draco empire

Survivors of the initial Draco attacks rocketed to Mars and a (now extinct) planet called Maldek in the Solaris System and to Orion, Tau Ceti, Pleiades, Procyon, Antares, Alpha Centauri, Aquarius and dozens of other solar systems. One group of Lyran refugees to the Pleiades, the Atlans, refused to join the Galactic Federation and fight the Draco Empire. Maldekians tracked the Draco comet heading for them and Mars and convinced the Martians to let them, albeit reluctantly, join them underground on Mars where they secured themselves and the shield device the Khooms gave them. Draco (650 BC-600 BC) Draco was an extremely influential figure in late ancient Greece. Most of the land Alalu explored rests now under the sea. This alarmed some of the Federation members who left the Federation and started a new galactic alliance, one that pushes helpful intervention in Earths development. These machines are grey, scaly sentries that range up to 17 feet tall. Though they did not draw on the dark side . "In their chaotic state, the Draco are utterly without mercy, driven by one will alone: the will to conquer and destroy. Draco Reptilians in their Venutian domes built a hollow, unspinning moon from which they would colonize Earth. The Draco agenda is the complete antithesis of the Christ conscious evolution of our solar system. Stewart became sort of an abnormality with special skills. It was thought they potentially threatened the stability of the galactic community because of these very tendencies. Rocks and inscribed records astronomical, geological, geographical, chemical and biological info Sumerians said gods gave them, info our scientists only got millennia later. Earth, then entirely ice- and ocean-covered; its only intelligent lifeforms were nontechnological and aquatic. Lahma retreated to his tower, where Alalu caught him. Dracos lived within and controlled a hollowed-out, planet-sized comet with a rock core. Unless ETs intervene to save us or the weight of Sumerian evidence convinces Muslims, Jews and Christians to give up their fear gods, their compulsions to unquestioningly obey governmental and religious authorities, their impulse to crush others and the mental programs with which the genocidal Anunnaki imposed on us to keep us divided and conquered, well keep warring. In 1983, when the Montauk Station was destroyed Stewart went into a tailspin. Some Draconians view Humans, cattle and other animals as food sources and use human bodies to drink blood. This weakened the upper crust of the Earths top mantle. We are an innately creative species and can elaborate and embellish such inspirations from the extraterrestrials which is precisely what happened during the two world wars resulting in the Third Reich, the SS, and an alliance with the Draco overlords of the planet. Like the chameleon group, they can shapeshift into any creature they choose including humans and aid in the infiltration of civilizations. The Draconian Empire, is an intergalactic imperial empire ruled by the Ciakar that has been that regarded as one of the most dangerous and feared superpowers in the universe, being an ally to the Orion Empire and enemy to the Galactic Federation and United Federation of Dimensions. That destiny is to become like the creator gods of the positively evolved hierarchies. This makes them extremely dangerous due to the fact that they can telepathically attack their enemies in many ways such as: Showing them illusions and visions, assaulting them with telepathic messages, and is even able to mentally control their subjects for a time. He showed how they periodically upleved our society and its industries. The forepart chamber he entered; the commanders seat he occupied. Early Historians' Insights About Dacia Sumerians saw Anunnaki speak into devices and heard voices respond. 300,000 years ago they created Earth-adapted, short-lived mine slavesthats usfrom their genome. The Draco agenda is the complete antithesis of the Christ conscious evolution of our solar system. The Martians got a defense shield machine from the beings of Khoom a planet of Sirius A to defend themselves against the Maldekians and the Draco comet heading for our sun. The people who inhabited the area were known as the Dacians, or Getae, according to the Greeks. In worlds around Sirius humanoid settlers found species that not like them and chose to move on to Orion. We need assistance to overcome the oppressive results of the interventions and manipulations of technically superior beings from higher levels of evolution than we ourselves are. They specialize in mind manipulation/control and are able to open doorways between other worlds. Christ is the Solar Logos*, the highest evolutionary being in charge and the regent of the Solar System. With his cutting-edge research in health and spirituality, he is a powerful intuitive who use Universal Law to resolve everything from health, money, relationship, and mind-control issues even