how did draupadi get pregnant

(Arjuna married Subhadra, during the 12 years of Exile, Subhadra was 17 years younger than Krishna and she was married at the age of 22. Bhima devised a plan to get rid of him. There is famous folklore that the plan's architect, Shakuni had magic dice that would never disobey his will, as they were made from the bones of Shakuni's father. Drupada wanted to avenge his defeat, but there was no one in the world who could defeat Dronacharya. For other uses, see, / Gychi Konknni, According to the critical edition of the Mahabharata from the, "The Mahabharata, Book 1: Adi Parva: Vaivahika Parva: Section CLXLIX", "Relooking, Retelling And Rereading Women in the Epics", "Five Holy Virgins, Five Sacred Myths: A Quest for Meaning (Part I)", Adi Parva: Chaitraratha Parva: Section CLXIX, "The Mahabharata, Book 1: Adi Parva: Chaitraratha Parva: Section CLXIX", "The Mahabharata, Book 1: Adi Parva: Swayamvara Parva: Section CLXXXVI", "The Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute: Mahabharata Project", The Mahabharatha Book 10: Sauptika Parva section 9, "Did Draupadi Insult Duryodhana during Rajasuya, Karna in Swayamvara? Her duties as a busy Empress are mentioned in her famous conversation with Satyabhama, Krishna's favourite wife, during their exile. Then, he lost himself and his brothers and became a slave of Kauravas. This is because The Pandavas agreed to produce one son from both the lineage (Kunti and Madri) first, before others get a chance to reproduce with Draupadi. His desires are awakened ( Draupadi asks that her husband Yudishthira be freed from bondage so her son Prativindhya would not be called a slave. She had such a grace and elegance that almost all the men in the world desired her as their wife. Draupadi was Draupadi becomes the maid of Sudeshna, queen of Matsya, and serves her. There are some variations regarding Karna's participation. The love of Karna and Draupadi was forbidden, love. This page was last edited on 17 April 2023, at 17:44. She is waiting for her husband . Although Dronacharya was a Brahmin, he possessed many divine weapons and was ardent in the art of war. Due to the power of meditation, her wrath is subdued and she speaks of Ashwathama, son of their preceptor Drona, "I desired to only pay off our debt for the injury we have sustained. There is one episode of Abhimanyu and Indrani where Indrani, who is the wife of Lord Indra, decides to marry the Kauravas. How did Kunti get pregnant? 2. Krishna then came there and asked her to give him the vessel. Let the king bind this gem on his head, O Bharata!"[60]. After 9 months She was craving for some sweets or mangoes. [70] At the ancient religious festival of Bengaluru Pete named Bangalore Karaga, Draupadi is worshipped as an incarnation of Adishakti and Parvati in the nine-day event. Duryodhana, angry with Draupadi's questions, commands his younger brother Dushasana to bring her into the court, forcefully if he must. Nityayuvani One who remains young forever and never becomes old. The sect believes that Draupadi was the incarnation of goddess Kali. Track Spiritual monthly Calendar for all Festivals, Vrats and Muhurat on Times Now. She was the first to die among them. This key incident is often considered to mark a definitive moment in the story of Mahabharata. There are various plays and novels based on her. Pandavas were allowed to marry other women, but they could not bring them to the same house where Panchali was living. When Keechaka arrived in the room, Bhima fought with him and killed him. Despite her being his sister-in-law, Duryodhana asked her to sit on his thigh. Pratikamin informs Draupadi about the incidents happened during the dice game. No mention of other Pandavas in this particular episode. They approached their mother, and those first of men represented Yajnaseni to their mother as thealmsthey had obtained that day. What was Bhima doing and where was he when all this was going on. Arjun was sent to exile as per the condition of Draupadi. Radha Krishna were consorts from Goloka planet itself, and she was the only real wife of Krishna.. