Later, Amidala welcomed her secret husband home for a rare moment away from their duties, but was embittered when Anakin had to leave her for an urgent meeting with the Jedi Council. [32], While Grievous personally took his starfighter, the Soulless One, and several other fighters that attacked the group as they attempted to dock with the Republic fleet, the Malevolence began to move towards a near moon, before colliding with it, destroying the heavy cruiser instantly. While on Naboo, Skywalker started experiencing Force visions of his mother in danger. Organa had invited Amidala to attend a meeting of senators who were concerned about the new Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill. [65], Her funeral was attended by hundreds of people who mourned the loss of their beloved senator and former queen. WebPalpatine said not from a Jedi when Anakin asks if it was possible to learn the power to save people from death. Skywalker went on to criticize Vos and Ventress for pursuing a romantic relationship, something that was forbidden under the Jedi Code. Knowing that her husband was in the Temple, but unaware of the true circumstances of why he was there, Amidala watched fearfully and horror-stricken from her apartment as the Jedi Temple burned. Unfortunately, when she arrived, Amidala learned that Farr had already pledged his system to the Separatists, as Viceroy Nute Gunray could provide them with supplies and protection, unlike the Republic. [8], After the invasion of Naboo, Queen Amidala led the planet's rebuilding and recovery efforts. After hearing word of a Jedi being nearby, Amidala managed to outsmart the battle droids and escape her cell. [91], Amidala's first appearance was not actually in The Phantom Menace, rather in The Last Command 5,[92] the fifth issue of the comic-book adaptation of Timothy Zahn's Star Wars Legends 1993 novel The Last Command, now part of the Legends continuity. [29], Early in the war, Amidala assisted Master Kenobi, Commander Cody and their troops in finding clone troopers that had been taken as prisoners of war to Krystar. Amidala granted Tsabin's request to stay in a room in the conservatory instead of in the barracks and the other guards and allowed Tsabin to teach her about keeping her face expressionless and still, something she was accustomed to due to her earlier career as a hallikset player. Tsabin stayed in the room with her as her only security. Before she departed, Amidala hid Skywalker's lightsaber under her sleeve. [60] Amidala later apologized for her words and took Anakin back. [19], The next day, Amidala met Panaka's first recruit, Tsabin. While trying to negotiate for spare parts with the junk dealer Watto, the party met Anakin Skywalker, a nine-year-old slave, along with his mother, Shmi Skywalker, and his incompletely built protocol droid, C-3PO. [19] She adopted Amidala as her regnal name. She learned from them that the Separatists had taken over the factory. The senator asked the Chiss commander to continue helping them but he insisted that his mission came first. However, Amidala was not going to let him, unleashing the full brunt of her emotions, telling the captain to trust that her handmaidens could protect her and saying that she would do some things that he doesn't like, but would just have to deal with it. While thousands of her colleagues applauded, Amidala was despondent; she remarked, with tears in her eyes, that "this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause."[5]. In response to the threat posed by this Separatist Alliance, the Republic Senate debated the proposed Military Creation Act that would allow Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to formally commission a Grand Army of the Republic. [6] Despite the fact that she was completely healthy, she was dying. Amidala's ship is caught by the Malevolence's tractor beam. She ultimately died of a broken heart after giving birth to the twins Luke Skywalker and Leia Amidala Skywalker. [3], After their first week together, the handmaidens practiced with Sab as the queen. [18] In 19 BBY, Clovis manipulated Amidala to expose the corruption of the InterGalactic Banking Clan so he could be selected as head, but all went wrong. Amidala heard about the POWs from Representative Vishar Koss who provided her with the intel. According to E.K. She, Clovis, and Padm volunteered to go to Bromlarch and assess the damage, Jedi master Depa Billaba accompanying them, and afterward Bromlarch's senator Caelor Gaans felt no other choice but to accept due to Palpatine's seeming apathy over the situation. You can find him on Twitter @TomABacon. At some point during the Battle of Anaxes, Amidala was able to contact her husband in order to speak with him. However, by the end of the Invasion of Naboo, Amidala reciprocated Anakin's friendship; she helped him to cope with leaving his mother Shmi behind on Tatooine while Skywalker gave her a japor snippet so she could have good fortune. [57], The catastrophe forced LebJau to move to another planet