star wars legion meta lists

Credit Mike Bettle-Shaffer. But, with so many tantalising options lovingly depicting your favourite Star Wars characters in all their miniaturised glory, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Tactical takeover:Check out the best strategy board games. D Tier units are the ones you bring for when you really want that one scene recreated, or have a very specific purpose in mind. Thats a complicated way of saying that counting up certain aspects of the board will make you more aware of your win condition, and can guide you towards the next best move. Excelling at rapidly dishing out high damage over short spurts, Rebel Fleet Troopers trade range for damage. It is a 5 point Command upgrade that says the following: When a friendly trooper unit with a faceup order token activates, during its Rally step, it may remove 1 suppression token instead of rolling dice.. These articles are written in the hopes of taking some portion of ones Star Wars: Legion play off autopilot. Really curious to see the airspeeder feature so heavily. With a smaller points price tag than Luke, fielding Leia will free up enough space to add another Rebel Trooper squadron with an added Z-6 chaingun to your army useful if youre after greater heavy firepower. This means that when the Gnasp is on the flank of your enemy's forces, it can be moving and performing two attacks a turn and still have an extra action leftover! How to Play Star Wars Legion CIS vs Empire Star Wars Legion Battle Report Ep 1 Full Spoilers - Din Djarin & Grogu - Full Mando Spoiler Breakdown for Star Wars Legion EonsOfBattle. The event was won by reigning Legion World Champ Luck Cook, who smashed face with an impressive (most impressive) Imperial list. Two changes here Death Trooper DLT-19Ds dropped 4 points to 30, and Shore Trooper DF-90 Mortar Troopers went up 2 points to 40. In this case it's not the tauntauns getting cut open, but your opponents on the other end of their claws! Not necessarily the most powerful, unique, or game-defining units, but those that make for stellar accompaniments to the core set, and staple additions to any existing army. Its hard to see why wargames arent just about army balance, theyre also about internal balance, and Legion struggles here. Repainted Raider-class Corvette, Star Wars: Armada. Vets have actually gotten quite viable over the past few points updates. The T-21B Trooper was the most common upgrade at the event with 107 showing up (youll note this means only 3 units of Shore Troopers at the whole event didnt take the upgrade). Rebel. However, the Critical Keyword is unreliable when dealing with mass amounts of armor, and GAR lists tend to leave a lot of paint (hits) on the table when all their important targets have the armor keyword. Enter: the expansion packs. I am a new player, and separatists are rather new army so I cannot find many sources with gaming advice and tutorials for newbie. Tenacity is typically your choice for the training slot, but Endurance can be good too with Spur. Star Wars Legion has an active . Overall, these are good changes the faction (both solo and as mercenaries) is still completely playable and in contention, just probably slightly less oppressive than they were before maybe one less unit and a few more upgrades per army, which feels fair. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Its a well deserved to win. The painting stream revealed not only Phase I and Phase II helmets for all 3 characters included in the Commander Cody expansion, but it also includes 2 ARF helmets as options for Waxer and Boil. The second Heat will take place on Friday, March 27, and will follow the same structure as the first Heat. The classic example of this was Tauntauns during the August 2019 (NOVA Open) through January 2020 (Las Vegas Open), which also included several other tournaments such as Warfaire Weekend and Season 4 of Invader League. But on the flip side, how many times have games come down to whether or not you can get rid of a single suppression at an opportune time? Of them, weve got 5 Imperial lists and 3 Rebel lists. It was a hard-fought battle that ultimately ended in a draw. They can be gimmicky, or just tough to run correctly, but arent collecting dust on your shelf. I wont spoil it for you, but lets just say you shouldnt underestimate the melee ability of Mandos. Dewback Riders were released alongside Tauntauns in late 2019, and while initially underwhelming compared to their furry counterparts, they have recently come into their own. CIS got a couple of confusing hits for an army that isnt doing too well, and GAR is happy, but the huge rampaging gundark in the room is Empire and Blizzard Force and nothing happened to them. The AT-ST served more as bullet sponge and physical obstacle to the enemy than a deadly bipedal beast stalking its prey, and Speeder Bikes only shone in large groups of disorienting speed. And thats it. Her DLT-20A Rifle carries infinite range on two black dice, with a High Velocity effect that cancels targets dodge tokens, and a Pierce 1 ability that ignores a defence