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved [39] It was Bhima, Arjuna, and the twin brothers alongside their retinues who had witnessed Duryodhana's fall and laughed along with their servants. It will be going to be her first night with her husband as his wife . Despite being a Kaurava, Vikarana was good at heart and strongly opposed this notion, but he could not do anything before his elder brothers and Karna. As per the storyline, this continues for many days. Other than the Draupadi we find in Vyasas Mahabharata in all Folk Mahabharatas Draupadi is a powerful woman with powerful sexuality. [64][65], In Sanskrit Mahbhrata, Draupadi is described as the incarnation of different goddesses. The exile is followed by the Kurukshetra War, where Draupadi loses her father, brothers, and her five children. Ref: Mahabharata Translation by K M Gangulyand Menon, [translated by] Ramesh (2006). Polyandry was in the royal class but under the strict guidance of the Vedic sages exactly like polygamous marriages of ancient Indian kings were under strict supervision and guidance of the Vedic laws and Vedic sages. Duryodhana got very angry with her and decided to take revenge for his insult. Yudhisthira subsequently gambles away Sahadeva, Arjuna and Bhima. Therefore, they attacked him, but could not do much before the strength of the Pandavas. Out of fear of the public and with no choice, Kunti put the child in a basket and set him afloat the Ganga river. Soon Arjuna got killed because of a curse given to Arjuna by Ganga- Bhishmas mother. Please Login or signup to share your views on this article. Draupadi, also known as Panchali, was a goddess in the Mahabharata who indirectly helped Lord Krishna establish dharma. A journalist Vinod Kumar has published the part of this chapter on his In the second round, Yudhishthira's brother Nakula is at stake, and Yudhishthira loses him. After the preparation of yajna was complete, Yaja called Drupadas queen, Prishatha, to consume the sanctified libation, but she asked him to wait for some time because her mouth was filled with saffron and other perfumed things. By burning the fire of revenge, king Draupada performed tapas followed by a Yajna to obtain a means of blessing him. Suddenly, sage Durvasa and his pupils visited them. "initially it seems Vasuki rapes her, but on scrutiny it does not seem so, and Draupadi is Vasuki?s willing sexual partner for sometime". According to the Mahabharata, Draupadi was born from Yagya kunda of Maharaj Drupada. Then, Yudhishthira told him about his wish for Draupadi to become their common wife. Many people argue that the characters are not the same. I have heard many Hindus cracking dirty jokes about her marriage with five men even though the marriage was done at the advice of Sage Vyasa, who was one of the greatest sages of all time. While touring the grounds, an unsuspecting Duryodhana fell prey to one of the many illusions that could be seen all around the palace. [75], The Draupadi Amman cult (or Draupadi sect) is a regional Hindu sect in which the Pillais, Pallis, Konar, and the Mutaliyar communities worship Draupadi Amman was main god of vanniyar as a village goddess with unique rituals and mythologies.[72][76][74][77][78]. Therefore, the woman cursed her to have five husbands in her next birth. He told her that his hunger was satiated. Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? 6. Dushasana is eventually reduced to exhaustion, as the awed court observes that Draupadi is still chastely dressed. It gained immense popularity gradually through repeated depictions in various screen and written adaptations of the epic across the length and breadth of the country. The myth is, Draupadi and her maids saw this from the balcony with amusement, and joked Andhasya Putra Andhaha meaning 'a blind man's son is blind'. The most famous festival is in the village Durgasamudram, Tirupati of Chittoor district. They accept Drupada and Prishati as their parents and are raised in Drupada's palace. Mahabharat. Vasuki ties him with hair from his mustache and keeps him captive. Seeing his persistence, she warns Kichaka that her husbands are very strong and that he will not be able to escape death at their hands. He had published this article on but has been taken down from the website. He had two wives Draupadi, the common wife of the five brothers, and Karenumati, daughter of Chedi king Shishupala. Therefore, he decided to perform a yajna and give birth to a son that would kill Droncharya and avenge his defeat. They only have the oral tradition of passing on their version of the epics from one generation to another. He then went on to express his wrath at having fallen into a pool of water and being laughed at mockingly, mainly by Bhima, followed by Arjun, Nakul, Sahadeva and other menials in the palace. No she was having her periods at that time. 1. Arjuna was besotted by Subhadras beauty and wanted to marry her. One of the popular temples of Sri Dharmarayaswamy- Draupadi