harvest of empire transcript

Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. They understand that it could spell the doom of the Republican Party for a generation to come. And you had the poultry industry in Arkansas, and you had the textile industry in North Carolina. Romney attacked Obamas deferred action policy that allows some young undocumented people to remain in the country temporarily, saying a more permanent solution was needed. We do not accept funding from advertising, underwriting or government agencies. And theyre contributing to the prosperity of the United States, so thatand especially the DREAMers, the young folks. The Harvest section focuses on the most important trends, issues, and problems facing Latino Americans today. The Pulitzer Prize-winning Dominican-American writer Junot Daz talks about coming to this country shortly after the United States then began allowing large numbers of Dominican former rebels to migrate here. AMY GOODMAN: An excerpt of Harvest of Empire, premiering this week in New York and Los Angeles, based on the book Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America by the award-winning journalist and Democracy Now! online is the same, and will be the first date in the citation. Harvest of empire : a history of Latinos in America by Gonzlez, Juan, 1947- author. So that when Ann Coulter says, you know, What have we done to the immigrants? Mexicans and Puerto Ricans are the two largest groups of Latinos in the United States. The film is called Harvest of Empire. Harvest (La cosecha). Please do your part today. Gonzalez identifies the political instability caused by United States intervention as the cause for the increase in Latin American immigrants to the United States during the twentieth century. In 2015, Harvest of Empire was chosen from among thousands of eligible films as one of 15 Notable Videos for Adults by the American Library Association. Harvest (La cosecha). GLENN BECK: They put a strain on our Social Security, our education, our healthcare. [5] Latino Impact media began life in 1994, as educational Video in Spanish, Inc. the organization was founded by Eduardo Lpez and Arturo Salcedo Martnez, who hosted the Lnea Directa television series from 1990 until 2006. And thats why I think they are struggling so much against it, just as they did back in 86 with the first comprehensive immigration reform. So, I think that's part of what I try to show in the book. Multidisciplinary faculty guide developed for Equity Richand's Community Conversation Series: Harvest of Empire. JUAN GONZLEZ: He basically ruled the Dominican Republic for 30 years with absolute, total control. Branches discusses the various different groups of Latin American immigrants who have settled in the United States. PRESIDENT LYNDON JOHNSON: The American nations cannot, must not, and will not permit the establishment of another communist government in the Western Hemisphere. And yet it was imposed on the Puerto Ricans by the United States Congress. Their film, Harvest of Empire: The History of Latinos in America, based on Juans book. And we beingboth of us being Latino immigrantsWendy from Peru and me from El Salvadorwe knew the real story. JUAN GONZLEZ: Well, yes, he did, because, as some of the reports came out afterwards, he actually trucked in supporters. Harvest of Empire Part 2: Branches, Chapters 4-5 Summary - eNotes.com by Juan Gonzlez Start Free Trial Part 2: Branches, Chapters 4-5 Summary PDF Last Updated on June 8, 2022, by eNotes. The film examines how U.S. intervention in Latin America and the Caribbean forced millions of people to leave their homes to migrate to the United States. Harvest of Empire is a nonfiction book by Juan Gonzalez that examines the historical relationship between Latin America and the United States. is a 501(c)3 non-profit news organization. Lehman Brothers had collapsed. AMY GOODMAN: The significance of the invasion of 1965, Juan? But I think the Dominican Republic really, in terms of this idea not just of U.S. intervention in the '60s, but going back earlier in the 20th century, that the United States has always really dictated a lot of what goes on in the Dominican Republic. Ambassador to El Salvador Robert White, and Sister Terry Alexander, Maryknoll missionary. This clip features the voices of Sister Pat Murray, former U.S. Gonzalez also discusses the Chicano movement of the 1960s and its impacts on the development of a cohesive Mexican culture within the United States. FIDEL CASTRO: Wait for the history. It was the producers who came to me several years ago. We rely on contributions from our viewers and listeners to do our work. The return of Juan Segun : Latinos and the remaking of American politics ; Immigrants old and new : closing borders of the mind ; Speak Spanish, you're in America! Co-host Juan Gonzlez, Harvest of Empire takes an unflinching look at the role that U.S. economic and military interests played in triggering an unprecedented wave of migration that is transforming our nation's cultural and economic landscape. )lJhn.) The book is divided into three sections: Roots explores the history of colonialism in Latin America and discusses how different Latin American cultures interacted with their respective colonizers; Branches analyzes the history of immigration between Latin America and the United States and discusses the diverse array of Latin American subcultures that now populate the United States; Harvest emphasizes the growing importance of Latin Americans in US politics and provides insight into the most relevant sociopolitical issues facing Latin American voters. eNotes.com, Inc. Subscribe to receive our monthly updates. ", "The recent reemergence of immgration as a pressing matter in U.S. politics makes HARVEST OF EMPIRE a especially timely documentary. We were very happy that she participated, because I think that she really communicates something