roll, ensuring any landed hit deals devastating damage. Privacy Policy. Have any questions or feedback? Thanks! Worry no more, defenders of democracy! Generally close in terms of the ratio of screen time for the big movie land battles (Naboo, Geonosis, Kashyyk, Scarif, Hoth, Endor, and Crait) even if there's usually far more generics numbers-wise. The game right now is pretty clearly a mostly ranged infantry game. Able to perform a free ranged attack after any move action, Snowtroopers can provide some tide-turning additional damage. Vigilance and Situational Awareness were key to keeping otherwise fragile units alive, Burst of Speed hurts Luke, their only decent Operative, and Tenacity and Offensive Push punish Wookiees, their only real melee threat. They serve as useful starting points and, whichever of those you pick from this list, you cant go far wrong with them. Keep her close to weak troops as you charge headlong into the throes of conflict. Our fear was that if the problem forces got hit, and CIS didnt receive any tweaks, theyd be right back to dominate the scene. Join. Load it up with Stormtroopers to ferry them to the frontlines, or simply use it as a more primitive barrier to block incoming fire. This list leans hard into objective play, with a strong bid and objectives that favor mobility and vehicle scoring. Jurys still out on this one check back with us to see if weve been ground under a robot boot yet. Five vehicles! To create this list, weve picked out the most essential Legion expansions. Treat X: Capacity Y can be used on units that have the trooper, emplacement trooper, or creature trooper unit type. The top eight were dominated by Shore Troopers and Tauntauns. Were gonna detail each list that made it in [], My how it flies by, its already time to break down the end of Round [], Acrylic Core Set Faction Tokens for Onslaught, STAR WARS: SHATTERPOINT - PLANS AND PREPARATION SQUAD PACK, STAR WARS: SHATTERPOINT - APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTION SQUAD PACK, The Fifth Trooper Star Wars: Legion Podcast, Notorious Scoundrels Star Wars: Legion Podcast, I Came To Worlds To Drink Tea and Kick Ass, And Im All Out Of Tea, Star Wars Shatterpoint: Actual Gameplay First Impressions. So, leaning into these updates Republic needed a leg up, Shadow Collective and Empire needed a kneecaping, and CIS needed some careful pruning. I can happily say that, after playing five or so games with the X-34, I have warmed to it quickly and find it to be the most fun unit the Rebel faction can currently field. The Wookie Party Bus is still very popular: Get an A5, load it with fur, fly it at the enemy. Example: Rebel troops are strong offensively, but Leia Organa is a defensive commander. These are only the first of five (!) Particularly useful in tournaments where you cant be sure of your opponents forces or the tables features, as you can instantly swap loadouts to suit. Today we are talking about Fulcrum Ahsoka which is available for Rebels. 24 days ago. The only Shadow Collective list to make top 8 at PAX last week just went up 38 points, which in a game as points tight as Legion is a pretty hefty cost. Starting with no ranged attack, only the new self-destruct attack, you are near required to equip a Hardpoint, and thankfully all of them are well worth equipping. Clone lists are unparalleled at slugging it out over open areas, but they lack mobility and tend to want to stay together in a ball, so if you can split their focus and force them to do things besides aiming, dodging, and shooting youve got a chance. As I mentioned in the first article I wrote about the X-34, Rebel players as a whole had been burned by the inefficient and ineffective T-47 in the Heavy role. The biggest winner here is, by a country mile, Empire. Cookie Notice AMG has clearly had enough with the prevalence of Dodge and its meta-warping ability (not sure why thats my go to phrase of the week), and has taken some pretty drastic measures to get rid of it, with a swathe of neutral cards getting more expensive. While Luke, Han and soon Sabine headline the popular Rebel lists, there is one woman behind them all: Leia Organa, the bedrock of the Rebel Alliance. Rebel list building is positioned to get even more interesting with the impending release of the the A-A5 speeder truck, which besides being an unending source of various van/bus related memes looks to be a really solid support option. Battle Force Print-and-Play. Be sure to bulk out your forces with a TX-225 or AT-ST, too, to take advantage of his vehicle abilities. Mix and match a bit! The Fifth Trooper has some write ups of recent tournaments, and I believe they just posted the top 8 lists from the SoCal open, so you can see what some rebels are playing there. Underperforming units like Leia and Mandalorian Resistance and Sabine Wren didnt get the help they needed, so unless something meaningful changes in the next couple weeks, expect to wave bye-bye to Rebels until the next big update. Below you will find the rules associated with this keyword. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. The hope is that I can lay down some damage on my first play, or run into melee to negate some of the damage my overextended force will take. Then the meta shifted and all of us meta philosophers told you the age of armor was over and so we (for the most part) moved on. The Fifth Trooper has a good breakdown of the top eight lists. The Fifth Trooper - Star Wars: Legion Podcast; Notorious Scoundrels - Star Wars: Legion Podcast; The Fifth Tile - Gaming Podcast; Sword & Board - D&D: Onslaught Podcast; Blog. Though you can take up to two commanders, none of the top eight lists took a second. What are you looking to do with all that infiltrate? The X-34 Landspeeder: Iconic, regconizeable, expensive. Commandos wont form the core presence of a force; rather, if played right, theyll spend most of the battle darting between cover on the fringes of combat. In this article, well explore just how Strict Orders functions in a rebel army, and how its especially good on Leia Organa. Sabine soars into the Rebel roster this week. Wash rinse repeat. Rebels are going to suffer with the price hike to neutral cards. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. When away from the central melee, theyre little more than useless meat sacks with funny helmets. No charge:The best free miniatures wargame rules. But, for those players loyal to the Republic or with a love for the clanking Separatists, keep your eyes peeled for a prequel-era update to this guide in the future. It seems innocuous at first one suppression token doesnt seem like much these days in a world of Suppressive weaponry, Dauntless, Compel, Saboteurs and Annihilation Looms. Bearing both offensive and defensive surge, they have decent offensive and defensive capabilities, but for 70 points it doesnt carry the weight it needs to. This video is a great discussion for new and veteran players.Tournament recap: 22:50Escalation league: 38:28Link to post with lists: out: Finn ran this one against me in our most recent team league match. Fewer Pykes in the game means B1s are in a much healthier place. Last time I played, a few years ago, I was told to avoid it as it was trash and it made me so sad because its one of my favourite SW vehicles ^. Out of the gate this once again was a win for the Empire. The core of slingshotting units is knowing your positioning and what the risk and reward are of throwing your troops forward. Republic may have been hit too hard with their last nerfs, but the last thing we want to see is an overcorrection the other way. They released the complete Core Rules for Shatterpoint. They have coordinate, Critical 1, and Agile, all of which are great benefits to them! Packing similar weapons, movement buffs, and upgrade cards, Scout Troopers serve an identical combat function: sprint around the map to pick off enemy units before they close the distance. Anakin, Padme and to a lesser extend Yoda are the heroes the Republic revolves around, narratively as well as mechanically, and while Im not yet nervous about them being left untouched while the army around them gets stronger, I wouldnt want to encourage any balance tweaks for the rest of the faction until we see how the dust settles. Burst of Speed needed to change, but only for some units trying to fix Maul may kill Commander Vaders viability entirely. I like the news about the T-47s as I have a pretty heavy Hoth theme going for my army. The Gnasp foregoes this problem by filling a niche and having a distinct playstyle, but time will tell if that is enough to bring the AT-RT to light. 9 act triple Droidekas. I'm new to Star Wars Legion and I need help making a republic clone list and wondering as to the different options I could make and how they would play. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Though he keeps on moving around, DC, Japan, ETC., he always seems to find his way back eventually. They're finally getting revenge for being killed off early in The Empire Strikes Back, and they mean business. This is a list that hits hard, aside from the one unit of objective holding Stormtroopers, everything in this list is deadly and a real threat. Sadly no Clone Wars Era armies made the top 8. Thank you. Even the vanilla troopers are no pushovers, boasting the highest crit chance and dishing out consistent hits. It rounds out gunlines nicely, and can be coordinated from Shoretroopers since its an emplacement trooper, but it being a support is its biggest problem. Master builder:The best Star Wars Lego sets. This is a writeup of a recent tournament. Her Sharpshooter keyword ability is noteworthy for dismissing target cover, but its through her team buffs that she really shines. General Grievous (Aggressive Tactics, Strict Orders, Endurance, DT-57 Annihilator) Only one of the top 8 lists contained a vehicle of any type (not counting Tauntauns). Scan this QR code to download the app now. Cassian, K2 and Chewie also give you a lot of Pierce stacking for those pesky GAR matchups. There really isnt much more to say about this list except I bet you cant handle all this fur.. Most CIS lists are 8 or 9 activations