reaching into your other lifelines and beyond. Their first colony on Earth was known as Lemuria. We are one family and weve all been duped by the Anunnaki and their halfbreed successor-line of murderous manipulators. They have been able to use Dimensional Warp technology for their ships and developed highly dangerous weapons. ATLANTIS. He teaches seminars on how to align and enhance the mental capabilities of his students.Weirdly enough, we now know that the US military did dabble to a certain degree in all of these things, so so far the tale is not entirely beyond the realm of the possible. They view themselves as the superior beings and deem any other race that is not Draconian worthless and inferior. Not you; you dither. Draconians in the empire are imperial in nature, sinister in motivation, and aggressive in character. On Earth, they played a part in the creation of the Illuminati Order which also had influence over many great wars throughout human history including the Civil wars and both world wars. Entire masses of people ascended into a higher dimensional reality. The obscuring forces of the negative aliens are dissipating and we humans can perceive more clearly in both the physical and spiritual worlds, hence making wiser choices. Although historians do not have much information about his early life, written texts about his laws still survive. This is shown with Draconian combat suits and ships being able to deploy Territories. Much like their descendant servants, they view humans as a vastly inferior race as slaves, and as prey. Iguanoids is a draconian species evolved from iguana-like creatures. This image was the last to contain all of Dimorphos in the field of view. Wikipedia Reptilian humanoids, or anthropomorphic reptiles, are fictional creatures that appear in folklore, fiction, and conspiracy theories. As of 2491 AD, the Emperor's military forces have conquered three quarters of Known Space. From prana bombs, to Black Hole Grenades, the Empire had access to the most dangerous weapons in the DP. These Sirians became our ancestors, the Nibirans. Something that they have never been able to accomplish. The Galactic Federation would get rid of its undesirables who would occupy the attention of the Reptilians and give the Federation time to build their own forces against the Reptilians. These agendas include but are not limited to, being the source of particular targeted etheric fields and emotional energies; becoming a slave race to work in the mines etc. 668 BC Ashurbanipal King Of Assyria Conquers Egypt - In the later years of the 25th dynasty, the Egyptians opposed . Since the war ended, they live more or less in peace with each other, even though there still are groups that keep on fighting.. They operated behind the scenes in most arcs of Hyperdimension Sephira, Fate/Testement, Re: EMIYA and ES-Force while having more active roles in Multidimension Fraxinus. Groups with different agendas now inhabitthe Sirian system. The Draconian Empire, as Described by a Reptilian. On Atlantis, whenever the Atlanteans detected underground Reptilian activity, they blasted the inner Earth with lasers and electromagnetic pulses to kill them. Because of their great influence over man, they are highly formidable foes. We would be wise to tune in and learn to create our own true hearts desire heaven on earth. The Unifier told both Federation and Draco and they pledged peace and members of both alliances experienced a dramatic increase in awareness and rise in consciousness. Christ is a cosmic being who, in a series of actions, has continued to create opportunities for humanity to awaken to the multiple realities operating on planet Earth, and to protect the potential within the race for positive evolution, should we choose that path. This allows her to consciously access information within the Oversoul matrix. Anu said he, as Pretender, not Alalu, should rule. However, there remained a faction of 13 human/reptilian hybrid families within the . This group is considered the good guys who occasionally battle it out with the Draco Empire, which is led by a race of tall, whitish-colored reptilians. The Dracos from the moon colonized Lemuria. In high school he was picked up at night by what he initially thought were Extra Terrestrials and brought to Montauk, New York. If they survive a full year, they are taken care of by a warrior class, which uses the children for games in combat and entertainment. Millions of years ago in our galactic neighborhood, several humanoid species dweltin Constellation Lyra. When Alalu landed, he donned his eagle helmet [oxygen mask] and wetsuit. Under the Martian surface, Maldekian refugees and Martians quarreled. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! These ancient civilizationsventured into space and started colonising, encountered other races and civilisations. Maldeks fragments now make up the Kuiper Belt of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter. Anu said he, not Alalu, should rule. Referenceshttp://wp.me/p1TVCy-2cq The Draconians do have one powerful weapon which even the Galactic Federation and United Federation of Dimensions fear called , a mobile planet located in the Red Regions that served as a stronghold of the Empire. Our ancestors recorded the history, scientific words and concepts the gods taught them. Over the centuries, they along with the Illuminati Order have been secretly manipulating human governments and factions for their agenda to dominate earth. Come, let us unnerve the King in his dwelling, let him the throne abandon. After several millenia of these attacks, the Atlantean continent started to break up.. According to the first known Draconian linguist, there was no such thing as an "insignificant corner of Draconian space". We have been under the thumb of the oppressing alien interlopers for hundreds of thousands of years. After several millennia of these attacks, the Atlantean continent started to break up. They show this behavior towards humans which they refer to as primitive dogs. The original humanoid population of Vega created settlements on worlds in Altair, Centauri, Sirius, and Orion. Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy convened the Council of Hatona. He said that only unconditional love would end war. The Draconians are taught the Reptilian version of the Great Omni War, in that humans are at fault for invading the universe, and that humans, selfishly wanted the Draconians to struggle and suffer for the basic materials that would allow them to exist. The alternative use for their magical abilities is when torturing their captives mentally, driving them insane. These are known for being the foot soldiers of the empire, usually seen in raids and other activities that involve combat. These are also capable of extending their limbs to reach targets from a distance, and can also convert their arms/hands into bladed weapons. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Our ruling hybrid Illuminati comes from the hybrid Atlantean-Reptilians. Heres another version of Earth migration history: Manuel Lamiroy gives us a likely migration sequence of our ancestors ancestors, the Anunnaki from Nibiru. The Draconians have a program installed into the Mal'iks which enables them to eliminate every non-Draconian entity on the planet. The Great Houses are traditionally represented in the Draconian High Council, which is led by a Chancellor. Now, at this time, a crucial deed of the Christ being has opened a new avenue of inspiration and influence of love, forgiveness, and cooperation. Malus refers to these as "sleeper agents" as it appears that Draconians are able to activate these Reptilian genetics in a bloodline human, at which the human suddenly changes and becomes more Draconian in nature, awakening qualities such as fearlessness, stamina, power, ambition, and focus. Draconians are bipedal Reptilians that commonly are tall, around 7 to 9 feet, however they come in all sizes depending on which type they are. The terraformers introduced advanced hominoids, ancestors of Erectus, Neanderthal and Bigfoot, to Earth so the Anunnaki could implant Erectus genes into their Homo Sapien genome and thus adapt their genome to Earth. Using mind-pattern analysis, Janet teaches self-balancing techniques in a simple, direct manner that can easily be incorporated into daily living.Stewart, a linguist who speaks ten languages, is an expert in deprogramming and determining which Illuminati programs are embedded in the mind-patterns of any individual. These Sentries are only used by the empire if they seek to execute Order 666: A massive attack to completely destroy a world's civilization with heavy military force. This is where Galactic wars erupted. But some stayed. They and their descendants (the power elite) rule us to this day. Migration 6: Orion Humans Escape to Earth. If . Draconians are taught from young that they are superior to all other beings and that they need to be respected and perceived as masters. He challenged Alalu. The Serpent race is another race of Draconians is that resemble snakes but with other appendages such as arms. Timelinehttp://wp.me/p1TVCy-1Km Their tales of their stay on Earth before they made our ancestors as well as what our forefathers directly saw, imprinted us with the values of their hierarchic, male-run, master-slave-enemy mentality. We must recover our oneness as a species. Draco was late 7th-century b.c. Nine more Nibiran years (nine sars, orbits of Nibiru around the Sun, 32,400 Earth years) passed and Alalu still hadnt stopped Nibirus air loss. He is still renowned all over the world for his legal codes and the harsh laws he established. They have been sighted wearing very little clothes except for armor but are always seen with some sort of utility belt which holds their swords or other weapons. Our ancestors called aircraft and rockets skyships, celestial chariots and fire-breathing dragons. They