uss pope ww2

Pope was laid down 9 September 1919 and launched 23 March 1920 from William Cramp and Sons; sponsored by Mrs. William S. Benson; and commissioned 27 October 1920 at Philadelphia, Commander Richard S. Galloway in command. He further angered Asiatic Fleet Commander ADM Thomas C. Hart when he judged Marblehead worthy to make her own way the day following the attack, and steamed ahead independently to Java. We were running a zigzag course and the shells fortunately fell harmlessly into the sea. The enemy ships were steering to the north-north-east. Prior to hearing the abandon ship order, I was attempting to seek cover from the strafing by ducking under the torpedo mounts, which offered some protection. With saddened hearts, we knew we would never walk the decks of the Pope again. USS General John Pope (AP-110) was a troop transport that served with the United States Navy in World War II. General John Pope reactivated 17 August 1965 to serve again as a civilian-crewed ship of MSTS, operating from San Francisco. She was then transferred to the Army where she served as USAT General John Pope. Both destroyers then retired to the south-east to return to Tjilatjap. Welford Charles Blinn, USN) departs Surabaya, Netherlands East Indies on 28 February 1942 together with the British heavy cruiser HMS Exeter and the British destroyer HMS Encounter. HMS Exeter claims to have damaged one of them. They would attempt a repeat night ambush of the Japanese at Balikpapan, Borneo, as the US destroyers had successfully done in January. As fate would have it, the rain lasted only about half an hour, but at least for that length of time, we had a short respite from the heat of battle. During the Second Battle of the Java Sea, Pope and Encounter were directed to escort Exeter away from the action. As HMS Exeter was loosing way, HMS Encounter and USS Pope drew ahead. M. Ogura). Steam pressure dropped rapidly and in the end the main engines had to be stopped. The Allied ships worked gradually to the southward and westward eventually steering 260 degrees. Little did we know that we were headed for a big disappointment and what would prove to be the last voyages for these three ships. [7][8] The survivors from Encounter and Exeter were to be more fortunate, as those that were not rescued right after the battle on 1 March[9] by the destroyer Inazuma,[10] were rescued the following day by the Japanese destroyer Ikazuchi, who picked up the last 400 odd survivors from those two ships on 2 March. The spring of 1945 saw a round-trip troop-carrying voyage begin in San Francisco 26 March, which took her to Manila, Leyte, and Biak before returning 21 May. She was the first ship named for John Pope. Sighting the Asheville alone at dawn on 3 Mar 1942, the Japanese destroyers Arashi and Nowaki, backed up by a heavy cruiser, close for the kill with a 20kt speed advantage and combined 12x 5 guns and 16x 24 torpedoes to Asheville's 3x 4 guns. Submit events/comments/updates for this vessel, William Cramp and Sons (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.). During the naval battle of Balikpapan she made close-quarter torpedo and gun attacks which helped delay Japanese landings at Balikpapan and later in the Battle of Badung Strait she impeded the invasion of the island of Bali. By that time however the Dutch cruisers had moved on. The Museum's PT-305, nicknamed USS Sudden Jerk, was acquired in a state of disrepair. We'd even converted other pumps into bilge pumps by "jury rigging", in an effort to pump out the flooding water. Unknown to the Allies at this time was that the ships had already been spotted by Japanese aircraft shortly after they had left the harbour and the Japanese deployed their forces in the eastern part of the Java Sea to intercept them. Smith, USN), USS Parrott (Lt.Cdr. As told By Mr. William Penninger, Ft. Worth, Tx captured from The USS Pope. In April 1967, she transported the 589th Engineer Battalion to Qui Nhon from Oakland. . The Exeter's anit-aircraft guns turned loose a salvo and the plane was blown to bits. The main body of the allied Asiatic fleet attached to the Dutch East Indies under the command of a dutch admiral Doornan, left Surbaja Java on the night of Feb 26, 1942 to engage an enemy fleet in the Java Sea. She was the first ship named for John Pope. Pope was stationed off Swatow and Pehtaiho during 14 June 19 August, observing the Japanese Navy en route to Swatow and the subsequent bombing and occupation of the city. Around 2230 hours HrMs De Ruyter and HrMs Java opened fire on the Japanese which were taken by surprise. Thy obtained eleven hits on the Tromp causing heavy damage to the Dutch cruiser. We in the engine room were surprised when told that we were surrounded by enemy ships, thirteen to be exact, five cruisers and eight destroyers. Sailing of these ships from Surabaya and course to follow. 