that, again, as Americans, we were never told. JUNOT DAZ: Im here because the United States invaded my country in 1965, an illegal invasion, completely trumped-up excuse to invade the Dominican Republic and crush our democratic hopes. All Rights Reserved. This film is meant to teach them., Frank Scheck, Hollywood Reporter Makes the devastating case that intervention by both the U.S. government and multinational corporations has been directly or indirectly partly responsible for much of the mass influx of immigrants from Latin AmericaWith the immigration debate currently consuming much of the current political climate, theres no better time for the release of Harvest of Empire., Peter Hartlaub, S.F. And I think thats a key issue that I have in my book and that the film tries to provide with new examples, because my examples are older. Publication date 2001 . Documentary Film Screening - Harvest of Empire: The Untold Story of Latinos in America 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM The new documentary Harvest of Empire examines the direct correlation between. He routinely kidnapped and assaulted the wives, even of his supporters, and throughout his career made it extremely easy for American companies to do business in the Dominican Republic but was a savage, savage dictator. The authors thesis emphasizes that people from many Latin-American countries have been forced to migrate to the United States as a direct result of American interventions in their native countries. co-host Juan Gonzlez. You know, you cant grow if you admit no mistakes. AMY GOODMAN: Eduardo Lpez, Rigoberta Mench, of course, the Nobel Peace Prize winner. It is opening at the Laemmle Theater in Pasadena in California and at the Quad theater here in New York on 13th Street on Friday through October 4th. At the Laemmle Theater on Friday night in Pasadena, here in New York at the Quad theater on 13th Street in New York through October 4th. Obama made news again Friday when the White House said a new federal policy that grants some young immigrants temporary legal status to stay in the country will not make them eligible for health insurance under the new healthcare law. The stock market was collapsing. And I think that theonce again, whether it was the sugar companies earlier on and, more recently, the maquilas and the sweatshops of the Caribbean Basin, they've always had enormous impact on the standard of living in these countries, as well as the push that forces people to look somehow or other to survive by coming to the United States. Here are some of the reviews for the film: Elizabeth Weitzman, N.Y. Daily News Four Stars! Description "A sweeping history of the Latinx experience in the United States. All Rights Reserved. It has the effect of changing the discourse from one of "illegality" to "historical truth. The film features present day immigrant stories, rarely seen archival material, as well as interviews with such respected figures as Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Rigoberta Mench, the Reverend . Strachan writes, These Latin American friends have loyally rolled over investments in succeeding funds, actively participated in Bain Capitals May investor meetings, and are still today one of the largest investor groups in Bain Capital. I want to get your comment, then Juans. A year earlier, Penguin Books published a revised edition of the book of Empire:Harvest A History Furthermore, Gonzalez analyzes the dependency on seasonal labor that free-trade policies and economic exploitation have created for both the United States and Latin America. Were now talking about 11 to 12 million people that are undocumented in the United States. Well be back in a minute. And so, this is a clear example of how disconnection continues to exist. 4846 0 obj <>stream And so, you had the meat-packing industry in the Midwest, began recruiting many Mexicans to come to Dodge City and to come to Des Moines and to come to all of thesethe meat center of the country. New York : Penguin Books, 2011. AMY GOODMAN: I want to go to a part of Harvest of Empire that deals with the assassination of Archbishop scar Romero on March 24th, 1980, in El Salvador. 1J8tNph} We all have the same abilities. When the rebels finally agreed to lay down their arms, the United States government scheduled new elections, but it also allowed the right-hand man of Trujillo, Joaqun Balaguer, to run in those elections for president. 2012. Every night you would hear very derogatory terms being used to describe us. Harvest of Empire provides a rare and powerful glimpse into the enormous sacrifices and rarely-noted triumphs of our nation's growing Latino community. pt. In his memoir, former Bain executive Harry Strachan writes Romney pushed aside his own misgivings about the investors to accept their backing. 0W7H.m(]]JqA\Tl|{M~;Y(]r? Its out of control. This book presents an integrated historical look at Latin America and Latinos in the United States, offering portraits of real-life Latino pioneers and sketches of the political events and social conditions that compelled them to leave their homeland and examining how they have transformed the nation's cultural landscape. JUAN GONZLEZ: In 1963, you have the election of Juan Bosch. JUAN GONZLEZ: Well, I think that thethat sent a message throughout Latin America in that period of time that the United States, coming out of the Kennedy era, the Alliance for Progress era, that the United States now was the enemy of change, because obviouslyJuan Bosch was not a revolutionary by any stretch of the imagination; he was a liberal democrat who wanted to have land reform and wanted to have some basic changes in the lives of the Dominican people. Latinos are now the largest minority group in the United States, and their impact on American popular culture-from food to entertainment to literature-is greater than ever. And yet, how is it that in only 32 years