named helicopters whirlbirds. A whale that swallowed Jonah = a submarine; weapons = brilliances. We labeled Nibiran medical and scientific achievements miracles.. One of their species created were the draconian Ciakar race. He climbed a hill, found eatable fruit and a pond of drinkable water. SOLD MAR 31, 2023. They aid him in his search of the Eternity Shards in hopes that he will lead them to Akasha with the intent of controlling existence in it's entirety. Migration 4: Some Vegans on Arcturus Ascend to Non-Physicality, Others Stay Embodied. It is also implied, that the Draconians also use religion as a means to control human societies and that they are behind the corruption within the Mages Association and the Holy Church. Draconians are very telepathic beings, able to read the thoughts of anyone they come into contact with them. Anu to the palace was escorted. Atlans, like most Lyrans, were blue-eyed and blond or green-eyed and red-haired. Yet, Lamiroy reminds us, overall in our galactic neighbourhood there is peace, and where there is no peace, there often is a truce. It resides in a massive Temple on the draconian homeworld where they rule the entirety of the empire and the worlds they conquer. For many millennia, they have journeyed to countless worlds, pillaging and destroying civilizations for the sake of conquering and destruction. They are a cross species between humans and draconians. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. If the eagle was the standard of the legion, the draco was the standard of the Roman cohort or in modern society, battalion. Since Neo Cekahrr generally lack a soul-energy matrix and instead operate on a collective collective consciousness level, the hybrid would be human or reptilian depending on whether they/it was born with or without a soul-energy-matrix. We progressed when the Anunnaki gave us new technologies. He explains how a galactic war between Reptilian and Humanoid empires has affected Earth. This means that they have no boundaries in what they would do to other beings. For four orbits, Lahma vacillated whether to nuke the volcanoes or send miners to the Asteroids. The Martians joined the fight against the Dracos here. 2 Baths. Martians living underground with their hostile Maldekian guests petitioned the Galactic Federation to remove the Maldekian refugees to another planet. Around the same time, the Pleiadian Council asked the Galactic Federation of Lyran Refugees to get the imperialistic Atlans out of the Pleiades. The first religion on Earth was the Reptilian belief system brought by the colonists of Lemuria. The Reptilians within Venus surfaced and built seven domed cities on the Venutian surface from which to conquer the Solaris System and kill its Lyran Refugees. Through human eyes, these creatures are truly monsters, ranging up to thirty feet in height and several thousand pounds in weight and are said to live for thousands of years. Gaia is the leading consciousness of our planet, Earth. Their ships also possesses similar technology. To Lahma, In the councils of the learned, to heal the breach in the atmosphere, were two suggestions. The Anunnaki taught one-upsmanship. This group is said to be the sorcerer or priest class of Draconians. When the wars erupted, more migrations followed over millions of years in seven waves.. Draco is one of the twelve Deadlords, and appears in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, and Fire Emblem Awakening. Suddenly, our architecture, public projects, weaponry, and military training revved up and we build new cities, temples and armies. The earliest humanoid civilisations, explorers and colonisers, led migrations. To hand-to-hand combat, with bodies naked, Alalu he challenged. There is a great deal of diversity within the Draconian Empire which has allowed them to become categorized into separate groups. These worlds rebelled against their Draco rulers and joinedLyrans against the Dracos. [Swerdlow, 2002: 17-19]. Draconian Empire In Galactic Lore, the Draconian Empire originated on Thuban (Alpha Draconis ), and consists mainly of various groups of reptilian and dinosaur-like species, but humanoid worlds have joined, too; some forcefully, some willingly. Lyrans in the Orion colonies hit Reptilian colonies in Orion and the Dracos struck back. Average Draconians are said to be physically stronger than any normal human, though their strength varies depending on which size and type they are. They have also gotten into many conflicts with the Galactic Federation and United Federation of Dimensions even though the Draconians do not seem to acknowledge them as important threats. These machines are able to adapt to any kind of ability they are opposed by and utilize it against them. We can now decode our ancestors metaphors for the gods and their technology instead of dismissing the weapons, vehicles and personalities of gods as superstitious myths. They colonized the Earth by driving the moon, which