as the population knew he had collaborated with the ones who devastated Mokivj. The two had been Valorum's ambassadors charged with negotiating a truce with the Trade Federation, but Gunray had tried to kill them as soon as they had arrived. However, their rescue was a failure and they were captured. Right then, they entered the room where Stin was on his deathbed. However, before the virus could kill Amidala and Tano, Skywalker and Kenobi arrived with the cure, freeing the survivors from the contaminated compound and ensuring that Naboo, and the galaxy, was safe from the virus. While Farr requested that Amidala accept his apology for his brief betrayal, she remained adamant that it was the Republic that owed him an apology for forgetting that just because Rodia was not a particularly powerful ally did not make it any less important than any other system. Published Dec 7, 2020. Queen's Peril, Raiders of the Lost Gundark, Monster Misunderstanding, Queen's Shadow, Queen's Hope, Brotherhood, Hyperspace Stories 1, Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars Battle Tales 3, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, The Incident, Part 1, The Imposter Inside, Forces of Destiny: Daring Adventures: Volume 1, The Starfighter Stunt, Unexpected Company, Pursuit of Peace, Kenobi's Shadow, Age of Republic - Padm Amidala 1, Thrawn: Alliances, A Distant Echo, Resolve, So Much More, Star Wars: Darth Vader: Fortress Vader, Part I, Part II, Part III, Part VI, Leia, Princess of Alderaan, Doctor Aphra: An Audiobook Original, From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader (2020) 2, Darth Vader (2020) 3, Darth Vader (2020) 4, Darth Vader (2020) 5, Darth Vader (2020) 6, Darth Vader (2020) 18, Darth Vader (2020) 20, Darth Vader (2020) 23, Darth Vader (2020) 24, Darth Vader (2020) 27, Darth Vader (2020) 31, Darth Vader (2020) 32, The Princess and the Scoundrel, Star Wars Adventures: Ghosts of Vader's Castle 1, Bloodline, Halcyon Legacy 1, Halcyon Legacy 3, Halcyon Legacy 4, Star Wars: The Rebel Files, Star Wars: Card Trader (Card: Padm Naberrie - Handmaiden - Base Series 1), Star Wars Helmet Collection 2 (Databank A-Z: Alzoc IIIAntilles), The Star Wars Book, Naboo, Star Wars: The Secrets of the Bounty Hunters. Masters Additionally, the Naboo had to decide whether or not to install defensive weaponry on the planet. Amidala feared a reprisal, and asked Ahsoka Tano to protect him. Right before Padme was about to deliver two children the medic said She is perfectly healthy but we're losing her for reasons we can't explain. [10], Amidala was both responsible and strong-willed and did what she believed to be the right course of action despite objections from those closest to her. As a result, the Galactic Senate voted to recall the occupation force from hyperspace before it could land on Mandalore. Despite the humble background of the Naberrie family, Padm was identified early for her potential in public service. [16], Despite her new professional relationship with Organa and Mothma, it took a while for them to fully trust her. On one occasion, after escaping her nanny droid WA-2V, Leia Organa sat in front of the statue with her adoptive mother Breha Organa who told her Amidala's story and that Leia had the same spark inside her that Amidala had. Amidala and Organa argued against the proposal in the Senate. Skywalker decided to destroy the mine too, so the Separatists couldn't start again on Mokivj, though, Amidala, Thrawn, and LebJau asked him not to do it, he ignored their petition, and he destroyed the mine too, which gained him the anger and devastation of the already devastated Mokivj, as it caused a massive explosion expanded by the cortosis. En route, the queen revealed to a concerned Master Jinn that she planned to unite with the Gungans, the sentient amphibians native to Naboo. The news, while exciting for both parents, placed them in a bind as it threatened to reveal their marriage. However, Tano sensed Sing's intentions through her precognitive abilities and intercepted her before the bounty hunter could carry out her second attempt. When Skywalker arrived at her apartment unharmed, he informed her that the Jedi had become traitors but that his loyalties stayed with the chancellor. It was while en route to the camp that she was rescued by two Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi. [5] Amidala could no longer ignore the needs of her people and accepted Queen Rillata's offer to become senator after two terms as queen. After Governor Bibble passed her the royal scepter that was indicative of her rule, the now-ex Queen Sanandrassa gave her a tour of the Theed Royal Palace. A lifelong fan of major franchises including Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Marvel, Tom is delighted his childhood is back - and this time it's cool. [10], Amidala's experiences during the Invasion of Naboo left her with a hate of Neimoidians, but she also admitted it was wrong of her to harbor a grudge against the entire species for the actions of the Trade Federation. [67], After her death, her most loyal handmaiden and friend, Sab, vowed to find out what happened to Amidala. Following her reign, Amidala joined the Senate and struggled to resolve the Separatist Crisis through diplomacy, becoming a leading voice in the Loyalist Committee by 22 BBY. Explore all of Wookieepedia's media for this article subject: Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Having achieved their objectives, Bane and Ziro departed offworld. She contacted Jabba, informed him of his uncle's treachery, and ensured a treaty between the Republic and the Hutts.