leah in the bible eyes

The 66 books of the Bible list is a very handy printable when you read the Bible. Leah Is a Matriarch Unloved and unwanted, Leah was not only blessed by God with six sons and one daughter. Used by permission. See Genesis chapters 29-30. At first glance, her story might seem to be filled with grief and tragedy but as we read on, some moments help put things into perspective for this brave woman! Leah is living at home with her father Laban and younger sister Rachel. This is what tender eyes meant to me in my childhood (see rabbit on left): Whatever the Hebrew saysand well get to that all-important pointthe English translations seem to me to be a bit uncertain what to say. This level of prayer left a legacy that brought us Jesus Christ -the answer that always saves! Jacob is ultimately allowed to marry Rachel, which he does immediately after the festivities related to his wedding to Leah end, in exchange for another seven years' labor. It sneaks into every aspect of our lives, regardless if you are jealous over something small or big- it can rear its ugly head for everyone! It was through their complicated love story that God would establish the twelve . Contact Us (Mailing Address for Donations). [17], Each woman also continually questioned whether she was doing enough in her personal efforts toward increased spirituality, and would use the other's example to spur herself on. It seems that Leahs father was not a man of his word. It can be frustrating as a Bible interpreter to have to land on ground you know is a bit unstable. The question is this: When push comes to shove, do I go with Christian peer pressure or with Gods Word as I see it? There was a definite weakness when it came to the look of Leah's eyes. Jacob had eyes only for Rachel and he did not care about Leah. But listen for the one odd figure of speech Moses uses in this litany of feminine pulchritude (or the lack thereof): Now Laban had two daughters. Rachel (Heb., the ewe) was, on the contrary, "beautiful and well favoured" (Heb., beautiful in form and beautiful in look). Genesis 29:23But when evening came, he (Laban) took his daughter Leah and gave her to Jacob, and Jacob lay with her. Certainly, to my mind, the strictly literal meaning of the phrase doesnt work: it seems vanishingly unlikely that Moses paused here in Genesis 29 to make an observation about Leahs need for an optometrist. Leah had weak eyes, but Rachel was lovely in form, and beautiful. And God listened to Leah, and she conceived and bore Jacob a fifth son. [14][17] The Talmud (Megillah 13b) says that Rachel revealed to Leah the secret signs which she and Jacob had devised to identify the veiled bride, because they both suspected Laban would pull such a trick. God Pursues Us, even if No One Else Does, Woman of Noble Character Affiliate Program, way for a persons wealth and success in life can be found within their spiritual relationship with God, Leah Unveiled: Your Best Life Later, Discovering Identity Stronger than the Struggle, Rachel & Leah Bible Study Book: What Two Sisters Teach Us about Combating Comparison. Furthermore, the Bible says Jesus was born of the tribe of Judah (Luke 3:33-34)Leah carried the Messianic bloodline and was Jesus ancestor! Leah is the elder daughter of Laban and the wife of Jacob, father of twelve sons who will become the twelve tribes of Israel. The next morning, in the light of day and the absence of a veil, the truth is revealed. and I apply my lovely hands to fashion They likely revered and cherished their mother, bringing her untold joy and satisfaction. This book was named from the author who was an eye witness to Jesus's life and ministry. And we know that for those who love God all things work togetherfor good, forthose who are called according to his purpose. This suggests that the term has the negative nuance of feeble, impotent. Story of Leah in the Bible Leah[a] (/le./; /li/) appears in the Hebrew Bible as one of the two wives of the Biblical patriarch Jacob. Only when her focus changes to Gods favor when she rests in what she has and what shes capable of can she find happiness. Jacob did not see, hear, or attach himself to Leah, but the Lord filled the void Jacob created Leahs life. Can God really use even me? Today and in biblical times, contentment is not a prevalent quality. Read the Bible; Reading Plans . So she named him Issachar. Leah is the subject of this first half . If she lived today, we might imagine her as an awkward wallflower with thick glasses. In the Bible, we read early in the story that Leahs eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful in form and appearance.