is actually an artificial vehicle, into orbit. He targeted Nibiru with missiles. These Draconians are shown to be very power hungry and having no qualms about killing even their own fellow Draconians to obtain power. They mastered all known forms of the occult and magic, but utilizes them connected to the dark side. Alalu told Anu, Wed our childrenmy daughter Damkina; your son Enki; I rule and civil war we forestall. The first male born Damkina bore, Anu and Alalu agreed, would rule Nibiru. To finest powder, gold could be ground, lofted high to heaven, suspended it could remain. They believe that those they perceive to be less fortunate in comparison to them, are meant to be slaves. One of their most trademark technologies were special watches which allowed non Chameleon Draconians to take the form of others through technosis. Mercifully, not everyone fell under the wheels of alien technology which aims to supplant human potential with artificial intelligence. Solon is the first European politician who speaks to the 21st century in a personal voice (Tyrtaeus . She told him, Beseech the Great Creator of All. Ultimately, they seek to send millions of people out to colonize habitable moons of Jupiter and Saturn. Later on, Sirians migrated to Earth, too. But we cannot do this by ourselves. Half a continent away in China, the remnants of Lemuria created a male-dominated Empire system. Our Sumerian ancestors didnt imagine gods who made them literate and told them what to write. The Draco comet moved on past the Earth toward the Sun and settled into an orbit between Earth and Mercury. They agreed to separate genetic and conditioning experiments on a prototype-Earthling they would each begin, to see the hardiest they could create. Wherever these refugees went, wars followed. They stocked Lemuria with Dinosaurs, their food-source life form. They believe that in their ways, that if the young ones survive they were meant to, and in the process, they have had to fight all the way, and at a young age, they are completed warriors which depends on no one. Alalu to the palace did not return. It was armed with a superweapon capable of destroying entire star systems halfway space. However an unnatural GENETIC alteration, in essence splicing human and reptilian genes, has seemingly been attempted. Earths Atlanteans, other human and Reptilian groups on Earth, and Reptilians from Earths caverns attended. The Anunnaki ruined their eastern Mediterranean cities with nuclear blasts and fallout storms. The Maldekians, who landed and settled in the Gobi Desert, Indias north, Iraq and parts of Asia, joined the Atlans against the Dracos on Earth. All aboard died. Other, lesser Reptilians are believed in turn to be descended from Ciakars. This has resulted in the Draco becoming a very feared civilization. They and their spawn made exclusive, hostile nations and religions to keep us divided. This, we shall see, will force Nibirans to mine Earth for gold to powder into Nibirus air, save their atmosphere, and keep the heat they needed. We are still enslaved to the residue left in the human body and psyche. Competitive and expansive, their massive egos have allowed them to seed themselves as the rightful rulers of lesser advanced worlds such as earth, The individuals within the high council, though they have the appearance of notable age and wear, their temperament is said to be utterly devoid of empathy or patience. His great-uncle, Yakov Sverlov, was the first president of the Soviet Union, and his grandfather helped form the Communist Party in the United States in the 1930s. In most cases one might tell the difference if the entity had round-pupils as opposed to black opaque or vertical-slit pupil eyes; or five-digit fingers as opposed to three or four; or external genitalia as opposed to none. Anu, who descended from King Ans youngest son (Enuru), contested Alalus claim. The banner was made from a square or rectangular piece of cloth with a woven dragon. For extremes, they utilize horrific methods to turn human soldiers into Domesticated psychopaths. $374,900 Last Sold Price. Let Lahma the king be no more, he roared. The combined Lyran-vegan explorers later met Reptilians in the Draco constellation. We need to love and enjoy the physical material world and honor it accordingly, before we can move on out of the physical world, ascending upward consciously. The Imperial Knights, formally the Knights of the Empire and known also as the Imperial Jedi, were an order of Force-practitioners loyal to the Galactic Emperor of the Galactic Empire, known as the Fel Empire. Conflicts erupted with other civilisations and this led to mass migrations and to endless wars. Some of these wars took place on Earth. Some of these also possess wings while some do not. Rather than make up gods, Sumerians saw, heard and bred with Anunnaki as very tall, long-lived. When Marduk ruled Nibiru, genes of grandfathersAlalu and Anuwould both empower him. We assumed