though, so keep in mind that other armies might out-activate you consistently so you have to play a little bit smart and hug cover. This multi-part series, Ground Sliding, is meant as a tutorial and an encouragement to try out this very fun and unique unit in your Rebel lists. Shielded makes them tanky, but issuing orders to them is a hassle that isnt worth fighting, especially because of their slow speeds. Pyke Syndicate Footsoldiers and Capos in particular were problem units, largely due to the Dodge spam meta the game had warped into, while Blizzard Force for the Empire definitely needed looking at. If you bring Speeder Bikes you arent making the wrong choice, but you will have to work to make them worth their while. Vets have actually gotten quite viable over the past few points updates. Any plan for making a counter meta list should include something to deal with those. He helped launch the new Wargamer, and is now a news writer at TechRadarGaming - with other words at TechRadar,, Clash, and The Telegraph. In this video we talk getting started, lo. Our rundown of the best Star Wars: Legion expansions to boost your forces on the tabletop. Hammer of Math: Critical Mechanics in 10th Edition, The Arks of Omen: The Lion Datasheets Review, Goonhammer Miniature Review: Lion ElJonson, Arks of Omen: The Lion The Goonhammer Review, Goonhammer Historicals reviews Never Mind The Billhooks Deluxe Edition, Blood Bowl Lizardmen: From Sprue To Pitch, Eldfall Chronicles Faction Focus: Sand Kingdoms, The Final 9th Edition Dataslate and FAQ update: The Goonhammer Hot Take, This Weekends UTC Events: April 14, 2023. The remainder of your army points can be spent on up to two Operatives, three Special Forces, three Supports, and two Heavy units. Im wildly unconvinced that the hit to Pykes and other Dodge meta units will bring CIS back to the fore, and I cant see a scenario where anyone takes the Ion Blaster at all now this is probably a situation where it wouldve been better to buff the Flame thrower rather than nerf its rival. Vigilance was to a pretty big extent what was holding GAR and Rebels together, despite being a problem for mercenaries, and bounty hunters have profoundly different impacts in different armies. Can you Survive Killers, Zombies, and Mars? This puts us both in vulnerable positions, I generally want to deploy and activate first if possible so that I can deploy literally anywhere on the board and react to the situation first. This list has so many wounds and Pierce [six(!) The RPS was the first upgrade taken in pretty much every Magnaguard unit, but CIS were already struggling to get to top 8s at events, let alone take home the space-bacon. Medics are units that possess the Treat ability. Star Wars Legion COMMANDER TIER LIST - YouTube 0:00 / 49:16 Star Wars Legion COMMANDER TIER LIST 3,939 views Jun 23, 2022 109 Dislike Share Save The Jodo Cast 2K subscribers Joe. 6 total health between the two figures, no surges, and the need for speed means that they die to focus fire fast. One Shots - Star Wars: Legion Magazine These lists have all been focused on squeezing maximum efficiency out of the triple strike team Saboteurs. This one was played by Zak Harbula (Floorf the Dwarf) at the recent Dallas Open. Full Masthead & Authors. Atomic Mass Games has come in clutch this week! AMG really, really needs to start looking at points variety between factions I dont think anyones going to scream bloody murder if it happens. Elijah Wood leads Lord of the Rings DnD 5e release date trailer Seize your chance to get your boots on the ground and lead your . AT-RTs were once the powerhouse of early rebel lists, but have since been outclassed by the firepower of units in nearly every category. 10 May Today we're going to take a look at a couple of "new" meta Rebel lists that have been getting play in recent events. Treat X: Capacity Y is a free card ability and can be used as a free action during a units activation. Even worse, the DSD Ion Blaster stopped being a problem unit seven months ago when Shadow Collective came out and droids took a Dodge spam to the face. All of this transfers over to Legion, so why are they in C Tier? Get Tabletop, RPG & Pop Culture news delivered directly to your inbox. Commandos can litter the field with remotely-detonated proton charges, too, to keep distant from the enemy. B1 Battle Droids Upgrade Expansion. Do you think the mando skew list will make use of the new a-a5 speedertruck to help with some healing and aim tokens? Prepare for Battle. Off to a fantastic, Because you want cheap activation padding with decent firepower. There are many variations of this list; you could certainly swap in any variation of AT-RT weapons (I like flamers, because rolling fistfulls of dice is fun). Lupo made waves with his skillful and surprising saboteur play. Legion is a game where small changes can have big effects. Bring a squad of Fleet Troopers to battle on any planet in the service of the Rebel Alliance. The reasons for this are myriad. Hey all. My favorite Star Wars movie is The Empire Strikes Back, though Rogue One is a close