temple is at Thigarapete, the heart of Bengaluru, Karnataka. Yuyutsu: A Tale of Honor in the Mahabharata, 13 Interesting Mahabharata Facts Most People Dont Know, Dronacharya of Mahabharata 9 Facts About Guru Drona, Interesting Facts about Ashwatthama of Mahabharata, Gandhari Princess of Gandhara and Mother of Kauravas, Kalki: The Tenth And Final Avatar of Lord Vishnu, Bhojan Mantra Lyrics, Meaning and Significance, May 2023 Monthly Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs, The Tales of Jatayu and His Battle Against Ravana, Vedic Astrology for Self-Reflection and Spirituality, Panchali Princess of the kingdom of Panchala, Yagnaseni Born from the sacrificial fire. One day Kichaka, Sudeshna's brother and the commander of king Virata's forces, happens to see Draupadi. Dronathe teacher of the Kuru princesdefeats Drupada with the help of his students, and takes half of Panchala. Skilled in Ayurveda, sword fighting and horse keeping, Nakula is regarded as the most handsome man in the Mahabharata. Arjuna, along with Draupadi and his brothers, runs home to tell Kunti of his success, shouting "look what we have found". He said, Ask the boon you desire the most!, Desirous of benefiting herself, she repeatedly said to the supreme lord, O Lord, give me, a husband endued with every accomplishment. Then Lord Shiva replied to her, O blessed one, you shall have five husbands from among the Bharata princes. Thus told, she said to Lord Shiva, O Lord, I desire to have only one husband through thy grace. The god then addressed her again and said these excellent words, O girl, you said full five times, Give me(a)husband. You shall, therefore, in another life have five husbands!. Vidura openly calls Duryodhana a snake and demon after finding no support even from his own brother, Vidura is helpless. They were Atirathis and fought in the Kurukshetra War. Therefore, he arranged a Swayamvara contest for Draupadi to choose the best of all warriors. [51], Once, Draupadi and the Pandavas had finished eating their meal cooked from the Akshay Patra. Draupadi asks Kichaka to come to the dancing hall at night. Then,Lord Shiva granted that Draupadi regain her virginity every morning upon taking a bath. When a reader asked him for a full version of Bhil Mahabharata, he replied that he doesn't have the full version. If this could happen to Draupadi, then it Still if u want the whole story,then u may read on. Bhima asks Yudhishthira why did Draupadi die early and couldnt continue with them on their journey to heaven. On all these occasions she was saved by Lord Krishna and her husbands. 3. Draupadi is one of Panchakanyas, known as five virgins. "[61][62], Polyandry was not regarded without censure by the society spoken of in the epic. The article by Satya Chaitanya was also included in a recent book on Mahabharata. Most of the answers we found on Quora was also linked to the article written bySatya Chaitanya on which is now deleted. They married Draupadi for satisfaction of their desires. 1. She was the daughter of King Drupada and the common Draupadi told him that she was married, but he did not pay heed to it. Therefore, she began to practice ascetic penances with the object of obtaining a husband. Draupadi is one of the central characters in the epic Mahabharata written by Ved Vyas. Bhima asks Yudhishthira why Draupadi died early and couldnt continue the journey to heaven. WebThough it was common at the time for men especially powerful men to take multiple wives, it rarely happened that a woman took more than one husband. Draupadi told him that there was no food available. He went to his father and told him everything. After Yudhishthira lost Draupadi in the game, she was humiliated by the Kauravas and abused by Karna. Do Men Still Wear Button Holes At Weddings? [50], Having restored their pride and wealth, the Pandavas and Draupadi leave for Indraprastha, only to receive another invitation for a game of dice, in which the loser would be given an exile of 12 years followed by a year of Agyatavasa, meaning "living in incognito". Some of her other names and epithets are as follows: The story of Draupadi is told in the great indian script Mahabharata, one of the Sanskrit epics from the Indian subcontinent. She had five sons; Prativindhya, Sutasoma, Srutakarma, Satanika, and Srutasena. Hence, earth splits and the golden tresses fall on the breast of the sleeping king Vashuki in Paataal. The story of subhadras abduction is explicitly mentioned in the BHAGWAT Purana.. Subhadras was actually in love with Arjuna and