delta green need to know trove

The Agent loses that many points from a single effect depends on the kind of protection and the kindstat of the Handlers choice, permanently, to a mini- of attack.mum score of 3. Written by Shane Ivey and Bret Kramer and running to 53 pages, Delta Green: Need to Know was published by Arc Dream Publishing on 27 April 2016 in digital format and 1 August the same year in print. If the tank but then seem about to kill her or try to bind her,Other thinks it has been found out, it will attempt to she lashes out with shocking ferocity.bargain with the Agents, offering the secrets of thecosmos in exchange for its freedom. PROFESSION (RANK IF APPLICABLE) Schell Scientist (astrophysicist) 3. A chase should require three successes to win onlyIf the situation is calm and your Agent has time to if its exceptionally long and drawn-out. If your roll beats the attack, the attackers action has no effect and your Agents action affects the attacker. The D stands for dice with the following number of sides. The second number is the number of faces on the die. AGE AND D.O.B. WOUNDS AND AILMENTSINJURIES Has First Aid been attempted since the last injury? You came to Delta Green after an encounter with theREMARKS unnatural that subjected you to extended captivity. Introducing a quick start guide for Delta Green. The Septic Tank A cardboard box containing a neatly folded but very bloody mans suit. he or she loses 1 SAN, but can act normally. The investigation ended without prosecution,You can decide what other evidence Clyde Baughman but Delta Green surveillance of the companyhas left behind. 21. ISBN 978-1-940410-27-2; Delta Green: The Star Chamber (July 28, 2017); The Star Chamber is a 42-page long book written by Greg Stolze. DEVELOPMENTS WHICH AFFECT HOME AND FAMILY Choose your gender, name, and details of your Bonds. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to usethis License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, roy- 15. see DEFENSE ROLLS for details. When a Bonds score falls, that What Skill Ratings Representrelationship suffers. No direct linking please. Traumatic back-ulating people. Using sedatives: Liquor or sleeping pills give Fumble: 1D4 from the Bond and 1 SAN. have to make a Luck roll, it doesnt depend on skill, talent, or willpower. MOTIVATIONS AND MENTAL DISORDERS Hit Points (HP) 9 Motivation: Solving puzzles Motivation: Making broken things work Willpower Points (WP) 10 Motivation: Kung fu Motivation: The weird beauties of mathematics Sanity Points (SAN) 99 60 Motivation: Protecting people who are less gifted Breaking Point (BP) 52 13. Athletics, Swim vs. Tell And yet she lives. What did it cost you to agree to sign up? LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (AND ALIAS OR CODE NAME IF APPLICABLE) 2. HUMINT is no good with the concrete in between. Bring 40%59% Years of experience or a college majorthem up in play to show what motivates and supports 60%79% Decades of experience or a grad degreeyour Agent and makes life worth living. of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the 1. Agents Green.investigate horrors described by the Handler. MOTIVATIONS AND MENTAL DISORDERS Hit Points (HP) 10 Motivation: Identifying an obscure cause of harm Willpower Points (WP) Motivation: Stopping harm at the source Sanity Points (SAN) 14 Motivation: Success despite others' incompetence Breaking Point (BP) 99 65 Motivation: Making the world safer for your sons Motivation: Healing others 56 10. EMPLOYER 4. Complete rules for conducting investigations, overcoming crises, fighting for your life, and watching your sanity slip away. Please indicate why this agent was recruited and why the agent agreed to be recruited.20. character can take no actions except attempting to escape. terferes with the weapon. Basic camping gear (adds +20% to Survival for three days). Lose 1D6 if you succeed or 1D10 if you belong to Delta Green. Delta Green: Need to Know Audio Edition Available, Delta Greens Worst Fears Return in The Conspiracy and Convergence, Host Games and Win Rewards at GenCon 2023. When it was over your second marriage was ruined, your SAN was down, and you knew more about the Occult and a lot more about heavy weapons. If you do this, it becomes your Agents single Disarm: Roll Unarmed Combat to force the action for that turn. Now, it is a standalone RPG based in the Modern Era. You retired from the military after years of covertly pursuing and killing terrorists. AGENT SIGNATUREDD 315UNITED STATES TOP SECRET//ORCON//SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED-DELTA GREEN 112382 FORM AGENT DOCUMENTATION SHEETPERSONAL DATA 1. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. From time to time they ask you to help them uncover and stop unnatural incursions and save others from exposure to them. Apassionate hobby? While the roll defends against all attackers, the offen- sive action affects only a single target. But remember that you and theother players are here for a horror game. Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook Gold Ennie Award winner for Best Free Game, 2016 WELCOME TO THE APOCALYPSE Born of the U.S. government's 1928 raid on the degenerate coastal town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts, the covert agency known as Delta Green spent four decades opposing the forces of darkness with honor, but without glory. That grants human voicebox. LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (AND ALIAS OR CODE NAME IF APPLICABLE) 2. WEAPONS SKILL % BASE RANGE DAMAGE ARMOR PIERCING LETHALITY % KILL RADIUS AMMO (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 17. players decision or the Handlers interpretation of the rules, let it slide. There also persist faint traces of constructed of wood with a faux log-cabin exterior. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. encountered. I only have 12 Hit Points. AMBER: I keep going. One player is the players describe their Agents reactions and investiga-Handler, responsible for presenting and managing tions, a narrative emergesa tale of secrets and dread,the game. significant, unfortunate exception: his reaction to the death of his wife, Marlene. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. EMPLOYER 4. If it fails, your Agent suffers an irretrievably insane. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents mayand descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, publish updated versions of this License. TheD10. Privacy Policy. The Studying the outhouse with Forensics 40% or better work can be divided between several Agents. EMPLOYER 4. Reduce SAN by POW +RGe1as0ien%t BaUrednainskaoitrnudgrearPlocsiakniutlls.teodnbewy tSheANUnmnaintuursaPl.OW. 21. Products are not "capitalism" or "conservative" those are categories of systems, not of products. Pelgrane Press. SEX 6. AGE AND D.O.B. About the Author Shane Ivey runs Arc Dream Publishing and is lead editor for Delta Green. If you roll a failure and the dice match each oth-er, or if you roll 00 (meaning 100), thats a criticalfailure, also called a fumble. Every Delta Green Agent starts with at least that much of the skill. (Playing with more is a challenge. Remove one Bond. OK, the 1D10 says 8. HANDLER: Thats enough to go temporarily Cornwell and Palmer are seeking the hide-out of insane.a cult that seems to have ties to unnatural, inhuman AMBER: I can reduce the SAN loss by projectingforces. BONDS SCORE Strength (STR) 10 50% Church or support group 8 Constitution (CON) 10 50% Sons 8 Dexterity (DEX) 13 65% Steady Intelligence (INT) 17 85% Endlessly smart PSYCHOLOGICAL DATASTATISTICAL DATA Power (POW) 14 70% Resilient Charisma (CHA) 8 40% Caustic 9. Stats lower than 6 or higher than 15 are rare.Federal Agent, Physician, Scientist, and Special Opera-tor. INCIDENTS OF SAN LOSS WITHOUT GOING INSANE Violence adapted Helplessness adapted Accounting (10%) First Aid (10%) Ride (10%) Alertness (20%) Forensics (0%) Science (0%): Anthropology (0%) Heavy Machinery (10%) Archeology (0%) Heavy Weapons (0%) Search (20%) Art (0%): History (10%) SIGINT (0%) HUMINT (10%) Stealth (10%) Artillery (0%) Law (0%) Surgery (0%)APPLICABLE SKILL SETS Athletics (30%) Medicine (0%) Survival (10%) Bureaucracy (10%) Melee Weapons (30%) Swim (20%) Computer Science (0%) Military Science (0%): Unarmed Combat (40%) Craft (0%): Unnatural (0%) Navigate (10%) Foreign Languages and Other Skills: Criminology (10%) Occult (10%) Demolitions (0%) Persuade (20%) Disguise (10%) Pharmacy (0%) THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION Dodge (30%) Pilot (0%): Drive (20%) Firearms (20%) Psychotherapy (10%) Check a box when you attempt to use a skill and fail. A machine gun, explosive, poison, Small club or knife: 1D4or heavy weapon has a Lethality rating. But after that she will keep any eye out for suspicious activity; and if the police later come The adjoining kitchen is mostly bare, with a asking questions, she will remember the Agents well. Learn more at DELTA-GREEN.COM. Cornwell and Palm- roll. You agree not to indicateute means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registereddisplay, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)Open Game Content Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Con-means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, tent except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreementprocesses and routines to the extent such content does not embody with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. a turn. PROFESSION (RANK IF APPLICABLE) 3. Traumatic background:A brilliant FBI forensic pathologist. ing vs. Driving, Athletics vs. MOTIVATIONS AND MENTAL DISORDERS Hit Points (HP) 12 Motivation: Figuring people out Willpower Points (WP) Motivation: Protecting the American people Sanity Points (SAN) 13 Motivation: Following the law whenever possible Breaking Point (BP) 99 60 Motivation: Rooting out dangerous conspiracies Motivation: New romance 52 10. SEX 6. Lovecraft Delta Green: Need to Know is published by Arc Dream Publishing in arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. 1 for STR 58 +1 for STR 1316 +2 for STR 1718 35// Game System // // Delta Green: Need to Know // Sanity Helplessness Loss 0/1 Fired from your job 0/1Agents of Delta Green are as vulnerable to mental A friend suffers permanent harm 0/1D4trauma as to physical threats. Think like your Agent, take on man-nerisms youve invented for your Agent, andimagine the horrors of the game from yourAgents point of view. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is and the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. No one takes notice of a small group of reasonably cautious Agents entering the building or Baughmans apartment. You're one of the Bureau's best interrogators. If it says1D6+2, that means roll one six-sided die and add two to the result. You can resolve that inarrange to turn them over to a Delta Green collection Home scenes before the next at a nearby airport or military base, or hidethem someplace private without telling their controlofficer. That meansrolling your Agents current SAN or lower on percen- gruesomely killed tile dice. with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or govern- 2. 16. The Sex and Agerules define Agents in great detail to help the playersbring them to life. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 13. 33// Game System // // Delta Green: Need to Know // Combat Move: Jog 10 m., run 20 m., or sprint 30 m. (Usually, your Agent can go about 3 m. as partCombat can take your Agent out of the game quickly of another action. Traumatic back-ground: captivity or imprisonment.>> What Brought Your Agent to Delta Green (Choose One)Traumatic Background Occult Skill SAN Penalty NotesExtreme Violence +10% 5 SAN LYoo3suiCnagHreA3.ACdHaAptemdeatonsVio3lefnrcoem. Role Playing Games - New and Used/Out of Print items, 7th Sea RPG by Alderac Entertainment Group, 7th Sea RPG 2nd Edition by John Wick Presents, AD&D 2nd Edition settings & generic books by TSR, Aftermath! AGE AND D.O.B. This scenario doesnt from 1967 to 1970, and an infrequent Friendly require particular skills, though some are more useful during the late Nineties. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Violence adapted Helplessness adapted Accounting (10%) First Aid (10%) 30% Ride (10%) Alertness (20%) Forensics (0%) Science (0%): 60% Anthropology (0%) Heavy Machinery (10%) Archeology (0%) Heavy Weapons (0%) Search (20%) Art (0%): History (10%) SIGINT (0%) HUMINT (10%) Stealth (10%) 70% Artillery (0%) Law (0%) Surgery (0%)APPLICABLE SKILL SETS Athletics (30%) 60% Medicine (0%) Survival (10%) 50% Bureaucracy (10%) Melee Weapons (30%) Swim (20%) 50% Computer Science (0%) Military Science (0%): 50% Unarmed Combat (40%) 60% Craft (0%): 60% Land Unnatural (0%) Navigate (10%) 50% Foreign Languages and Other Skills: Occult (10%) 20% Criminology (10%) Persuade (20%) 40% Language: Arabic 20% Demolitions (0%) Pharmacy (0%) Disguise (10%) 40% Pilot (0%): Language: Pashto 20% Dodge (30%) 70% Language: Urdu 20% THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION Drive (20%) Firearms (20%) 60% Psychotherapy (10%) Check a box when you attempt to use a skill and fail. If it fails, If something sturdy stands between your Agent andlook at the lowest die in the percentile roll as a single harm, it acts as armor and has an Armor value. The ladder has it as of Anglo-Saxon manufacture. //// Delta Green: Need to Know // // What Is an Agent? She husband, the SAN cost will be 1/1D10. Its aboutthe end of humanity and the struggle to keep it at bay just a little longer. Lethality is the chance for a heavy weapon to kill a target outright. Choose foreign languages to reflect your specialty. Traumatic background: hard experi- Dr. Palmerence, with bonuses to Alertness, Drive, Forensics, andOccult. Six characters, ready to play. 16. Its either a specificperson (spouse; son or daughter; best friend) or a SIGINT is the skill of encryption, decryption,group of people who are tightly enough bound that and signals intelligence.your relationship with one affects your relationshipswith the others (the platoon from the war; spouse and The Unnatural skill indicates knowledge ofkids; support group). The Agent becomes a Handler acute episode. The septic tanks entrance hatch is uncoveredA Complication: Mrs Janowitz and is padlocked from the outside (an unusual step; the key is another from Baughmans ring) but theAgents making an open or noisy approach to the handle and hinge are well oiled. Maybe its an anonymous, encrypted handful of people know that it really fights and covers email. The pursuer needs to win once to reduce the lead and again to gain ground.Does It Require a Roll? They accepted you right away. Even a cursory inspection reveals that no one of his two children, a few photos of a grandchild, and has been here for at least two months. AGE AND D.O.B. yes: only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further 15. DERIVED ATTRIBUTES MAXIMUM CURRENT 12. Maybe they keep trying, or maybe circum-If the Handler thinks anyone could pull it off, it stances change and the contest ends inconclusively.doesnt require a skill or a stat, just effort. DMG is always focusing on the future by making sure our practices are well-versed and working to reduce our carbon footprint on this planet. If a character is dull, take a moment to put yourself in that characters head and figure out how he or she would respond to the games events and the Agents actions. She says in passing, It was a terrible shame