1 Mar 1942 : At the Battle of the Java Sea, slightly damaged cruiser HMS Exeter, destroyer HMS Encounter, and destroyer USS Pope at 0850 hours. On 23 July 1966, elements of the 64th Transportation Company boarded the General John Pope, and departed from the Tacoma, Washington Outport Facility, arriving in Okinawa on 5 August 1966. Pound, USN) and USS John D. Edwards (Lt.Cdr. As an Amazon Associate earns a commission from qualifying purchases. We then saw a single plane, it was reported as a friendly one. was also part of this force but acted as 'rescue boat'. Add Your Name to the DE-134 Crew Roster . USS Guadalcanal (CVE-60), USS Pillsbury DE-133, USS Pope DE-134, USS Flaherty DE-135, USS Chatelain DE-149, and USS Jenks DE-665. Pope was heavily engaged in fighting in the Dutch East Indies in the early days of World War II. Chompff, RNN) and HrMs Kortenaer (Lt.Cdr. We were forced to stay in Surbaja, tied to the dock, to effect emergency repairs to the hotwell. Many was the time that I would look at the 3/8" steel plate that was the skin or bulkhead of the ship, and expect at any moment to see a shell penetrating it. General John Pope was launched under a Maritime . Hoeksel, RNN), HrMs TM-6 (S.Lt. USS Utah (BB-31) was the sixth dreadnought battleship commissioned by the U.S. Navy. The Encounter, who had been bringing up the rear of our column had by now pulled up abreast of the Exeter, at that precise moment she too was hit by an enemy salvo. The Allied squadron was discovered by Japanese cruiser float planes whose spotting of their cruisers' gunfire nullified the effectiveness of the Allied destroyers' attempt to conceal Exeter with a smoke screen. Distant cover was provided by the light cruiser Nagara (Capt T. Naoi, flagship of Rear-Admiral K. Kubo) escorted by three destroyers Hatsushimo (Lt.Cdr. Shipping will be calculated after order is placed; if you want to know before ordering, email me your zip code. She was reassigned to Squadron 5, Division 15 on 3 February 1933. During the Second Battle of the Java Sea, Pope and HMSEncounter were directed to escort the severely damaged British cruiser HMSExeter away from the action. .Japan remained an innovator in aircraft carrier design and construction during the years leading to World War II, operating nine of them by 1941. . Two flights of nine bombers each approached Houston and Marblehead. As with the Baltimore class, it carried its magazines and equipment on a heavy 6-inch belt. Around this time all the Allied ships also engaged Japanese destroyers with gunfire. Troopships used during World War II included passenger liners such as SS America, C2s, C3s, C4s, Liberty and Victory ships, foreign ships taken over by the USA such as the Saturnia. Others made contact with the natives of Java, who alerted the Japanese to the sailors' presence. T. Chihagi) and Wakaba (Lt.Cdr. It was intended that the four US destroyer would enter Badoeng Strait and attack with torpedoes first and that the Tromp would come behind them to finish off the Japanese after the confusion of the torpedo attack. G. Yoshii), Oshio (Cdr. A. Kroese, RNN) as well as the US destroyers USS John D. Ford (Lt.Cdr. The cruiser planes then formed up to continue their dive-bombing tactics. General John Pope then embarked another full complement of troops, including the 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment, and sailed 6 April for Nouma and Oro Bay, New Guinea. and a 2007 TV programme.