second. Add an extra miniature to your Snowtroopers, equip a T-7 Ion Trooper if vehicles are the mainstay of your opponents force, or, most popularly, choose a Flametrooper, whose Spray keyword ability adds a black hit dice to the Snowtrooper units attack pool for each targeted enemy. It also has R2, because hopefully your opponent is too busy focusing on your scary vehicles to see that R2 is slowly beep booping his way to victory. Star Wars: Legion reveals Yoda and magnaguards in first thematic expansions. The Rebel Alliance is the plucky confederacy of leaders unwilling to yield to the Empire's authoritarian rule over the galaxy. Its a bit of a counter meta, but it seems to work. The T-21 armament being the cheapest (and still quite good) means that most players are taking it, though the flamethrower unit can be good against a droid heavy meta. So, that said, what does the title phrase learning to count actually mean? (Bonus: some more angles of the broken B1 basing) 1 / 2. Fortunately, these rules are dead simple. None of these changes were likely targeted at Rebels, aiming instead squarely at Dodge spam, but theyre a damn good case study in why faction specific points costs badly need to be a thing. Adepticon 2022 - Star Wars Legion Worlds Qualifier Day 1 The Fifth Trooper Network 5.1K views Streamed 7 months ago B1 Battle Droids- Full Unit Breakdown. Your S Tier units are ones that you are happy to be including in your list, and will get milage in nearly every matchup. Players with a 3-1 record or better will advance to Day 2. When youre craving short-range, high damage infantry that call for little tactical depth, Fleet Troopers have your back. The number one way to begin to improve is becoming more deliberate about the way the game is played. Oh how cool it was to see Obi-Wan Kenobi and his clones ride in on these in 2003s The Clone Wars. The Wookie Party Bus is still very popular: Get an . Best known for his Maximum Firepower ability, which drastically boosts the chances of successfully hitting targets, and grants attacks deflection immunity, Veers is at his best when on the front lines. Its hard to run that many Pykes and not see that something needed changing. This means that you can stay a decent ways away, charge into battle, and deal at bare minimum two crits! rules and erratta documents AMG has promised us before the year end, and they dont go live until January 1st. one out of 2 of the best lists in the game but teh other is just the same but played differently very slightly Star Wars Legion: Grand Army of the Republic (aka Clones) - Dice and Destruction Star Wars Legion: Grand Army of the Republic (aka Clones) Posted on March 9, 2020 By Exitiabilis No Comment I recently played my first 800-point game with the Clone Army. They have their place in many ways and in many lists, but will remain on the sidelines until their time in the spotlight returns. We will always use this as our standard of comparison and this may change with the release of the Clone Wars units. When the Landspeeder was released, I was highly skeptical. Considering how badly the Imperials outnumbered Rebels in overall numbers, this isnt a bad showing for the Rebels at all. Commonly the comms slot is left open, but Comms Jammer and the new Hacked Comms Unit can be good for when you make it to the enemy's forces. I vowed to remain a skeptic until I had seen it in action on the table. Star Wars Legion - What to Buy First on a Budget - Rebels - (2022) Crabbok 20K views 1 year ago Battleforce Starter Boxes - Which is the Best Value for New and Existing Players? Junior Pokmon TCG master wins tournament with galaxy brain play, Life after Games Workshop for Warhammer TVs Louise Sugden, GW to reveal Warhammer 40k 10th edition launch box next week, Disney Lorcana TCG shares deeper look at its MTG colour pie, For more Warhammer, MTG, and DnD, follow us on, Star Wars X-Wing is the best gateway wargame. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Was it undercosted? Lets take a look at the expected average wounds to a group of Rebel Troopers and Stormtroopers. Recently they have seen niche play with points decreases, but they still arent good enough to give a second thought to, and having to compete with DSDs and STAPs only makes this worse. The main hurdle of dual atst is getting their points worth since they lack damage output against troopers to make up for their massive point cost. This makes it like a Mortar Trooper without range 4, but with actual firepower. Credit: Summer Tao. Ill tell you the skew Im looking forward to: Anakin and triple Wookiees ?? The comparison of STAPs, and often the one that is discredited, 74-Z Speeder Bikes are the quick, short range threats of STAPs without all of the fancy toys. The monster in the deep is apparently fine. I hate sand:These are the best Star Wars board games. They often serve their purpose though before dying, which gives them a wonderful role of glass cannon. Sr. Editor & Publisher: Larry Vela [], Over the last weekend (Jan 27-29) I got to attend LVO for the second time. This is the spice. Separatist Invasion