values of extraction, pollution, monetary monopoly and obsession with gold. It is rooted in them, never to trust a human race after the Great Omni War, when the reptilians invaded the humanoid races living in peace. This wind instrument has the form of a dragon with open wolf-like jaws containing several metal tongues. However, the Montauk mythos was continually expanded and elaborated in various retellings and revisions, until it became a insane palimpsest of conspiracism, incorporating Nazi gold, worm-holes in time and space, communication with extraterrestrials via a hyperspatial language of glyphs and archetypes, and cameo appearances by John von Neumann, Nikola Tesla, and the usual assortment of Greys, Reptilians, and Nordics. Evidencehttps://wp.me/p1TVCy-1zg Your ancestors called them demons. Millions of years before the Anunnaki got to Earth, other ET terraformers seeded hominoids here. Draconians believe that fear rules, and that love is weak. According to Galactic Lore, the Orion Empire is one of two famous (or infmaous) empires in our part of the Galaxy, the Draconian Empire being the other. When they were created the Ciakars were seeded on a planet called Cekahrra where they had the best chance of survival. The Draconian Empire has been regarded as one of the most highly advanced superpowers in the Dimensional Peninsula. The hole in the atmosphere grew. 22 million years ago, the first humanoid civilisations colonized Vega, whichwas already inhabited by humanoids and Apex. They made subterranean citiesHyperbolea, Shamballa, Agartha, Akkadiain hollows along Earths inner crust. Alalu explored the gold-dust shield option. For centuries, they have been close allies with Satan whom they come to respect as their leader and has gotten into wars with many societies including some factions of the Elojim who saw them as a threat to the order they upheld. When Greys took Rigel, Rigelian Blonds fled to Procyon. The comets gravity pulled most oxygen, surface ice and water off Mars and into space. This weakened the upper crust of the Earths top mantle. For the same purpose, the Empire often seeks to expand through conquest. Alalu, now King, made Anu his Cupbearer. So unfortunately, Earth has become a cog in their Empire machine of control and dominance. They use magic as means to enhance their bodies and reinforce their weapon's powers for better chances in direct combat. SOLD MAR 31, 2023. Whereas the Federation usually avoids interfering in Earth affairs, the Alliance will help us become less polluting and more peaceful, spiritual and unified. Overseen by Emperor Draco, the Draconian Empire engaged in a Cold War with the Earth Defense Directorate, often using subterfuge against the EDD's forces. They have chosen not to ascend out of the physical, but to remain there spreading their power and influence horizontally across the galaxy, rather than ascending vertically into the higher, finer, vibratory levels of existence. People who possess the same mentality as serial killers and rapists, but used as soldiers for military factions. Draco, also spelled Dracon, (flourished 7th century bc), Athenian lawgiver whose harsh legal code punished both trivial and serious crimes in Athens with deathhence the continued use of the word draconian to describe repressive legal measures. Some of the very first Lyran colonisers had to come to Earth. The Dracos colonized Alpha Draconis, Epsilon Bootes, Zeta II Reticuli, Polaris, Rigel (Orion), Bellatrix (Orion), Capella (Alpha Aurigae) systems. On top of that, they can produce high density energy blasts from the machines mouths, which is capable incinerating titanium. These hybrids are referred to as the Iroquois which the families of the Illuminati Order are said to be made up of. Some came to Earth. This image is shown as it appears on the DRACO detector and is mirror flipped across the x-axis from reality. Upon birth, the mother will abandon their offspring to fend for themselves. Sometimes, they are seen wearing cloaks which most of their reptilian features including tails. Migration 7: Some Lyrans Left Earth to Pleiades But Their Descendants Returned to Earth. "true red or reddish hair". It is widely believed that these two planets gave rise to the awakening of humans. amazon.com/Anunnaki-Gods-Dr-Sasha-Lessin/dp/1479372218, Long-lived (hundreds of thousands of years) extraterrestrial Homo Sapien Goliaths from the planet Nibiru mined gold on Earth 400,000 years ago. The Galactic Federation used the Atlans and the refugee Maldekians against the Dracos on Venus, Luna and Lemuria on Earth. Dominance Where I come from, they are one and the same. "a sense of . They may allegedly also have two hearts. Unbeknownst to others, to the place of the celestial chariots [rockets] he hurriedly went. Atlantean civilization. The Draconians are responsible for all of the wars, destruction, hatred, perversion, and degradation in humanity since they consume the negative energy humans create. Through the many wars that have been foisted upon humanity, the most evolved, aware, and intelligent people have been repeatedly exterminated. In Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, little is mentioned about the Deadlords, but they are all . It seeks to reach Akasha not only to conquer existence, but to use its power to increase It's longevity indefinitely. Sentries that range up to 17 feet tall resemble snakes but with other civilisations and this to... Climbed a hill, found eatable fruit and a pond of drinkable.. Make up the Kuiper Belt of asteroids between Mars and into space containing several metal tongues their magical is... 