[5][6][7]. After securing the turbine, we slowed down, and we took on water more rapidly. William D. Porter. We were sure the Pope would go down in the annals of naval history, if not for no other reason than that of having participated in the first successful night torpedo attack against an enemy. The mission actually hopeless, HMS Exeter, in her damaged condition could make no more then 16 knots when she sailed from Surabaya. On exploding, it opened or split some of the plated near the stern, and water began pouring into the after section. Industrial Glass Top Table. You can locate this information through various sources: Government Sources: The Old Military and Civil Records Branch, National Archives, 700 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20408, holds copies of deck logs from 1801 through 1940, as well as . Full-service research & records analysis. The Japanese attack on Bali was carried out by two transport ships Sasako Maru (7180 GRT, built 1941) and Sagami Maru (7189 GRT, built 1940). Japanese Aircraft Carriers Ww2 - Instead of the devastating eighteen-inch guns of her two sisters, Shinan's main armament would be forty-seven aircraft, quite stingy compared to the 75-100 aircraft for the large US and Japanese carriers. From 1965 through 1970, she transported troops to bases in the Pacific and Far East, supporting the anti-communist struggle in South Vietnam. Japanese forces deployed to intercept the Allied ships trying to escape. 's) and started dive-bombing / strafing runs against us. The 0400 to 0800 watch had just been relieved and was about to partake of breakfast, when here on the morning of March 1, 1942, our journey was interrupted by enemy forces. With no further means of propulsion, she slowed to dead in the water. USS Chatelain closes in on the damaged U-505, June 4, 1944. No enemy aircraft nor ships were seen at daybreak and visibility was extreme. Sometimes the things that almost happened are as interesting as the things that did. Another shipmate by the name of Mathews and myself went with him to set off the charges. With the odds being so heavily in their favor, we felt we were fighting a losing battle. $2400.00. Of the 1068 crew members on the USS Houston, 368 survived the sinking of the ship and the hours-long swim to the shore of Java. : The U.S. Navy Destroyer's Service in World War II. Targets were engaged by HMS Exeter whenever these were sighted through the smoke but it was seldom to fire more then four or five salvoes at a time. In the Orient, Pope protected American lives and interests during the civil strife in China. Two throttlemen are assigned to each throttle during battle, at about ten or fifteen minute intervals, we would take turns going to the hatch leading to the main deck, undog it, and gulp in a few breaths of fresh air, while glancing at the action that was taking place above decks. Flooding worsened as Pope maneuvered to evade six more bombers,[4] and only one crewman was lost as the crew boarded life rafts when flooding could no longer be controlled. The Pope, Exeter, and Encounter were still steaming in column when they started firing at us. It is not completely clear but it is possible that one of these US destroyers then engaged Piet Hein with gunfire thinking she was Japanese. For the full action report see this website (offsite link). We had to get away from her fast to keep from being sucked under as she sunk. The fire rooms and the engine rooms were secured, valves were shut, fires extinguished under the boilers, etc.. Then we made our way topside. The POW Camps. Shortly afterwards two more Japanese heavy cruisers were sighted bearing approximately 330 degrees. $500.00. Original map by Donald Hoegsburg. I would pray to the good lord silently to protect the crewmen from injury and the ship from destruction. Increased tension on China's northern borders due to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria made it necessary for Pope to evacuate Americans from northern Chinese ports such as Lao Yao and Tsingtao to Shanghai beginning 19 September 1937. The word was passed to "standby to abandon ship". During the torpedo attack a total of fifteen torpedoes were fired, six each by USS Stewart and USS Pope and three by USS Pillsbury. This order was carried out in an orderly manner. Pope was stationed off Swatow and Pehtaiho during 14 June 19 August, observing the Japanese Navy en route to Swatow and the subsequent bombing and occupation of the city. However the ememy soon resumed their original course and were out of sight shortly afterwards. I felt assured that our well trained crew would give their all, even though the task was hot and demanding. United States Destroyer Operations In World War II.Roscoe, Theodore. Their fire was immediately returned by HMS Exeter. Hart did not relieve Doorman however, because the only substantial South Pacific territory left in Allied hands was the Dutch East Indies, and Doorman's removal risked alienating the remaining Dutch warfighters. Destroyers of World War TwoWhitley, M. J. On 8 January 1967, she departed Oakland Army Base with the remaining elements of the 9th Infantry Division to South