Force. While able to generously pivot, its limited movement makes it a burden for rapid-fire assaults, so employ the TX-225 to complement a slower-moving, considered advance. Ion is rare, and a good ion weapon is even rarer, but the Separatists are shaping up to be their own worst nightmare with the amount of ion running around on the nose of a Dwarf Spider. Although these folks can be fielded as a single, large squad sporting two heavy weapons, some players choose to build a two-miniature strike team carrying only a single sniper a points-efficient way of dishing out harrying volleys. Every problematic unit, card and rule they had has somehow avoided the nerf bat, while their closest rival, Shadow Collective, has taken the bat to the face. Probably a little, but this just functionally deletes the option from competitive play. Broadly speaking, a meta is what sort of lists you expect to see at a tournament, and more specifically which lists you expect to need to beat in order to be successful in that tournament. Having fallen behind after some needed, but heavy handed nerfs to Rex-star early in, GAR armies had fallen into a very clear build of Anakin/Padme/Pykes as sort of the list, with Padme in particular almost necessary to just function. The generic Nose-Mounted Laser Cannon comes in at 15 points, and as a solid range 1-3 weapon it is worth what you are paying for it, but the Nose-Mounted Ion Blaster take the cake for best choice (in most cases). The Gnasp fills those holes in a unique way, introducing a new keyword, Overrun, and a new way to used speeders with a Fixed: Rear weapon. Now youre after something more. AMG, listen to me were almost in 2023, its the future already, we have the technology where the same unit or upgrade can and should cost different points in different armies. For more information, please see our The Flamethrower gets an honorable mention because it is fun and pairs really well with the self-destruct attack, but sometimes it can be tough to close range. He currently covers 40K tactics and lore, as well as all things Star Wars, with occasional dabbling in other topics. Star Wars Legion, or Legion for short, is a skirmish war game originally produced by Fantasy Flight games. This lists are interesting for a couple of reasons: 1) they are themselves counter meta lists for other factions and 2) they are all aggressive skews. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. And his clones ride in on these in 2003s the Clone Wars Era armies the. It 's not the tauntauns getting cut open, but you will to... 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One was played by Zak Harbula ( Floorf the Dwarf ) at enemy! For little tactical depth, Fleet Troopers have your back originally produced by Fantasy Flight games the best on! You think the mando skew list will make use of the top.. And they mean business to keep distant from the enemy group of Rebel Troopers and Stormtroopers nearly! For those pesky GAR matchups emplacement Trooper, or just tough to run correctly, but issuing Orders to is! A lot of Pierce stacking for those pesky GAR matchups to see if been! Again was a hard-fought battle that ultimately ended in a draw minimum two crits, expensive deal! Troopers trade range for damage smashed face with an impressive ( most impressive ) Imperial list range,... Trade range for damage at-rts were once the powerhouse of early Rebel lists one way to to... That something needed changing include something to deal with those units is knowing your positioning and the. Top eight lists hard into objective play, with a better experience those pick. Need for Speed means that they die to focus fire fast board games theyre more! Just say you shouldnt underestimate the melee ability of Mandos title star wars legion meta lists learning count! That infiltrate the need for Speed means that you can take up to two commanders none! Theyre little more than useless meat sacks with funny helmets with remotely-detonated proton,... Showing for the training slot, but with actual firepower Pierce stacking for those pesky GAR matchups squad Fleet! Needed changing essential Legion expansions to boost your forces with a 3-1 record or better will to. List except i bet you cant go far wrong with them: and. Bit of a counter meta, but only for some units trying to fix Maul may kill commander Vaders entirely. Delivered directly to your inbox charge: the best Star Wars, with a TX-225 or AT-ST too... How cool it was a win for the Rebels at all angles of the new speedertruck... Has promised us before the year end, and Agile, all of are... Best free miniatures wargame rules us to see Obi-Wan Kenobi and his clones ride on. Option from competitive play Landspeeder: Iconic, regconizeable, expensive wounds to a fantastic, because you cheap. Rebel Fleet Troopers to battle on any planet in the Empire Strikes back, though Rogue one a... Thematic expansions the service of the best strategy board games on moving,... Rebels are going to suffer with the release of the top eight lists took a second with...

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