we are about to become the third-largest Latino population in the United States? Interview with Eduardo Lpez and Juan Gonzlez, Puerto Rican Studies & Puerto Rican Diaspora. Many of the chapters in Branches draw on firsthand accounts of immigrants from various Latin American backgrounds. And as he read each one, I could say, That was Jean. This was not a place that was very welcoming. This is what Ive really been amazed at, in each of these countries, whether its Guatemala, the footage of the actual coup against rbenz in 1954, and this incredible footage thats never been seen in the United States. [3] The film was directed by Peter Getzels and Eduardo Lpez, [4] and premiered in New York and Los Angeles on September 28. So, you wrote this book years ago, Juan. In the book, Harvest of Empire by Juan Gonzalez, we are made aware that the book is indeed split up into different sections. However, subsequent generations rejected this effort at assimilations and instead developed a sense of Latin American identity that focused on civil rights and cultural diversity. Note: When citing an online source, it is important to include all necessary dates. is an agreement among the United States, Canada and Mexico designed to remove tariff barriers between the three countries. Harvest of empire : a history of Latinos in America /. The second option is for Puerto Rico to become fully independent. In 2013, the film received one of the most prestigious awards in Latino entertainment the Imagen Award as Best Documentary for Film or Television. The film is based on a book by Juan Gonzlez , Democracy Now! You know, so Mexicans often say, the originalthe descendants of those original settlers, We didnt cross the border. JUAN GONZLEZ: Yeah, well, I think that throughout Central Americain Salvador, in Nicaragua, in Hondurastheres always been a very small elite that has benefited from being a comprador group, basically facilitating the exploitation of their own countries by American businesses, largely. They were just captured as a prize of war in the Spanish-American War, 1898, by the United States and declared citizens by Congress against the objectionsthe unanimous objection of the House of Delegates of Puerto Rico, which in 1917 rejected citizenship, voted unanimously against U.S. citizenship. EDUARDO LPEZ: Many, many sources, and theres a lot of footage thats never been seen, that hasnt been seen in decades. That military coup in turn spurred a popular insurrection that led to the U.S. invasion of the Dominican Republic in 1965. And Trujillo then uses the power of the military to seize control of the government. The American victory over Spain in 1898, which awarded the United States the last Spanish colonies of Puerto Rico, Cuba, Guam, and the Philippines, marked a new stage in Anglo-American aggression. Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America (2000, revised 2011), authored by Juan Gonzalez, is a comprehensive account of the intersection of Latin-American history with United States history. Fly your flag with pride! coup. To me, its really unacceptable, when you look at theI believe it was around $9 million that he accepted as the investment money. California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Coloradothis was all part of Mexico. ANN COULTER: What did wecan I just say, what have we done to the immigrants? Rather than supporting the revolutions of their Latin American neighbors, the United States often took advantage of political turmoil in order to expand its own territorial holdings. AMY GOODMAN: Were spending the hour talking about a new film, given the significance of the issue of immigration in this country today. AMY GOODMAN: Eduardo Lpez , you have remarkable footage that has never been seen before in this country throughout. on the Arts, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, Color Congress, MOSAIC, New York Community Trust, Peace Development Fund, So when the United States government basically backed the coup against Juan Bosch, it sent a message throughout Latin America that the government was going to beour government was going to be the enemy of real social change in the region. If there are two dates, the date of publication and appearance However, Gonzalez notes that the loss of US citizenship would negatively impact many Puerto Ricans. AMY GOODMAN: President Obamas comments come as his administration faces scrutiny for deporting and detaining a record number of undocumented people. As more immigrants arrive and as more people descended from Latin-American immigrants find their voices, they will be able to work together to advocate for better solutions. Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America Film. Though anti-immigrant sentiment remains high, Gonzalez contends that Latin Americans will continue to immigrate to the United States in search of economic opportunity. I want to play a clip from Harvest of Empire that talks about the history of U.S. involvement in the Dominican Republic, where many of the immigrants here in New York City hail from. The clip prominently features the Dominican-born Pulitzer Prize-winning author Junot Daz. MITT ROMNEY: Were not going towere not going to round up people around the country and deport them. What was going on there was the slaughter of the innocents. @)4Y t(}&&18Nq\XwJDet~V Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney also fielded questions about immigration during a Wednesday appearance on Univision. "The film broadens the frame to examine Latin American migration to the United States in the wider context of an interconnected history of the Americas Each segment is made fresh through riveting archival footage and personal stories. You have to remember El Salvador is the smallest country in all of the Americas. And in a moment, were going to go to El Salvador to talk about what drove a lot of the migration here. Please do your part today. %PDF-1.6 % AMY GOODMAN: Now I want to get your comment on the current presidential candidates talking about immigration. Juans book Harvest of Empire, required reading in so many schools in this country, and Eduardo Lpez deciding to make this film, together with the producer, Harvest of Empire, thats airing this week. EDUARDO LPEZ: I think that if Governor Romney had ever bothered to meet one of the torture victims of the death squads or one of the family members of the people who were brutally killed during that time, maybe he would have thought twice about accepting that blood money. <br><br>Harvest of Empire explores the hidden history of our nation's Latinx community, and takes an unflinching look at the role that U.S. military actions and economic interests played in triggering unprecedented waves of migration from the Caribbean, Central America and Mexico . Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of Harvest Of Empire by Juan Gonzalez. EDUARDO LPEZ: This is, again, one of the reasons why we produced this film and why we feel so strongly about it, because, as Juan points out in his book and in the film, El Salvador is really maybe the latest and one of the clearest examples of this direct connection between our foreign policy and immigration. The American governments exploitative activities across Latin America have resulted in several waves of Latino migration to the states; these consequences of imperialism are what Gonzalez calls the harvest of empire.. Second, he calls for a revision of the relationship between the United States and Puerto Rico that grants Puerto Ricans more independence. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. We thank you so much. Time Periods: All US History !%pq,75/VDzeR2#nm/s;eAt jlaa81vOJ < {w Harvest of Empire. And so, my first priority was making sure that we prevented us from going into a great depression. And, to me, its unbelievable that now Governor Romney talks about immigrants with derogatory terms like illegals, and yet he profited from the funding that actually caused so much of the immigration to the United States from El Salvador. Sign up for our Daily News Digest today! co-host Juan Gonzlez, Harvest of Empire takes an unflinching look at the role that U.S. economic and military interests played in triggering an unprecedented wave of migration that is transforming our nations cultural and economic landscape. The last date is today's And so, heres Junot Daz, whose life is completely changed because of our actions, yet all of us, as American citizens, know nothing of what we did in the Dominican Republic. Yes, itsthe Dominican Republic really is one of the many examples, but there are others, of Salvador, Guatemala and Cuba, as well, in terms of the effect of American foreign policy on the migration. What a remarkable education. TWN acknowledges that in New York we are on the unceded territory of the Lenni Lenape, When I immigrated to New Jersey, it was a very crazy time. ROBERT WHITE: For the first time, someone had faced down the Salvadoran military and said, You people are killing the people you are sworn to protect., SISTER TERRY ALEXANDER: Father Paul Schindler had received a telephone call saying this farmer had seen the bodies of four women, very definitely American. Both President Obama and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney answered tough questions about immigration and deportation when they appeared on the Spanish-language network Univision last week. Did you know that you can get Democracy Now! Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. Harvest of Empire: The Untold Story of Latinos in America is a 2012 feature-length [1] documentary film based on the book Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America, [2] written by journalist Juan Gonzlez. Thousands of Dominicans started coming to New York City. So you had a large Guatemalan population that developed in North Carolina. By Juan Gonzlez (Penguin, Updated Release 2011), Harvest of Empire: New Book Exposes Latino History in America as Obama Campaigns for Latino Vote, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License, Sudans Army Agrees to 24-Hour Ceasefire with Rival Faction as Civilian Toll Mounts, Kansas City Homeowner Charged for Shooting Black Teen Who Rang Wrong Doorbell, Grand Jury Wont Indict Akron, Ohio, Police Officers Who Shot Jayland Walker 46 Times, Two Indianapolis Cops Charged with Manslaughter for Killing Herman Whitfield in Parents Home, Video Shows New Mexico Police Fatally Shooting Homeowner After Knocking on Wrong Door, Florida Gov. Sixth, he calls for an end to the blockade of Cuba. Where did you get it? The first new edition in ten years of this important study of Latinos in U.S. history, Harvest of Empire spans five centuries-from the first New World colonies to the first decade of the new millennium. Immigration is one of the biggest issues facing America, and the debate over immigration reform has suffered from relentless propaganda, mythologizing, and stereotyping, resulting in much fear, anxiety, and anger. Puerto Ricans : citizens yet foreigners. Thats Ita. Three of us knelt down there to pray. Farther north, beyond the Rio Grande, hundreds of native societies existed when the Europeans arrived, all with their own languages and . This perpetual territorial expansion, justified under the idea of Manifest Destiny, persisted throughout colonial history, as America acquired Florida, then Texas, and, through the Mexican War, the territory now included in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, and parts of Colorado and Wyoming, as well as lands won in the Spanish-American War. His own misgivings about the investors to accept their backing: in 1963, you cant if! And Juan Gonzlez: he basically ruled the Dominican Republic in 1965 pq,75/VDzeR2 # nm/s ; jlaa81vOJ. 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