wanted to marry him but bantams had organised her marriage with duryodhana Thus to get her married according to her own consent she was told to drive Arjunas chariot herself.. Subhadra (Sanskrit: , romanized: Subhadr) is a Hindu goddess, mentioned in the ancient Hindu scriptures like the Mahabharata and the Bhagavata Purana. Although it sounds wrong, if we think from Draupadis perspective we would find that it was not completely wrong because Arjuna had won her in the Swayamwara. According to the Vyasa Mahabharata, Draupadi did not love Karna. [22][23] Her birth is narrated in the Adi Parva of the epic. Lord Shri Krishna came in front of them in the last time. She knew it was now empty save for a single grain of rice stuck to the inner bottom of the vessel. As per Narada Purana and Vayu Purana, she is the combined avatar of; Draupadi is one of Panchakanyas, known as five virgins. That was her role. Nonetheless, Duryodhana felt insulted by the behaviour of the four Pandavas, stoking his hatred of them. It was Draupadi because of whom Bhima pledged to kill Kauravas and did so. This divine weapon would kill any person-even monstrous demons. At this point, a furious Bhima vows to drink blood from Dushasana's chest, at the pain of not seeing his ancestors/entering heaven. The love of Karna and Draupadi was forbidden, love. He says to his father,"And, O king, Yajnaseni, without having eaten herself, daily seeth whether everybody, including even the deformed and the dwarfs, hath eaten or not."[40]. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. Which is the Oldest Religion in the World? They started their journey towards heaven and walks continuously and reached near the Himalayas. It is said that Draupadi was born out of revenge. An attempt is made by Dushasana to disrobe her, but she is saved by the divine intervention of Krishna. Laughing it off, Kichaka only doubts their whereabouts and asks those present where the Gandharvas are. During the war, Draupadi stays at Ekachakra with other women. In his blog post, Vinod has creditedSatya Chaitanyaas the author of this piece. Draupadi's desire for a lover is burnt up after the erotic bout and thus purified she progresses towards salvation. She used to After Shri Krishna left his mortal body, the Pandavas lost interest in the world. She was a dark woman with bluish-black hair. [Source: Dowson's Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology] Daughter of Draupada, king of Panchala, and wife of the five Pandu princes. Later Draupadi becomes a mother of five sons, one son each from the Pandava brothers. Ref: Mahabharata Translation by K M Ganguly. Yudhishthira addressed her by this name. Together with his maternal uncle Shakuni, Duryodhana conspired to call on the Pandavas to Hastinapur and win their kingdoms in a game of gambling. "Panchali", "Sairandhri" and "Yajnaseni" redirect here. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved In order to pacify her further, Dhritarashtra offers a second boon. 1. Draupadi agreed to become the wife of five Pandavas on one condition, i.e. Embarrassed Draupadi cursed dogs by saying: All the world will see you copulate in public, stripped of all shame.. Therefore, the sage cursed her to have five husbands in her next life. The news of Draupadi's svayamvara spread far and wide, and numerous princes, as well as the general public including brahmanas, began proceeding towards Panchala. WebThere is a logic. Draupadi escapes and runs into the court of Virata. She was born to assist Lord Krishna to destroy all the arrogant Kings. Draupadi was the wife of five Pandavas but still she did not want 5 Pandavas to be equal. [24][16], Draupadi is described to be extremely beautiful. Bhima asks Yudhishthira why Draupadi died early and couldnt continue the journey to heaven. Nonetheless, Duryodhana felt insulted by the behaviour of the four Pandavas, stoking his hatred of them. Draupadi had also accompanied them. She started searching here and there. The Pandavas first go south, reaching the salt sea and then turn north, stop at Rishikesh, then cross the Himalayas. Known to few, during this conversation, Duryodhan mentions how he had observed Draupadi serving food to everyone, including physically challenged citizens as the Empress. TimesMojo is a social question-and-answer website where you can get all the answers to your questions. Therefore, while they were having a bath, Draupadi prayed to Lord Krishna, who immediately appeared before her, but instead of listening to her problem, he asked for food. WebDraupadi wasnt pregnant when she went with Pandavas to exile as her five sons were born by that time and Subhadra was taking care of them and they learnt skills from Krishnas [3], The most notable incident in Draupadi's life is the game of dice at Hastinapura where Yudhishthira loses his possessions and wife, and she is humiliated by the Kaurava brothers and Karna. Keechaka was one of the renowned warriors at that time. There is a lot that happened in the Mahabharata story that could not be imagined. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. After getting permission from Virata, Draupadi is forcefully tried to Kichaka's pyre. Giant reclining Draupadi Amman idol near Auroville. He prods Yudhishthira that he has not lost everything yet; Yudhishthira still has Draupadi with him and if he wishes he can win everything back by putting Draupadi at stake. [66] In Sambhava section of Adi Parva, she is said to be partial incarnation of Goddess Shachi (or Sachi). Arjuna was besotted by Subhadras beauty and wanted to marry her. Her age never went more than 14 or 15 years. New York: iUniverse, Inc. p.103. Her nails were beautifully convex and bright as burnished copper; her eyebrows were fair, and her bosom was deep. [54], On the thirteenth year of their exile, the Pandavas choose to stay in the Matsya Kingdom. Therefore, Yudhishthira prayed to the Sun god, who gave him a plate named Akshaya Patra. [71], There are over 400 temples dedicated to Draupadi in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and other countries like Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Mauritius, Runion, South Africa. [38], In Vyasa's Sanskrit epic, the scene is quite different. Panchali is known to be the wife of all five Pandavas in Mahabharata but her past life is least explained in the modern versions. Draupadi the daug Therefore, he approached him hoping that his friend would help him through his poverty, but Drupada rejected to recognize him and humiliated him in front of the court. If Kauravas recognized them during the disguise, then they again had to retire for 12 years into a forest. They were collectively called Upapandavas/Pandavaputras/Draupadeyas/Panchakumaras. Although her worship is not common, she is worshipped as a goddess chiefly in the southern part of India. Her eyebrows were fair, and her bosom was deep. [27] At the Swayamvara, almost all the assorted monarchs were unable to complete the challenge. Furious, Draupadi asks about the duties of a king and dharma. First, from those flames of the fire arose a child who possessed the effulgence of fire. Every brother was allowed to share the bed with Draupadi for one year. To exact revenge on Drona, Drupada performed a yajna called Putrakameshti yajna to obtain a means of blessing. As the Pandavas leave, a dog befriends them and is taken along for the journey. Mahabharata includes an exceedingly flattering description of Draupadi as she arose from the fire, "The fire-born woman was extremely beautiful. Following the subsequent episodes, Draupadi and the Pandavas are exiled for 13 years. Fearing the ill-omens, Dhritarashtra intervenes and grants Draupadi a boon. This angers Kichaka's brothers and they decide to burn her along with Kichaka's body to take revenge. Pandavas left Indraprastha and started living in a forest. Subhadra. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. Draupadi was horrified after hearing that she was staked in the game and now is a slave for Duryodhana. Learning of their wife's abduction by Jayadratha they rushed to save her. The episodes of which are narrated or sung during their festivals, usually accompanied by music and sometimes with dance a captivating version that never fails to thrill, one of the secrets of its allure being its truly enchanting folktale-like quality. By K M Gangulyand Menon, [ translated by ] Ramesh ( 2006 ) arranged a Swayamvara contest Draupadi... Raised in Drupada 's palace slave for Duryodhana where Indrani, who him! Was forbidden, love of his students, and serves her Bharata! `` [ 60.. And takes half of Panchala the war, Draupadi and the commander of king Virata 's forces, to... Agreed to become the wife of five Pandavas but still she did not want 5 Pandavas be. His thigh was born out of revenge assist Lord Krishna to destroy all the assorted monarchs were unable to the. She did not want 5 Pandavas to be partial incarnation of goddess Shachi ( or )... All these occasions she was staked in the Mahabharata saying: all the desired... 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