(Genesis 29:17). And second, Leah is "discarded" by her father, Laban (29:21-27). The Bible is a treasure trove of stories and events from every spectrum. Since God created humans, we have looked for validation and belonging from things and people who could never sustain it for us. Here are 10 Lessons We Can Learn from Leah in the Bible 1. Our circumstances cannot determine the level of our joy, consistency of our prayers, and abundance of our thanks. Unconditionally. In 1 Samuel, when the prophet Samuel anoints David over his older and stronger brothers as God instructs him not to not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. Neither does he reject us because we don't meet the world's standards for being attractive. In Genesis, Rachel is described by her outward appearance as beautiful. Leahs role in the debacle is unknown. Its then that God demonstrates howHefaithfully cherishes andHefaithfully pursues. Another example of typical, modern-day, watering-down of Gods Word within scholarly circles! [21] Dante Alighieri's Purgatorio includes a dream of Rachel and Leah, which inspired illustrations by Dante Gabriel Rossetti and others: " in my dream, I seemed to see a woman In the Judeo-Christian tradition, Leah is portrayed to be the unloved wife of the biblical patriarch Jacob. Leah never seems to gain the affections of Jacob, yet her life is evidence of Gods devotion to her. Leahs eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful in form and appearance. I cant imagine what Leah was feeling, but I can imagine that she felt jealousy at that attention that Rachel received over her. Security in His love, His pursuit of us, and the desire to use our lives for His glory can manifest a love story far more memorable than anything you could see on social media. (Genesis 29:17, NIV), In the same verse is a description of Leah that scholars have been arguing about for centuries:"Leah had weak eyes." Then he commanded them and said to them, I am to begathered to my people;bury me with my fathersin the cave that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite,in the cave that is in the field at Machpelah, to the east of Mamre, in the land of Canaan,which Abraham bought with the field from Ephron the Hittite to possess as a burying place. One of those sons was Judah who was listed in Matthew 1 in the genealogy of King David, King Solomon, and the King of Kings Jesus Christ. But the sisters continually compete for Jacobs affection, primarily by trying to bear him more children. Have you ever felt rejected, left out, or ignored? Rejoice always,pray without ceasing,give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. We know that she was the lesser loved of the two wives, he loved Rachel more than Leah (Genesis 29:30 ESV). 2 Shechem, the son of Hamor the Hivite, the chief of that part of the land, saw her and took her, lay down with her, and humiliated her. Leah becomes Jacob's wife through a deception on the part of her father, Laban. As a general rule of thumb, friend, whenever we struggle with a particular Bible word or phrase, we should scan the surrounding words and/or verses. Id land without telling everybody where Id flown. Leah first appears in the Book of Genesis, in Genesis 29, which describes her as the daughter of Laban and the older sister of Rachel, and is said to not compare to Rachel's physical beauty and that she has tender eyes. In medieval Christian symbolism, Rachel was taken as a symbol of the contemplative (monastic) Christian life, and Leah as a symbol of the active (non-monastic) life. Then she ceased bearing.. Should I Read the Bible Like Any Other Book? Modern English versions actually disagree on how to translate the Hebrew word for tender. Some translations contradict each otherlovely, nice, attractive, ordinary versus didnt sparkle, tender, delicate, weak! Behold the confusion! The Bible says in Genesis 29:30 that " Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah. She was not the preferred wife, often forgotten by her husband as his attention remained with Rachel, but at the end of her life, Leah was honored by Jacob as she was laid to rest with her fellow matriarchs and patriarchs of faith. We dont know. Jealousy can be an ugly feeling that we all share. God loves us unconditionally, with a pure, passionate tenderness. In Genesis 29, we meet Leah. And Leah conceived again, and she bore Jacob a sixth son. Leah's life as Jacob's wife was distressful. She is the sister of Rachel and the cousin of Jacob. On the flip side, because Leah was blessed to bear children for Jacob, Rachel became jealous. This is evident as she named her fourth son, Judah, meaning praise. Leah is identified as having "tender eyes." Other translations describe her as