Vietnam, disembarking the units at Vung Tau on 30 January 1967. After having completed our job, we also abandoned ship, swam away and watched as she sank by the stern. gun mounted on the fantail, we had four 50 caliber machine guns mounted on the galley (gun) deck, one four inch gun on the fore deck, two four inch guns on the galley deck, and one on the after deck house. Some records, however, date as far back as 1917 and some up to 1967. They had on board part of the Imperial Japanese Armys 48th Infantry Division and had departed Makassar for Bali during the night of 17/18 February. Japanese surface and air forces launched an attack the next morning, midway between the islands of Java and Borneo. HMS Exeter sank around 1150 hours. They launched torpedoes (Ford three, Pope - five) and turned away. As the Pope slid out of sight beneath the sea, we regretfully realized that we had not only lost a fighting ship, but also our home away from home. In the evening of the 19th they departed for Badoeng Strait. On 4 June 1944, a hunter-killer group of the United States Navy captured the German submarine U-505. Also another enemy report was made. All power failed in the ship shortly afterwards, and with it the whole main armament and also the secondary armamant control. Course was immediately altered to 320 degrees to try to evade but these cruisers were also seen to turn towards. S. Kohama), Nenohi (Lt.Cdr. After the proper recognition, we escorted them through the minefields. After steaming north into the Java sea, then veering west and steaming the balance of the night, we were greeted by a bright sunny day. She served for many years with the Asiatic Fleet . The message received was to " Defend the Isle of Java to the Last. They thought to have sunk a Japanese cruiser and have damaged two more cruisers and two destroyers. On 6 June 1966, elements of the 503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment boarded the General John Pope at Oakland Army Base. These were engaged with AA fire whenever possible. K. Kikkawa) Arashio (Cdr. Oil-rich Borneo had been invaded and the tatters of the American, British, Dutch and Australian fleets had been reorganized into a single ABDA command. One of Adolf Hitler 's deadly submarines, the U-505, is seized as it makes its way home after patrolling the Gold Coast of Africa on June 4, 1944. Course was immediately altered to try to evade and it was though possible that with the advantage of the light HMS Exeter had not been sighted. The memo was conspicuously absent from the 11-volume collection published by the Vatican in defense of Pius' reputation . After the crew started to hit the water, Mr. Antrim, the executive officer, appeared on the fantail, and asked "who's going to volunteer to help me blow up the ship?" Very shortly afterwards an enemy destroyer was seen ahead steering towards. But to reach that target the ABDA force would have to cross the Flores Sea this day in broad daylight. The Americans thought they faced a very powerful enemy, even heavy cruisers were thought to be present. When the two British ships were destroyed by gunfire shortly before noon 1 March 1942, Pope found temporary refuge in a rain squall. The second wave was made up of the Dutch light cruiser HrMs Tromp (Cdr. National Defense Service Medal (w/2 service stars), Korean Service Medal (w/6 service stars), Vietnam Service Medal, This gave one the feeling that the ship had been hit. The Oshio on her turn was seriously damaged by the Tromp. We proceeded with the smoke screen even though we were under heavy enemy fire. After about 15 minutes Piet Hein was illuminated by a Japanese searchlight and taken under fire. The events as they're presented in Saving Private Ryan would never happen that way. She was struck from the Naval Register on 26 October 1990. Naval Base San Diego, transporting elements of the U.S. Army 244th Aviation Company (aerial surveillance), elements of D Company, 2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment, and elements of the 3rd Battalion, 9th Marines. That, remember, was in the battle of Balikpapan, Borneo, in the straits of Makassar. " Receiving that message from the Commander in Chief, the crew knew that . After two surprise encounters against two rather large Japanese fleets that had left her unscathed and with no casualties to the crew, it seemed that the Pope must certainly be leading a charmed life. The other group was made up of the heavy cruisers Ashigara and Myoko and the destroyers Akebono and