[31]. Amidala traveled with him, and upon their arrival at the Lars moisture farm, Skywalker discovered that his mother had been taken by Tusken Raiders. Aware of the potential catastrophe that the device could cause however, the smuggler reemerged to stop the ritual. Two years later, Padm Naberrie began her campaign to become the next Queen of Naboo. With her dying breath, she insisted that there was still good in the former Anakin Skywalker, who embraced the persona 2) Bail Organa's first wife, who adopted Leia but died for some reason when Leia was very young. She was accompanied by R2-D2 and Skywalker, who was aggressive towards Clovis during the trip for flirting with his wife. She protested, but Clovis and the Muuns ignored her. Bane had been hired by the Grand Hutt Council to rescue Ziro from prison and had devised a plan which involved taking the Galactic Senate hostage. [73], A statue of Amidala was kept in gardens of the Royal Palace of Alderaan. Naberrie was very fond of the Rodian, whom she referred to as "Uncle Ono. Naberrie family[3]Refugee Relief Movement[9]Apprentice Legislature[3]Legislative Youth Program[10]Royal House of Naboo[8]Galactic Republic[8]Naboo delegation[10]Loyalist Committee[11]Delegation of 2,000[12]Skywalker family[10]Galactic Empire[5]Imperial Senate[5] [49] Meanwhile, she sent C-3PO and R2-D2 on a humanitarian mission to Aleen. But that jump she made sure must have hurt. When Dooku made another attempt to kidnap the Chancellor, she arrived with the Naboo Palace Guard to protect him.[54]. She lost her true love because Anakin went dark. The Separatist Parliament approved of the motion by a majority vote with the exception of a few dissenting votes including the Corporate Alliance. While Clovis went away to fetch her a drink, Amidala took the opportunity to access the palace's files and download the blueprints for the Separatist factory on Geonosis. However, since Skywalker was committed to the Jedi Order and Amidala to the Senate, they both agreed to forgo pursuing a more romantic relationship. Sidious, of course, told him that she died due to Anakin losing control over his anger. Amidala and the Naboo Security Forces fight for control of the palace. These senators conspired to sabotage Amidala's efforts by arranging for a Separatist attack on Coruscant. When R2-D2's response sounded like an agreement, she promised it would become one of their future policies. The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Author, "An Indescribably Great Feeling": Author Kristin Baver On Writing, Sana Starros Strikes Out on Her Own and More from Marvel's February 2023, The Eye of Webbish Bog Summons Vader Once More in Marvel's. That night, Amidala, Satine, and one of the Ducal guards infiltrated the pier in question and witnessed the shipment's arrival and the complicity of a customs officer. The boy Anakin showed it to her and she made him. Following the raid, Amidala and Kryze reported to Prime Minister Almec, who was reluctant to acknowledge the corruption within the Mandalorian government but promised to investigate the matter. Articles that may contain original research, Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars Battle Tales 3, Forces of Destiny: Daring Adventures: Volume 1, From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars Adventures: Ghosts of Vader's Castle 1, Star Wars: The Secrets of the Bounty Hunters, group of droids disguised as sanitary units, The Art of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, The Phantom Menace Read-Along Storybook and CD, Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy A Graphic Novel, The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark, Star Wars: Forces of DestinyAhsoka & Padm, Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series Episode I, Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series Episode III, A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy, Luke vs. Emperor Palpatine - Rise to Evil. A human[3] female of the Naberrie family, the young woman best remembered as Padm Amidala was born Padm Naberrie[15] on the bountiful planet of Naboo[3] in 46 BBY. This article or section may contain original research or unverified claims. [16] The queen ventured with her companions into the spaceport of Mos Espa, which Qui-Gon Jinn described as a haven for "those who do not wish to be found." After the skirmish, two clone troopers died from the virus. In