weak, delicate, ordinary, or plain. While I try to take care of myself, especially since having cancer, I know that God is not looking for what I am wearing on the outside but the adorning of who I am on the inside. In the Biblical account, Jacob is dispatched to the hometown of Labanthe brother of his mother Rebekahto avoid being killed by his brother Esau, and to find a wife. The women throughout these pages are just as diversified some strong ones who have changed history; others powerless victims whose lives have been forever changed. ' but Rachel was beautiful in form and appearance.' (Gen 29:17, ESV) Imagine if you were the first half of this sentence, the bit that comes before the 'but'. But I am most likely to do these things on truly important points, those affecting doctrine. He created us to have our hearts race and get those butterflies in our stomachs when pursued in a romantic relationship. Do not let your adorning be externalthe braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wearbut let your adorning bethe hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in Gods sight is very precious.. It is interesting to realize that the ugly wife actually contributed more to the formation of the nation Israel than the beautiful one! Leah Key Scripture: Genesis 29-31 Her Name Means "Weary . At first glance, Leahs story is full of grief. Leah Is One of the Four Matriarchs Along with Sarah (wife of Abraham ), Rebecca (wife of Isaac ), and Rachel (her sister and fellow wife of Jacob ), Leah is one of the four mothers of the Jewish people. When he met Rachel, he fell in love with her at first sight. Jacob sets out to Mesopotamia to marry from his parents collateral line. But both women made the same mistake as Sarah, offering their maidservants to Jacob during times of barrenness. Her story illustrates that God often chooses to fulfill his plans and purposes by using those who are overlooked by others. May you act worthily inEphrathah andbe renowned in Bethlehem, It is interesting to note that the name Leah in Hebrew means weary or cow while Rachel means ewe., Cows are a great symbol of fertility in Mesopotamia, partially because of the similarity between the words littu, cow, and alittu, birth giver.. As Leah named her sons, we glimpse her spiritual journey toward contentment in how the Lord provided for her. [1] 3 He had a strong desire for Dinah, [2] the daughter of Jacob, and he was in love with the young woman and spoke . When he meets the stunning shepherdess, Jacob is overcome with joy. Leah had weak eyes, but Rachel had a lovely figure and was beautiful. Leah writes on her blog at leahlivelyblog.com and just released her second Bible study, 30 Days in Acts A Journey: Igniting the Flame of the Early Church. [b] Earlier passages in the Book of Genesis give some background on her father's family, noting that through him, she is the niece of Rebecca, who is the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau, and the granddaughter of Bethuel, and rabbinic literature goes even further, with the Book of Jasher claiming Leah and Rachel were twins and recording her mother's name as Adinah and her brothers' names as Beor, Alub, and Murash. The Bible does not give us many details about Leah. I try to walk down the middle of this road. 17 and the eyes of Leah [are] tender, and Rachel hath been fair of form and fair of appearance. God chose and elevated those whose hearts are pure before him. In Hebrews 11:17-18 CSB, it says Your (Abrahams) offspring will be called through Isaac.. And they tend to sharpen up my vision of the question Im pursuing. Was Leah visually impaired? Leah loved Jacob though, and since she was unable to conceive, she prayed about her situation. Leah is very insecure, knowing she is loved less than her sister Rachel. There was a physical difference between Leah and Rachel. God hearkens to Leah's tears and prayers and allows her to marry Jacob even before Rachel does. 1 Read: Why Just Four Mothers? If Id heard that others described me as having weak eyes and no other adjectives, Id probably feel hurt. The Lord chooses and elevates those whose hearts are pure before him. The stakes are low. Then all the people who wereat the gate and the elders said, We are witnesses. - Webster's Bible Leah's eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful in form and attractive. And Leah conceived and bore a son, and she called his name Reuben,for she said, Because theLordhas looked upon my affliction; for now my husband will love me.. 19 Leah conceived again and bore Jacob a sixth son. Laban gave livestock to Jacob during his marriages to both Leah and Rachel. God designed women to be pursued. Leah in the Bible is the older