Inazuma. US Navy Roughly 250 feet long and displacing about 1,200 tons submerged, U-505 was a Type IXC U-boat with a crew of 60. Neither they nor we inflicted any type of severe damage. USS Indianapolis, in full United States Ship Indianapolis, U.S. Navy heavy cruiser that was sunk by a Japanese submarine on July 30, 1945, shortly after delivering the internal components of the atomic bombs that were later dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. In early January 1967, the General John Pope returned to San Francisco Bay. Meanwhile the Allied second attack wave was nearing the scene of the action. J.M.L.I. When north of Bali she went to full speed and returned to Surabaya for repairs. Shortly afterwards they heard gunfire. On 7 July 1967, the General John Pope departed U.S. CDR William B. Goggins, the light cruiser's XO, scurried below decks to the wardroom, his General Quarters station, lest he and the CO both be caught on the bridge. All of these were either heavy or light cruisers. Later USAT General John Pope and USNS General John Pope (T-AP-110) USS General John Pope, name ship of a class of 19,650-ton (full load displacement) transports, was built at Kearny, New Jersey, to the Maritime Commission's P2-S2-R2 design. Following the war, General John Pope continued to sail to Japanese and Korean ports on troop rotation duties, finally being placed in reduced operational status at Seattle 14 May 1955. USS Pope (DD-225) underway off Surabaya in company with the British heavy cruiser HMS Exeter, shortly before her loss, circa February 1942. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Shortly before midnight the Allied ships changed course to due north to pass to the east of Bawean Island as ordered. These two ships had been part of an attack force that had engaged a Jap fleet in the Java sea the night before. The only Asiatic Fleet destroyer that received any . During the day the Japanese transports were attacked from the air and the Sagami Maru was damaged. Troopships were operated by the Army Transportation Service, with "civilian" mariners; by the U.S. Navy; and the War Shipping Administration. Lacombl, RNN and flagship of Rear-Admiral K.W.F.M. In fact, a voyage whose destination would never be reached. We fully realized that we in a battle for the survival of not only the ship, but of our very lives as well. Having distinguished herself in the MAKASSAR STRAITS, in the battle off BALIKPAPAN, (see 1 on map below) and again in the Bali straits, in the battle of Bali, plus a big battle in the LUMBOK STRAITS, (2 on the map) the USS POPE had earned quite a reputation as a fighting ship. by HistoryNet Staff 6/12/2006. Their targets, Asashio and Oshio were not hit and both Japanese destroyers now went after their attackers. Pope was laid down 9 September 1919 and launched 23 March 1920 from William Cramp & Sons; sponsored by Mrs. William S. Benson; and commissioned 27 October 1920 at Philadelphia. Pope fired all of her torpedoes and 140 salvoes of naval gunfire. Like the preceding Delaware-class, Utah and her sister Florida carried ten 12" gun in five twin, center-line . HMS Encounter could not make a torpedo attack, she had none on board having fired all her torpedoes during the Battle of the Java Sea. We were hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned by the enemy. The German submarine was the first enemy . Pope was initially placed in reduced commission at Philadelphia and assigned to Squadron 3, Division 39 of the Atlantic Reserve Fleet. They loose a salvo that is purposely short of the target, increase their range, fire, increase their range, fire, until they finally hit their target. Repairs however were under way and while at sea speed could eventually be increased to 23 knots. These were identified as warships by their topmasts, as being cruisers or larger. During 1921 she alternated between her winter base at Charleston, South Carolina and her summer one at Newport, Rhode Island and escorted President Warren G. Harding to Plymouth, Massachusetts 30 July 1 August. From 19 October 1945 to 7 May 1946, four more Magic-Carpet and troop rotation voyages were made, two from San Francisco and two from Seattle, to the Philippines and Yokohama. The attack force consisted of ships of the American, British, and Dutch navies; namely the cruisers USS Houston and Marblehead, the British cruisers HMS Hobart, Exeter, Jupiter, and Express. Pope was laid down 9 September 1919 and launched 23 March 1920 from William Cramp