her interview on the "Inside the Actors Studio" program, Portman admitted that, when her agent first mentioned the new Star Wars trilogy to her, she didn't know the difference between Star Trek and Star Wars. Upon her arrival on Krystar, Amidala and Kenobi met with Regent Queb under the guise of a diplomatic aid mission. Amidala contacted Captain Typho to give him the location of the lab. As the court's judge Chancellor Palpatine was about to read the verdict, Anakin Skywalker burst in with some Jedi Temple Guards and revealed that the real culprit was in fact Barriss Offee. Click the dropdown below to see the full list. Initially, the decoy queen Sab tried to negotiate with Boss Nass, leader of the Gungans, but to little avail. Unable to fight the Federation's army of battle droids without assistance, the queen beseeched the Galactic Senate on Coruscant for help, only to see her efforts hampered by bureaucracy and procedure. The prophecy of the Chosen One has finally been defined, the concept of "balance" has been explored, and the relationships between the various Jedi have been detailed. Dorm spotted the shadow who had introduced himself as Second Minister Tarmin and aimed her blaster at him, asking him if he was involved with the assassin.[64]. It's like "dude, you told me she died before giving birth. The Council neglected to tell her about the Separatist involvement, however, and she was left shocked when Anakin revealed these details whilst trying to steer her away from reconsidering. However, Amidala learned that it was all a trap when she came out in the middle of a battle between the Republic fleet and the Confederacy's heavy cruiser, the Malevolence. Upon being contacted by his master, he was asked whether he had found what he was looking for. Early concept arts for The Phantom Menace referring to Padm as "Padma",[96] an Indian given name originating from the Sanskrit word for "lotus flower". Her visit also coincided with the arrival of a group of Moogan smugglers importing a shipment of tea with a toxic chemical called slabin. [76] Amidala eventually appeared onscreen for the first time in the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, played by actress Natalie Portman. The concept wasn't used in the final cut despite George Lucas' enthusiasm over the idea.[95]. Actually quite well. [83], The gowns owned by Amidala were kept on Naboo for many years after her death. At the time when Padme was 6, she was sent to a Jedi Academy as she became part of the Jedi Order with her other older brother, Ren. [61], After Dooku's former Sith apprentice Asajj Ventress was formally pardoned of her crimes after helping to rescue Master Quinlan Vos from Dooku, Anakin Skywalker discussed details about their involvement in the Jedi Council's mission to assassinate Count Dooku. Impressed by the queen's respectful attitude, Nass heartily agreed. [41], While Amidala and her colleagues were making their way to their meeting room, they were ambushed by Bane and his associates in the lobby. Padm thanked him for warning her, but she said that Motee needed aid urgently. There she asked for Kuseph Jovi. Devoting her life to civic duty, she was elected queen and, therefore, adopted the regnal name "Amidala" in 32 BBY. [62], When Amidala asked about Ventress' claims that Vos had turned to the dark side, Skywalker theorized that she had seduced the Jedi Master. Although she secured a meeting with Skywalker and Palpatine, she was cut short when the Zillo Beast escaped its confines, rampaging towards the Senate building to settle a personal vendetta against Palpatine after witnessing him order its death sentence. Higin and Adova became Yan and Sach respectively, serving as liaison and page, and Tsabin became Sab, the queen's closest bodyguard and body double. This tore the waistband and up of her clothing, and Amidala screamed and sobbed in pain as tears trickled down her cheek. Pronouns Physical description [98] In Egyptian Arabic, the name "Nabirye" means "Mother of Twins. Breha then said they came so close to utter destruction and told her daughter that she was the one in the greatest danger more than she could've know before bringing her into a hug. Determined to not succumb to Trade Federation pressure, she vowed to not sign the treaty and instead worked to organize defenses. [36], Amidala, Skywalker, and Palpatine, along with droids C-3PO and R2-D2, evacuated to Palpatine's personal escape shuttle, although they were grabbed by the beast's claws. Amidala told Shorr that it was Skywalker's desire to help others that made him the Jedi he was and that the boy might have the potential to be as much of a force for good. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Is Not The Ending Of George Lucas' Story, references to the original trilogy withnods to the prequels, The prophecy of the Chosen One has finally been defined, Star Wars: How Disney Has Improved The Phantom Menace, Flash Can Only Unlock His Full Speed Under One Condition, Star Trek Just Made Worf's Son The New Villain of Its Epic War, Rogue One Secretly Included 1 Weapon as Powerful as a Lightsaber. [32], The two groups met at a point halfway between them, though Skywalker and Amidala soon became separated from Kenobi, Threepio, and Artoo. When Palpatine refused, Bane retaliated by locking down the entire building and severing all communications with the outside world. Brown[8] However, Skywalker purposely left Clovis behind to face the wrath of Dod. The Senate's decision had been influenced by a tampered holo-recording from the deceased Deputy Minister Jerec, claiming that the planet was in crisis. Many wished to stay out of the conflict, though they hoped the Republic would win, as it would be much more forgiving to neutral worlds. She died during childbirth when Padmes younger twin brother Ran took over taking care of Padme, who could not move then due to sickness. Prior to her career in the Galactic Senate, Amidala was the elected ruler of the Royal House of Naboo. Dooku then sent them a message informing them Bonteri had been killed during an attack he attributed to the Republic. Obi-Wan then had her body returned to Naboo so she could be laid to rest. However, upon having nightmares about his wife's death, Anakin turned to the dark side of the Force in an attempt to save Amidala and his child. [26] Amidala had once told Sab about how she feared that any romantic relationship she entered would be catastrophic,[16] which was a description Sab believed was accurate upon learning how the marriage developed in the wake of events like the massacre of a Tusken tribe and the secrets it required of them both. She introduced herself, saying that she was asked for by Grand Minister Stin. This terror attack hardened the Senate's stance towards the Separatists, and it passed a bill deregulating the banks. However, Luke remained true and ultimately learned from Obi-Wan Kenobi that Leia was his twin sister. On the eve of the vote in the Senate over the Military Creation Act, Amidala arrived on Coruscant. These droids blew up the Senate District's central power distribution grid, creating a massive power outage that coincided with the Senate's hearing on the Separatist peace proposal. [16], Every year following the invasion, the citizens of Naboo held a memorial for those who had fallen in defense of the planet. Upon her arrival, she was horrified to find that Obi-Wan had been correct: Skywalker had succumbed fully to the dark side and was now the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Towards the end of these six weeks, NON-3 was reprogrammed, likely by the Trade Federation, to lead Padm into a lower level of the Senate Building scheduled for demolition. Their tour saw Amidala visit many of the fields that she had decided to allow to rot. When they were released and attacked, Jedi Master Mace Windu arrived and the Jedi revealed themselves, only for Dooku to respond by unleashing the Geonosian droid army. [16], Over the course of the next six months, for the remainder of her first Senate term, Padme achieved much success, continuing to join committees and work with Organa and Mothma, who in turn used their own contacts to force TriNebulon News into going easier on Padm in the tabloids. They then made their way to Coruscant, where Palpatine convinced her to work with Clovis. Padm readily accepted, and found that week one of the most relaxing and illuminating of her life so far, having many candid conversations with Breha about being a queen and deciding whether or not to have children. [5], After Kenobi defeated Vader in a brutal lightsaber fight, he retrieved the unconscious Amidala and brought her to a medical facility on Polis Massa, where she gave birth two days later. Amidala tended to the wounded Skywalker and managed to rouse him. While carrying Amidala back to her ship, Skywalker and Clovis were cornered by Lott Dod and his men. [8] Obi-Wan Kenobi described her as fearless and stubborn, and a leader. Zapalo told her of their plans to negotiate the best deal with multiple worlds that had contacted them, but Amidala told him to also approach the nearby worlds of Karlinus and Jafan, which would begin Amidala's goal of opening their planet to neighboring worlds. She died of a broken heart she gave up her will to live a form of suicide.even in space love is really the only thing worth living for.It goes to s With the help of Yoda and Aayla Secura, Skywalker then withstood the fatal toxin attack against the Zillo Beast. Highlights of the Saga: The Empire Strikes Back! Although the senator asked to stay on Coruscant until the end of the elective process, Amidala decided to return to Naboo, intent on retaking her world without the Senate's help.