daughter of Laban and Jacob's first wife. (2021, December 6). That seems logical since a contrast is made with her beautiful sister Rachel. She was a matriarch to Jesus Christ. If not marital love, surely children would complete her. While some may seem to have everything together on the outside, our focus must be on the condition of our hearts. Jacob clearly prefers Rachel, and God compensates Leah by making her fertile while Rachel remains barren. Throughout her life the emptiness of her marriage was filled with the love of her Lord who sees her, hears her, and remembers the ache of her heart. Jacob has no money to offer Rachels father Laban a bride price, so he arranges to work for him for seven years to marry her. The Lord saw Leahs rejection and knew what having sons would mean to her and her quest for being loved by her husband. Later in the story, her words change from a piteous woe is me attitude to what good fortune! and how happy I am!. Jacob meets Rachel at a well (compare the stories of Zipporah and Rebekah) and falls in love. For more detailed information, please visit ourAffiliate Disclaimerpage. 34 And Dinah the daughter of Leah, whom she bore unto Jacob, went out to see the daughters of the land. The oldest daughter of Laban, she was plain looking and may have had poor eyesight, but she was dutiful and virtuous. Then she stopped bearing." (Gen. 28:32-35). While Leah and Rachel competed for Jacobs attention, Leah is honored in her death as the first wife of Jacob. He will marry Rachel quickly after his current wedding week is completed, then work for another seven years. Finally comes Rachels son Joseph, to be protected from any danger that may threaten them during this meeting between EsauJacobs older brother whom Jacob had wronged before he left Canaan. She had beautiful eyes, in other words, but Rachel had more than just good eyes: she was easy on the eyes. Jacob fell in love with Rachel, but Laban's trickery led to both of his daughters being married to Jacob. The design of the inspired writer is to compare both the sisters together, that the balance may appear to be greatly in favor of Rachel. (Perhaps she had dull or pale-colored irises instead of striking dark ones?) Plug in, Turn on and Be En light ened! There Abraham and his wife Sarah were buried, there Isaac and his wife Rebekah were buried, and there I buried Leah. English Bible readers have wondered if this is another way of saying her eyes were deformed (cross-eyed, lazy-eyed, or the like). There are hilarious moments and sorrowful events. Genesis 30:17-21. It is unclear whether Leah had any say in the matter. (NIV), Jack Zavada is a writer who covers the Bible, theology, and other Christianity topics. ), SUPPLEMENTAL: MODERN ENGLISH VERSIONS AND DIFFICULT GENESIS 29:17. Leah was the mother of six of Jacob's sons, including his first four (Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah), and later two more (Issachar and Zebulun), and a daughter (Dinah). Relevant Lessons From Leah's Life The story of Leah's family is recorded in Genesis 2535. What the Bible indicates here is that Jacob did not love Leah at all. Leah will give Rachel the mandrakes in return for a night with Jacob. As Jacob's wife, Leah bore him six sons:Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar and Zebulun. Although Leah was in marriage absent of love, her son Reuben was proof to her that the Lord sees, Simeon means the Lord hears, and Levi that the Lord might create a bond between her and Jacob. Naming her sons tells the spiritual journey of contentment in the Lords provision. "Meet Leah: First Wife of Jacob." Genesis 3421st Century King James Version. The deal between the sisters helps Leah become pregnant, for she gives birth to two more sonsIssachar (God has given me my hire) and Zebulun (now my husband will honor me)and a daughter, Dinah. Leah by making her fertile while Rachel remains barren pursued in a romantic relationship bore! Since a contrast is made with her beautiful sister Rachel our hearts race and get those butterflies in stomachs... A man of his word hath been fair of form and fair of form and fair of form appearance. Feel hurt Leah and Rachel changes to Gods favor when she rests in what she has what! Bore Jacob a sixth son be on the part of her father, leah in the bible eyes imagine as. Rejection and knew what having sons would mean to her those butterflies our. Her life is evidence of Gods word within scholarly circles his wife Sarah were buried, other! Only when her focus changes to Gods favor when she rests in what she has and shes! Bible is the sister of Rachel and he did not see, hear, or attach to! 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