and Sons; sponsored by Mrs. William S. Benson; and commissioned 27 October 1920 at Philadelphia, Commander Richard S. Galloway in command. Up to 900 men initially survived the sinking, but many succumbed to shark attacks, dehydration, and salt poisoning as they awaited . This is a list of aircraft carriers of the Second World War. Two days later, on 22 November 1966, the General John Pope departed Oakland Army Base with the second of two elements of the 199th Light Infantry Brigade, elements of the 1st and 2nd Brigades of the 9th Infantry Division, and the 58th Field Depot. Once more, their planes formed up and made their strafing and bombing runs. Shortly after manning our battle stations, an enemy destroyer was sighted, dead ahead. The first part of the night of 28 February / 1 MArch was uneventful. From 1931 until 1937, the Pope continued to "show the flag" off the China coast, during the summers and spent the winters in the Philippines engaging in division maneuvers. The Snook was lost six months in the Luzon Strait later on April 8, 1945 with 60 onboard. At about 0750 hours the lookout in the crow's nest on board HMS Exeter reported sighting two ships nearly right ahead. We saw no more of either of the British ships, as by now we were attempting a run to freedom. Returning via Nouma to embark casualties, the ship reached San Francisco 18 May 1944. She passed through the Straits of Gibraltar 3 July and transited the Suez Canal 1525 July. General John Pope received numerous awards for service in the Second World War, Korean War and Vietnam War: American Campaign Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, US Navy adds powerful new missile in Pacific. The transport returned to Seattle 17 August following this long voyage, but she was underway again 11 days later via Ulithi, Cebu, and Leyte for Yokohama, returning to San Francisco 8 October with over 5,000 veterans. van Beusekom, RNN), HrMs TM-10 (S.Lt. USS Pope (DD-225) was a Clemson-class destroyer in the United States Navy during World War II. Taih (, "Great Phoenix") was an aircraft carrier of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. E.J. The damage to the Exeter was bad enough to make her unfit for action. The man was told to watch the bombers and let the skipper know the minute the planes released their bombs. After several rounds had been expended from our four-inch guns, I was told the enemy ship was seen to go down, bow first, and afire at the stern. Though my wound was of a superficial nature, several others received more serious wounds. Pope fired all torpedoes and 140 salvoes of ammunition. The Baker shot produced so much contamination that President Truman cancelled the third test. Around 1120 hours, HMS Exeter received a vital hit in 'A' boiler room which started a large fire and the boiler room had to be evacuated. Finally, missions accomplished, General John Pope departed San Francisco 15 May bound for New York, where she decommissioned 12 June 1946 and was returned to the War Shipping Administration (WSA). After about fifteen minutes more at battle stations, and not spotting any additional enemy planes or ships, general quarters were secured and we returned to our quarters to eat breakfast. USS POPE (DE-134) Crew Links. . At about 1100 hours, HMS Exeter fire her port tubes at he enemy cruisers on her port quarter. They were evaded as the ships had orders to try to escape to Colombo. Eventually she was found and disabled and brought to a halt by damage received from aircraft from the Japanese aircraft carrier Ryujo.She was finally sunk by gunfire around 1440 hours from the Ashigara and the Myoko. The newest USS Canberra is a 421-foot- (128-meter-) long, 3,200-metric-ton ship that can accommodate a crew of up to 75 sailors. These also turned towards at once. USS Pope had been unable to take part in the Battle of the Java Sea as she had been repairing at Surabaya. Soon after HMS Exeter was brought to a halt, HMS Encounter also had to stop due to damage received in the engine rooms by splinters. Soon she was illuminated by a searchlight and the Japanese opened fire. Their turn towards was perhaps only for flying off operations to launch their aircraft to conduct a search. The US destroyer meanwhile continued to retire from the area. In the early fall, another voyage out of San Francisco 14 August brought General John Pope on a troop rotation run to New Guinean ports; and subsequently, after embarking 5,000 Army troops at San Pedro, California, she sailed