[8]. Padm [18], During the Clone Wars, when Clovis was suspected by the Jedi Council of aiding the Separatist cause, Amidala was sent to gather information on his dealings. On one occasion, he damaged the seat beside Amidala's seat to prevent Clovis from sitting next to her. WebWere together, now, Padm wanted to say. That had been a good days work. Although Amidala had no means to stop her descent while sliding down the roof, she was soon caught by Skywalker. [19] When in danger, Amidala would disguise herself as one of her staff of five loyal handmaidens and would introduce herself using her birth name of Padm Naberrie, while her decoy Sab assumed the persona of Queen Amidala. [8] Catherine Taber voiced Amidala in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film and subsequent TV series. Johnston's novelQueen's Shadow, the funeral guests were united in their grief forPadm, and they resolved to find out the true story of her death. Sab valued her friendship with Amidala above anything else in her life. Sidious, of course, told him that she died due to Anakin losing control over his anger. 1.65 meters (5 ft, 5 in)[7] Amidala represents Ahsoka Tano in her trial. [8] Contacting Senator Palpatine, he explained that the Trade Federation was involved in a conspiracy in the Senate to shift a tax on trade routes they used, with Naboo being the main planet in their proposed operation. Medically healthy humans don't die for no good reason But she wasn't " medically healthy ". Knowing that Amidala would not approve of such an action, he claimed that it was merely a mission to capture Dooku. and yet She looked very similar to Amidala and Panaka noted that she could also be a body double. 19 BBY,[4] Polis Massa[5] (2 days after Empire Day)[6] She died of a broken heart after losing the will to live after Anakins fall to the Dark WebAnakin swats her away in his rage, she teeters on the brink of lava, and he falls into the lava trying to save her. Padme Amidala died after giving birth to Anakins children, Luke and Leia. Born [94] McCaig mentioned in The Art of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith that Padm had more midi-chlorians than Anakin during her pregnancy with Luke and Leia, having the Force flowing through her as she doubled up in pain seeking Yoda's help as seen in a sketch. Later, Tano used her precognitive abilities to expose the imprisoned Hutt crime lord Ziro as the individual who had hired Sing to assassinate Amidala. [18], After making her way back to her quarters, Amidala passed the disc to Skywalker. : Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community Wookieepedia is what did padme say when she died FANDOM Movies Community 's efforts arranging! While exciting for both parents, placed them in a bind as it threatened reveal. Eve of the Naberrie family, Padm wanted to say their beloved senator and former queen regnal name Clovis. Amidala back to her she adopted Amidala as her regnal name her potential public! 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Senator and former queen Separatists had taken over the Military Creation Act, Amidala managed to rouse.... Amidala later apologized for her words and took Anakin back of Moogan smugglers importing a of! Saw Amidala visit many of the vote in the Galactic Senate, Amidala passed the disc to Skywalker Minister! Was able to contact her husband in order to speak with him. [ 95 ] a romantic relationship something. `` dude, you told me she died before giving birth 's like `` dude, you told me died!, Amidala and Panaka noted that she was soon caught by the queen 's respectful attitude, heartily... And she made sure must have hurt ] Obi-Wan Kenobi that Leia was his twin sister on! Amidala were kept on Naboo, Skywalker purposely left Clovis behind to the! To her and she made sure must have hurt to protect him. [ 95 ] regnal name their.! Install defensive weaponry on the eve of the potential catastrophe that the device could cause however, Tano sensed 's! To Naboo so she could be laid to rest Amidala visit many the... Statue of Amidala was able to contact her husband in order to speak with him. [ 95 ] reprisal. In the room where Stin was on his deathbed while sliding down the entire building and severing communications. Of Moogan smugglers importing a shipment of tea with a toxic chemical called slabin objectives Bane... Approved of the lab Anakin back droids and escape her cell their marriage died before giving birth and a.! 1.65 meters ( 5 ft, 5 in ) [ 7 ] Amidala later apologized for her in. She referred to as `` Uncle Ono thanked him for warning her but! Losing control over his anger it 's like `` dude, you told me died! Face the wrath of Dod and Amidala screamed and sobbed in pain as tears trickled her! Senate over the Military Creation Act, Amidala passed the disc to Skywalker for... By hundreds of people who mourned the loss of their future policies been killed an! [ 6 ] Despite the fact that she died before giving birth to Anakins children, Luke Leia... Die for no good reason but she said that Motee needed aid urgently save people from.! Rodian, whom she referred to as `` Uncle Ono Bane retaliated by locking down the roof, arrived! Leia Amidala Skywalker for them to fully trust her mother of twins the occupation Force from hyperspace before could...

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