that poor Mr. Baughman wasnt found for three days. Thats the percent chance that your Agent can use the stat successfully inEmployer a crisis.Which agency or company does your Agent work for? EMPLOYER 4. Describe how your Agentyou must make a Sanity test for the Agent to get any is pursuing it and roll the appropriate test to resolverest. THE SCHISM: deep details Instead it pectedly assigned to a joint terrorism task force. Either way, reduce a Bond by 1. It is left to their a new insanity, that may have unhappy effects ondiscretion if they want to destroy these traces, the Agents career and family. each Bond.Captivity or Imprisonment +10% 5 SAN 3 POW (this does not affect SAN).Hard Experience +10% 5 SAN You are Adapted to Helplessness. The building is a jarring example of early 1960s design, blocky and drab. She can be appeased by almost any convincing fee table are a stack of mostly completed crossword story: it requires Persuade only if the players make puzzle books, issues of Sports Illustrated and Readers her think something isnt right, and even then a Per-Digest, and a box of unhealthily artificial donuts suade skill of 40% or better assuages her. You must affix sucha notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. Its also your jobto present clues that lead the Agentsdeeper into the mystery, and to makesure that overlooking an import-ant clue doesnt leave the playersstymied. WEAPONS SKILL % BASE RANGE DAMAGE ARMOR PIERCING LETHALITY % KILL RADIUS AMMO (a) Unarmed 60% 1D41 (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 17. Does your Regaining Sanity PointsAgent grow hostile and angry, irrationally blamingthe loved one for imagined wrongs? In Delta The Role-Playing Game, you are one of those agents. RPG by Fantasy Games Unlimited, AGE - Adventure Game Engine by Green Ronin, Brave New World by Alderac Entertainment Group, Demon the Fallen RPG by White Wolf Publishing, Forbidden Lands by Free League Publishing, Mage The Ascension by White Wolf Publishing, Star Fleet Battles & Federation Commander, Your Source for New, Used, Collectible and Out of Print RPG's, FREE Media Mail Shipping on Domestic U.S. Orders Over $80. Welcome to the Opera. Published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. You have If its a crisis and things are rapidly spinning out a 50% chance of success.of control, roll the dice.If You Must Roll the Dice Bonuses and PenaltiesRoll percentile dice to get a result from 01 to 100. First-responder medical bag (adds +20% to four First Aid rolls). should read the operation!More detailed rules can be found in the core DeltaGreen rulebook and in the Agents Handbook, which Many Handlers create their own operations fromis a rulebook that includes only material necessary for scratch. When it was over you were glad to retire. (The Handler decides if some targets are ex- High or low STR modifies Unarmed Combat and Me- empted.) 11// What Is an Agent? and our many suggestions and guidelines to make that easy.A Role-Playing Game The ResultDelta Green is played by a handful of friends around As the Handler describes unnatural terrors and thea table or in an Internet conference. (Remember: Taking the Aim action for a turn adds +20% to hit.) While pinning a target, you decide Each character acts once in a turn. SKU. Innocence is a luxury. You helped a small team of other investigators (perhaps they are your fellow Agents now), agents of a secret task force dedicated to stopping unnatural threats and saving others from exposure to them. Things Man Was Not +20% Meant to Know +10% to any four skills (except Unnatural). Delta Green: Need to Know is published by Arc Dream Publishing in arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. If you like the gory details of what the POW 14 would have 13 HP, 14 WP, 70 SAN, and aunnatural does to human anatomy, play a Physician. THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION. Archeology at 40% identifies shallow layer of water at the floor. Called Shot: An attack that ignores cover or Your Agent can Dodge or fight back against an in- armor but at a 20% penalty, or 40% for an coming attack even before your Agents DEX order in especially hard shot. One opposed test makes for a A STAT: If anyone might be able to do it without short, that may require not a skill but instead acertain score in a stat: Strength if it needs physical In a more substantial pursuit, one side needs twopower, Intelligence if it needs clear reasoning, Power if successes. Cover reduces the damage from any attack except a called shot. Why do you say yes?20. Learn how your comment data is processed. PERSONAL DETAILS AND NOTES 18. Only the Handlerthem. Federal Agents needto be well-rounded. And is lead editor for Delta Green without prosecution, you decide Each character acts in! That turn playersbring them to life is always focusing on the die Green surveillance of skill. Exception: his reaction to the result character acts once in a turn are here a! Roll one six-sided die and add two to the death of his wife,.. No actions except attempting to escape encrypted handful of people Know that it really fights and email... 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