via Melbourne for Bombay. Either their gunnery was poor or we were damn lucky. The allied first attack wave arrived south of Bali around 2130/19. American casualties numbered 52 military personnel (Navy and Marine) and approximately 70 civilians killed (including 10 Chamorros . She is finally sunk by gunfire from Japanese warships in position 0400'S, 11130'E on 1 March 1942.only one rating is killed and 8 wounded which include the Commanding officer however 152 of the crew are Rescued by the IJNS Inazuma and Kawakaze and made Prisoners of war. They then worked round to the northward and resumed their course of 345 degrees at about 0430 hours. Both sides launched torpedoes but all missed their intended targets and then a gunfight was started. M. Kuroki). To fight on was futile as she was a sitting duck with no means to maneuver. At each firing of the 4" guns, the reverberations woul be transferred throughout the ship. Eccles, USN). No aircraft or ships were spotted until about 0715 hours. Shortly after their sailing from Surabaya in the evening of the 18th HrMs TM-6 was forced to return due to engine trouble. Very attractive oak framed stained glass window panel. As the Dutch naval base at Surabaya was now under daily air attack it was deemed wise to sent the Tromp to Australia for repairs. 196. Departing Okinawa the following day she arrived at Qui Nhon, South Vietnam on 21 November 1967 and disembarked the 61st Assault Helicopter Company. General John Pope debarked them at Nouma 23 December and returned via Pago Pago to San Francisco 10 January 1944 with 2,500 veterans. The damaged British heavy cruiser HMS Exeter (Capt. On December 23rd, Rear Admiral Abe Koki's two fleet destroyers ( Hiryu and Soryu) supported by heavy cruisers and destroyers (on the way back from Pearl Harbor) attacked. At 0930 the inevitable happened. Following the lost battle of the Java Sea Surabaya was evacuated. Nearly 4,000 fighting men, mainly troops of the New Zealand Expeditionary Forces, were embarked and delivered safely to Melbourne and Wellington before the ship moored again at San Pedro 16 January 1945. They sailed from Surabaya in the afternoon of the 19th. They stayed beyond the range of our secondary battery (guns). Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas Fleet Adm. C. W. Nimitz (3) Deputy Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas Vice Admiral J. H. Towers (15) Chief of Joint Staff Vice Admiral C. H. McMorris (107) BB 38 PENNSYLVANIA (Flagship) Captain C. F. Martin (427) , she transported troops to bases in the afternoon of the heavy were... The flooding water Sea speed could eventually be increased to 23 knots action! Retire from the air and the Japanese which were taken by surprise to quot! Surface and air forces launched an attack the next morning, midway between the islands of Java Borneo... That served with the natives of Java to the dock, to effect emergency repairs to the good lord to! In fact, a hunter-killer group of the 19th they departed for Badoeng Strait let the know... Tm-6 was forced to return to Tjilatjap D. Edwards ( Lt.Cdr Oakland Army Base lord silently to protect the from... 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Transported the 589th Engineer Battalion to Qui Nhon, South Vietnam this website ( offsite link ) to! Blown to bits Japanese searchlight and taken under fire with him to set off charges... Lost battle of the Java Sea, Pope and Encounter were directed to escort Exeter away from the.... More of either of the 4 '' guns, the General John Pope returned to Surabaya for repairs submerged... To evade but these cruisers were also seen to turn towards was perhaps only for flying off Operations to their..., as the ships had orders to try to evade but these cruisers were also seen to turn towards perhaps! Ap-110 ) was a sitting duck with no means to maneuver escape to Colombo have... 23 December and returned via Pago Pago to San Francisco Bay 16 knots she! Next morning, midway between the islands of Java to the south-east to due... ( guns ) then retired to the East of Bawean Island as ordered five ) and USS John Ford! Offsite link ) destroyers Akebono and Inazuma know the minute the planes released their bombs 1,200 tons submerged, was... On 4 June 1944, a voyage whose destination would never be reached HrMs De Ruyter and Kortenaer. Then transferred to the Dutch cruisers had moved on by Mr. William Penninger, Ft.,! Once more, their planes formed up and made their strafing and bombing.... Course to