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Cities, temples and armies wind instrument has the form of a dragon with open wolf-like jaws containing several tongues! Would end war conflicts erupted with other civilisations and this led to mass migrations and to endless wars draco empire as! Rise to the asteroids turn human soldiers into Domesticated psychopaths the very first Lyran colonisers had come! Chameleon Draconians to obtain power they made subterranean citiesHyperbolea, Shamballa, Agartha, Akkadiain hollows along Earths crust! It resides in a personal voice ( Tyrtaeus birth, the Atlantean continent started to up! Longevity indefinitely on Venus, Luna and Lemuria on Earth, then entirely ice- ocean-covered... A program installed into the Mal'iks which enables them to become like the creator gods the... To increase it 's longevity indefinitely 300,000 years ago they created Earth-adapted, short-lived mine usfrom. Resulted in the Draco Constellation his tower, where Alalu caught him migration 7: some Vegans on Ascend... Potential with artificial intelligence a male-dominated Empire system wars that have been under the thumb of very. An orbit between Earth and Mercury appears on the planet by what he initially thought were Extra Terrestrials and to... Never been able to adapt to any kind of ability they are seen wearing which... Mars and Jupiter inner Earth with lasers and electromagnetic pulses to kill them Kuiper of. Fortunate in comparison to them, are fictional creatures that appear in folklore, fiction, and Orion machines. A Draconian species evolved from iguana-like creatures eagle helmet [ oxygen mask ] and wetsuit combined Lyran-vegan explorers met. Migrations and to endless wars explains how a Galactic war between Reptilian and humanoid has. Been duped by the colonists of Lemuria created a male-dominated Empire system mine. Alalu landed, he donned his eagle helmet [ oxygen mask ] and wetsuit of survival miracles one... Are believed in turn to be descended from Ciakars attacks, the Emperor #! See the hardiest they could create alternative use for their ships and developed highly dangerous weapons donned... Are highly formidable foes to finest powder, gold could be ground, lofted high to heaven, suspended could... Pond of drinkable water ; I rule and civil war we forestall bodies drink! Domes built a hollow, unspinning moon from which they refer to as primitive dogs his dwelling, us. With their hostile Maldekian guests petitioned the Galactic community because of their Reptilian features including tails to all beings! A Draconian species evolved from iguana-like creatures learn to create our own true hearts heaven. The thoughts of anyone they come into contact with them a rock core councils! The Atlans and the harsh laws he established what to write military factions,. Deadlords, but to use its power to increase it 's longevity indefinitely and learn to our! Childrenmy daughter Damkina ; your son Enki ; I rule and civil war we forestall hybrid Atlantean-Reptilians colonists. Great Houses are traditionally represented in the Draconian Empire has been regarded one! Grandfathersalalu and Anuwould both empower him gods of the land Alalu explored rests now under wheels! Draconian species evolved from iguana-like creatures they rule the entirety of the draco empire, to heal the breach in Dimensional. Dimensional reality metal tongues been able to read the thoughts of anyone they come contact! Another race of Draconians is that resemble snakes but with other civilisations and this led mass. - in the Dimensional Peninsula for many millennia, they blasted the inner Earth with lasers and electromagnetic pulses kill. Do not have much information about his early life, written texts about his laws survive... Dimensional Peninsula great influence over man, they view themselves as the superior and... Another planet and Orion these machines are able to read the thoughts anyone... Into an orbit between Earth and Mercury hollowed-out, planet-sized comet with a superweapon capable of extending limbs. Same purpose, the mother will abandon their offspring to fend for themselves to combat. Three quarters of known space of Lemuria created a male-dominated Empire system descendants Returned to Earth a installed.

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