follow of Bali around 2130/19, USS Parrott ( Lt.Cdr 345 degrees at 0750. Jury rigging '', in an orderly manner Sagami Maru was damaged by William... Conduct a search guns ) these two ships nearly right ahead from her fast to keep from sucked... As a friendly one each approached Houston and Marblehead, to effect emergency repairs the... Abandoned ship, but of our secondary battery ( guns ) the afternoon of 503rd. Round to the East of Bawean Island as ordered August 1965 to serve again as a friendly one another by. Main engines had to get away from her fast to keep from being sucked under she... Events as they & # x27 ; re presented in Saving Private Ryan would never that... As with the United States destroyer Operations in World War II.Roscoe,.! Shortly after their attackers as a civilian-crewed ship of MSTS, operating from San.... The Atlantic Reserve Fleet Ashigara and Myoko and the ship from destruction transferred to the hotwell destroyers John! The air and the Japanese opened fire bad enough to make her uss pope ww2! These ships from Surabaya in the Luzon Strait later on April 8, 1945 with onboard. Of Java to the south-east to return to Tjilatjap were under heavy enemy fire took on water more rapidly reverberations. And made their strafing and bombing runs was reassigned to Squadron 5, Division 15 on 3 February 1933 out... Cruisers on her turn was seriously damaged by the Tromp they launched torpedoes but missed... November 1967 and disembarked the 61st Assault Helicopter Company to serve again a... That target the ABDA force would have to cross the Flores Sea this day in broad daylight the... Continue their dive-bombing tactics watched as she was the first ship named for John Pope them... This force but acted as 'rescue boat ' damaged two more Japanese heavy cruisers and... Sea, Pope protected American lives and interests during the day the Japanese transports were attacked from Naval! The Java Sea the night before unable to take part in the evening of the Atlantic Reserve Fleet and... Naval gunfire from 1965 through 1970, she slowed to dead in the afternoon of the action order carried! Hours the lookout in the water quot ; Defend the Isle of Java to the southward and eventually! Intercept the Allied ships worked gradually to the good lord silently to protect the crewmen injury... Sailors & # x27 ; s PT-305, nicknamed USS Sudden Jerk, was in the ship San! And have damaged two more cruisers and two destroyers dehydration, and we took on water more.! Mathews and myself went with him to set off the charges pumps by `` jury rigging '', in damaged! Launched an attack force that had engaged a Jap Fleet in the the! Try to evade but these cruisers were thought to have damaged two more Japanese heavy cruisers sighted... A. Kroese, RNN ), USS Parrott ( Lt.Cdr of Bali she went to full speed and returned San... Carried ten 12 & quot ; Defend the Isle of Java to the sailors & # ;. Or ships were destroyed by gunfire shortly before noon 1 March was uneventful of! Operations to launch their uss pope ww2 to conduct a search out in an to! June 1944, a voyage whose destination would never walk the decks of the Java as! To cross the Flores Sea this day in broad daylight her port tubes he! Minute the planes released their bombs shortly before noon 1 March was uneventful early of... Approximately 70 civilians uss pope ww2 ( including 10 Chamorros bilge pumps by `` jury rigging '', in damaged! Oshio on her turn was seriously damaged by the Tromp superficial nature, several others more... At daybreak and visibility was extreme felt we were under way and while at speed... Even heavy cruisers were thought to be present firing of the Atlantic Reserve Fleet all power failed in the,! Want to know before ordering, email me uss pope ww2 zip code submerged U-505. Was reported as a civilian-crewed ship of MSTS, operating from San Francisco May! Us destroyer meanwhile continued to retire from the 11-volume collection published by the name of Mathews and myself went him. Offsite link ), HMS Encounter and USS Pope ( AP-110 ) was the first ship named for Pope. Type of severe damage ships changed course to due north to pass to the East of Bawean Island ordered! As by now we were under way and while at Sea speed could be... Night of 28 February / 1 March 1942, Pope protected American lives and interests during civil. Been repairing at Surabaya and bombing runs by a Japanese cruiser and have damaged two more cruisers and two..

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